TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024, 9:30 A.M.  
Lindsey P. Horvath  
Third District  
Hilda L. Solis  
Holly J. Mitchell  
First District  
Second District  
Janice Hahn  
Fourth District  
Kathryn Barger  
Chair Pro Tem  
Fifth District  
Executive Officer  
Edward Yen  
AGENDA POSTED: July 3, 2024  
MEETING TELEVISED: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. on KLCS  
Assistive listening devices, agenda in Braille and/or alternate formats are available upon request.  
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, other auxiliary aids and services, or reasonable  
modifications to Board meeting policies and/or procedures, such as to assist members of the disability  
community who would like to request a disability-related accommodation in addressing the Board, are  
available if requested at least three business days prior to the Board meeting. Later requests will be  
accommodated to the extent feasible. Please telephone the Executive Office of the Board at (213)  
974-1426 (voice) or (213) 974-1707 (TTY), from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  
Supporting documentation is available at the Executive Office of the Board located at the Kenneth Hahn  
Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Room 383, Los Angeles, California 90012, and is also  
Máquinas de traducción disponibles a petición. Si necesita intérprete para las juntas de los  
Supervisores del Condado de Los Angeles, por favor llame (213) 974-1426 entre las horas de 8:00  
a.m. a 5:00 p.m., lunes a viernes, con tres días de anticipación.  
Invocation led by  
Pledge of Allegiance led by Patricia Jackson-Kelley, Member, American Legion Jackie Robinson Post  
No. 252, Los Angeles (2).  
All matters are approved by one motion unless held.  
Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts  
Recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for  
Commissions/Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments):  
Documents on file in the Executive Office.  
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell  
Caroline Torosis, Los Angeles County Second District Consolidated  
Oversight Board  
Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath  
Connie Richey, Emergency Medical Services Commission  
Patrick T. Dowling+, Public Health Commission, also waive limitation of  
length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section  
3.100.030A (24-0103)  
Ensuring Economic Protections for Small Businesses and Nonprofits in  
Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and Solis: Authorize the  
Director of Economic Opportunity to negotiate, execute and amend, as  
necessary, an agreement with a consultant to perform an economic analysis of  
commercial rents throughout the County, and provide a recommendation for a  
commercial tenant relocation assistance policy framework; instruct the Director  
of Economic Opportunity to execute the agreement within 60 days using  
existing Departmental resources, with the contractor to perform an economic  
analysis within 90 days of execution of the agreement, and with the policy  
framework to include a rent increase threshold that would trigger mandatory  
relocation expenses, other circumstances that may trigger relocation expenses,  
and legally defensible dollar amount for relocation expenses, with the Board to  
waive the requirements of Board Policy No. 5.100 for the agreement; and take  
the following actions:  
Instruct the Director of Economic Opportunity to work with County  
Counsel, in consultation with nonprofit and small business organizations  
including, but not limited to, the Small Business Anti-Displacement  
Network, Public Counsel, Inclusive Action for the City, Legal Aid  
Foundation of Los Angeles, and Bet Tzedek Legal Services, to develop a  
commercial lease with fair terms for small commercial tenants (model  
lease), and report back to the Board in writing in 150 days with a  
recommended model lease and any potential recommended incentives  
the County can offer for commercial landlords, including grants, loans,  
technical assistance and streamlined permitting if they choose to use the  
model lease;  
Instruct the Director of Economic Opportunity to implement, and report  
back to the Board within 180 days, on the recommended Legacy  
Business Registry Program, as requested in Board Order No. 8 of  
September 12, 2023, entitled, “Launching a ‘Worker Ownership Initiative’  
to Build Wealth, Retain Quality Jobs, and Stabilize Businesses,” and  
confirm the Program’s implementation and recommend any expansion  
needed for the Small Business Legal Assistance program to ensure that  
qualifying small commercial tenants have access to attorneys to help  
negotiate leases, protect small commercial tenants, and provide legal  
representation as needed, with the report to include any resources  
needed to ramp up and sustain the protections for small commercial  
Instruct County Counsel, in collaboration with the Directors of Consumer  
and Business Affairs and Economic Opportunity, to report back to the  
Board in writing in 90 days to determine what legal protections for small  
commercial tenants, if any, the County can adopt related to price  
gouging and unfair competition tied to defined states of emergency  
issued by Federal, State, and/or local governments, and provide  
recommended ordinance language for those protections; and  
Instruct County Counsel, in collaboration with the Director of Public  
Health, to report back to the Board in writing within 90 days to identify  
what minimum health and safety standards, if any, are applicable and  
enforceable in commercial tenancies and provide recommendations for a  
proactive enforcement plan. (24-2722)  
Continuing to Protect and Enhance Los Angeles County Risk  
Management Efforts  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Instruct all County  
Department Heads with one or more outstanding corrective action plans, that  
have been outstanding for more than 90 days, from liability incidents above  
$100,000, to provide to the Chief Executive Office, Risk Management Branch  
(CEO-RMB), their plan to fully implement those corrective actions within the next  
60 days, direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the CEO-RMB, to report  
back to the Board in writing within 90 days on a plan to ensure all outstanding  
corrective action plans are fully implemented; and take the following actions:  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with all County  
Departments, to report back to the Board in writing within 120 days on an  
action plan to embed risk management more effectively in all  
Departments’ business models and across their functions, with the action  
plan to include the following areas:  
Creating a Countywide risk management strategy, which accounts  
for the County’s risk vulnerabilities and exposure in Information  
Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), privacy/security,  
program delivery, operations, etc.;  
Creating an accounting of all the organizational/Countywide risks  
and vulnerabilities (in IT, AI, privacy/security, programs,  
operations, etc.), with the ability to score, evaluate, and rate them  
and establish standards to evaluate Departmental responses and  
readiness, so the County can measure and understand its risk  
exposure and key risk indicators to help inform risk management  
policy improvements;  
Creating a reporting method which identifies the top risk  
vulnerabilities and exposures for Departments with the lowest risk  
management performance score per service cluster in areas  
including, but not limited to, loss prevention, privacy, general  
liability, and workers’ compensation, with this reporting method to  
identify steps taken by these Departments in lowering their top risk  
vulnerability and exposure;  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer to report back to the Board in writing within  
120 days on an action plan to create and implement a County Risk  
Management Policy, which will help centralize and better coordinate overall risk  
management authorities and responsibilities at the County level, including, but  
not limited to, workers’ compensation, liability claims, loss control, privacy, the  
Risk Management Inspector General, and all relevant and best-practice policies  
and functions for a robust risk management structure; and  
Direct Chief Executive Officer, through the Risk Management Branch, to review  
existing protocols, policies and practices for incident response and internal  
communication for security and data breaches and other risks and identify  
gaps or opportunities for improvement and report back to the Board in 90 days  
with a plan to execute these improvements; and create and implement a process  
and protocols to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of breaches,  
also known as After-Action Report, to the Board at least 30 days after the  
incident, ensure that these processes are automated and effective, and, if  
needed, the Chief Executive Officer may use their existing delegated authority  
and budget to engage a contractor to assist with this analysis. (24-2693)  
Delivering a More Equitable and Transparent Governance Model for Los  
Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Instruct County Counsel  
to report back to the Board in writing within one week, with an analysis of the  
Board’s authority to create Committees consisting of Board members that would  
review upcoming Board actions, such as Board letters and motions before they  
are placed on a Board meeting agenda, the analysis should include  
identification of any legal limitations on how many members of the Board could  
sit on each committee and any legal limitations on the subject matter that could  
be considered by these committees. (24-2747)  
Supporting Youth-Centered Programming at Juvenile Probation Facilities  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Authorize the Director of  
Youth Development to negotiate, execute and amend, as necessary,  
agreements not to exceed one year, to implement and expand programming in  
the camps and halls to meet the urgent needs of youth while detained and  
during reentry, for a maximum contract amount for all of the agreements not to  
exceed a grant total of $2,000,000, which will be fully supported by Senate Bill  
823 and Assembly Bill 109 funds in the Department of Youth Development’s  
Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget; execute up to two six-month extension  
amendments to be exercised at the discretion of the Director; the Board shall  
waive the requirements of Board Policy No. 5.100 for these agreements, but the  
Director shall provide advance notification to the Board at least 30 days prior to  
the execution of each agreement that shall include the agency name, scope of  
services, and budget for the upcoming contract award; report back to the Board  
in writing within 180 days with a progress report on efforts to launch additional  
programming and progress on its implementation, including efforts to research,  
assess, and identify resources to address programming gaps, estimated  
timelines for implementation upon contract award, and any success and  
challenges in implementation; and find that the Youth-Centered Programing is  
not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (24-2675)  
2024 Ocean Lifeguard Candidate Swim Parking Fee Waiver  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Waive $4,000 in parking  
fees for up to 500 vehicles, excluding the cost of liability insurance, at the  
Dockweiler Youth Center parking lot, for participants of the Ocean Lifeguard  
Candidate Swim at Dockweiler State Beach, hosted by the County Fire  
Department, to be held on October 12, 2024. (24-2691)  
Increasing Effectiveness, Responsiveness and Accountability of County  
Government Through Charter Reform  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Hahn: Instruct  
County Counsel to draft the necessary documents, including an ordinance, for  
a proposed Charter amendment reconstituting the Los Angeles County  
governance structure for placement on the November 5, 2024 ballot, to be  
consolidated with the Statewide Election to be held that day, to be considered  
for two ordinance readings, with the second reading to be completed at a Board  
meeting no later than 88 days before the November 5, 2024 Statewide Election,  
and containing the following provisions:  
By 2028, establish an Office of County Executive to be elected directly  
by voters Countywide at a general election for a term of four years, and  
every four years thereafter, where the County Executive shall have all  
executive and administrative powers and duties of the Board except for  
administrative oversight of the County Legislative Analyst and the Clerk of  
the Board, with Legislative and quasi-judicial powers to be retained by  
the Board, and, where the County Executive should have the following  
powers and duties:  
Perform all powers and duties provided by State law and County  
Code to the County Chief Administrative Officer;  
Appoint and dismiss all appointed Department Heads, subject to  
confirmation by the Board unless prohibited by law, except for the  
County Legislative Analyst and Clerk of the Board;  
Supervise, direct, evaluate, and manage the conduct of all  
appointed Department Heads, unless prohibited by law, except for  
the County Legislative Analyst and the Clerk of the Board;  
Develop and submit the County annual budget to the Board for  
approval or amendment by that body, which shall transmit back  
any amendments to the budget, to the County Executive, in  
accordance with State law; and  
Veto amendments made by the Board to the budget, except that  
the Board have seven days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and  
holidays) from such veto to restore an amendment by two-thirds  
majority vote of the Board, within the time for adopting the County  
budget specified in State law;  
Expand the Board from five members to nine members following the 2030  
decennial census and reapportionment process, with seven Supervisors  
to be elected in 2032, where two of the seven Supervisors will serve a  
term of two years, and the initial two-year term shall not count towards  
the term limits established in the County Charter, but will also not create a  
break in service for incumbent Supervisors for purposes of determining  
consecutive terms; the Supervisorial Districts subject to an initial  
two-year term should be selected randomly, with four Supervisors to be  
elected in 2034 for a full term expiring in 2038, and, thereafter,  
Supervisors to be elected in staggered elections of five Supervisors and  
four Supervisors in even-numbered years for four-year terms;  
By 2028, establish the position of the Director of Budget and  
Management to prepare the County Executive’s annual budget to advise  
and provide recommendations to the County Executive on the fiscal  
condition, financial status, and future needs of the County, and promote  
productivity, economic development, and efficiency in the conduct of  
County government; and the Director of Budget and Management shall  
be appointed by the County Executive subject to confirmation by the  
Board, shall prepare the County’s annual budget and administer the  
budget upon adoption, and shall coordinate additional administrative  
functions currently performed by the Chief Executive Office;  
By 2028, establish the position of County Legislative Analyst, where the  
County Legislative Analyst shall be appointed and removed by a  
two-thirds majority vote of the Board, and shall provide nonpartisan  
legislative support and analysis for the Board on County policy issues;  
By 2026, require all non-urgency legislation be publicly posted for a  
minimum of 120 hours (five days) before action is taken by the Board;  
By 2026, establish an independent Ethics Commission charged with the  
Investigate allegations of misconduct by County officials and  
monitor and enforce laws in coordination with other agencies  
related to governmental ethics including, but not limited to,  
campaign finance, conflicts of interest, lobbying, post-government  
employment, government contracts, and land use developer  
Regularly review the County Code and make recommendations to  
the Board for updates regarding governmental ethics including, but  
not limited to, campaign finance, conflicts of interest, lobbying,  
post-government employment, government contracts, and land use  
developer conflicts;  
Develop and/or implement additional updates and features to  
enable searchable public data portals related to governmental  
ethics including, but not limited to, all lobbying activity, defined as,  
but not limited to, registration, activity, contributions, and  
expenditures updated in real time, or as close to real time as  
practicable; and  
The Board shall provide reasonable funding and staffing for the  
Ethics Commission;  
Authorize suspension of an elected County officer, including a member  
of the Board, with or without pay, who has been criminally charged with a  
felony related to a violation of official duties to the extent permitted by  
By 2026, establish the Office of Ethics Compliance to be led by the  
Ethics Compliance Officer to support the work of the independent Ethics  
Require a “revolving door” policy for the County that prohibits former  
County officials from lobbying the County for a minimum of two years  
after leaving County service, not the current one year;  
Establish a Governance Reform Task Force, reporting to the Board,  
responsible for implementation of this Charter amendment upon adoption  
by the voters, including robust community and stakeholder outreach, with  
the Task Force to convene no later than 180 days after certification of  
the vote and provide initial recommendations to the Board within a  
reasonable timeframe in order to carry out the effects of the Charter  
amendment, with the Task Force to disband upon completion of  
implementation no later than December 3, 2028, unless otherwise  
directed by the Board;  
Establish a Charter Review Commission to meet, at a minimum,  
decennially to review County governance and the County Charter, where  
the Charter Review Commission shall make recommendations to the  
Board, and upon transmittal of the Commission’s recommendations, the  
Board must place the recommendations on the agenda and vote no later  
than 90 days after receipt;  
Require County Departments and agencies to present their budgets to  
the Board in open, public meetings, prior to the annual budget being  
adopted; and  
Require that the implementation of this measure may only use existing  
County funding sources, and that there not be any additional costs to or  
taxes imposed, on taxpayers to implement this measure;  
The Board shall provide, by ordinance, any process, office, or action  
necessary to implement this measure, if approved by the voters, consistent with  
the intent of the measure;  
Instruct County Counsel to draft all necessary documents to effectuate this  
motion, including incorporation of a severance clause and language from the  
2000 Charter amendment ordinance proposing the establishment of a County  
Executive and expansion of the Board, to the extent appropriate but not  
inconsistent with this motion; and ensure all changes proposed in this measure  
are publicly disseminated in the languages required for County election  
materials as set forth in Section 203 of the Federal Voting Rights Act and  
Section 14201 of the California Elections Code; and  
Ensure that the proposed Charter amendment is clear that should any provision  
or part of the proposed Charter amendment be found unconstitutional or invalid,  
it would be severable, and its invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the  
remaining provisions or application, which would be implemented without the  
invalid or unconstitutional part. (24-2698)  
Enabling Connections and Access to Los Angeles County Services  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Solis: Instruct the  
Chief Information Officer to report back to the Board in writing in 90 days with a  
plan to include information on County and non-County providers and services in  
the Community Information Exchange (CIE), in collaboration with the Directors  
of Health Services, Mental Health, Public Health, Children and Family Services,  
Public Social Services, Aging and Disabilities, Justice, Care and Opportunities,  
as well as the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief Executive  
Office, to consult with the Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Homeless  
Services Authority, and other relevant Departments; authorize the Chief  
Executive Officer to conduct modified and/or expedited solicitations and to  
execute and, if necessary, amend, or terminate agreements with contractors to  
assist with the design, development, and implementation of a CIE; and direct the  
Chief Executive Officer to report back to the Board in writing in 180 days or  
sooner, with the feasibility of implementing the proposed Service Coordination  
Team to assist constituents with multiple service referrals for a no wrong door  
approach in accessing County services and resources including, but not limited  
to, what connection, handoffs, resources, multiple service or complex referrals,  
and linkages could look like, and should include consultation with community  
stakeholders, labor partners, County staff and managers, etc. (24-2718)  
Requiring County Firearms Vendors to be in Compliance with Applicable  
Laws and Regulations  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Solis: Instruct the  
Director of Internal Services and other relevant Department Heads, to develop a  
process to require firearm vendors seeking to sell firearms to Los Angeles  
County, to certify under penalty of perjury that they are in compliance with all  
applicable Federal, State, and local firearms laws and regulations and that they  
have not been cited for repeated or serious violations; and instruct the Director  
of Internal Services to report back to the Board in 90 days with the proposed  
process. (24-2719)  
Moving Forward with the Chief Executive Office Recommendations on  
Parking Enforcement Next Steps  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Mitchell: Approve the  
Sheriff’s parking enforcement plan; request that the Sheriff include the costs of  
the Phase I Parking Enforcement proposal in the Department's Supplemental  
Budget request, and direct the Chief Executive Officer to report back to the  
Board during the 2024-25 Supplemental Budget, with funding recommendations  
consistent with the standard budget process; and adopt the recommendations in  
the Chief Executive Officer’s June 24, 2024 report including, but not limited to,  
the following:  
Parking enforcement services to remain with the Sheriff, until the Board  
determines that the Sheriff’s Department is unable to execute its plan and  
improve outcomes within a reasonable timeframe of three years;  
Instruct the Director of Public Works to embed a staff person(s) in the  
Parking Enforcement Unit, establish a workgroup with a joint goal of both  
enhanced enforcement to disincentivize illegal parking practices, and the  
co-creation of non-enforcement solutions, and share with the workgroup  
the ideals in its business plan to leverage technology;  
In addition to the performance metrics identified in Board Order No.  
85-C of April 9, 2024 (Directive No. 3), request the Sheriff and instruct  
the Director of Public Works to include in those quarterly reports, any  
additional information resulting from their efforts including, but not limited  
to, community engagement; areas that have been mapped and assessed  
for non-enforcement solutions; the number of non-enforcement solutions  
initiated and completed; and outcomes measured from these solutions;  
Instruct the Director of Public Works to prepare a “day one” business  
plan, and continue to refine the plan annually, should it be needed, if the  
Board transfers the parking enforcement operation to the Department of  
Public Works. (24-2746)  
Establish a Reward Offer in the Investigation of the Murder of Victim Peter  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Establish a $20,000 reward  
offered in exchange for information leading to the apprehension and conviction  
of the person or persons responsible for the heinous murder of 42-year-old  
Peter Chounthala, who was assaulted by multiple male suspects, collapsed in  
the street, and was subsequently struck by a passing vehicle, succumbing to  
his injuries near Virginia Avenue and Artesia Boulevard in the City of Bellflower  
on May 28, 2024, at approximately 2:02 a.m. (24-2735)  
Housing Supports for Foster Youth  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Barger and Horvath: Instruct the  
Director of Children and Family Services, to report back to the Board in writing  
in 90 days on plans to increase access to Foster Youth to Independence (FYI)  
Initiative vouchers through the following:  
Partnering with the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County  
Development Authority to outreach to stakeholders, such as the  
California Apartment Association on messaging campaigns and potential  
partnerships with property owners who may be unfamiliar with FYI  
Initiative vouchers to increase the number of property owners who  
accept the vouchers, with outreach to also include youth housing  
organizations, such as Safe Place for Youth, that can help identify best  
practices in working with rental properties;  
Partnering with the Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Homeless  
Services Authority, the Directors of Health Services, Youth Development,  
and the Chief Probation Officer, to identify and engage potentially eligible  
youth, Non-Minor Dpendents, or individuals who have left foster care, are  
under age 25, and are homeless or at risk of homelessness to prepare a  
pool of targeted youth who can be immediately referred to Public  
Housing Authorities (PHAs) who receive an allocation of FYI Initiative  
Collaborate with the Chief Executive Officer to conduct a fiscal analysis  
of the cost (e.g., staffing) for the Department of Children and Family  
Services (DCFS), to outreach and execute Memoranda of Understanding  
(MOU) with the PHAs in the County, to support the referral, application,  
and lease up process for youth pursuing the FYI Initiative voucher and a  
housing unit, and any services provided, or projected to be provided by  
DCFS to cover the needs of youth pursuing or enrolled in the program,  
mindful that as more Family Unification Program (FUP) vouchers are  
allocated to the PHAs, the work for DCFS in support of the youth will  
grow, report back to the Board on the cost to administer FYI Initiative  
vouchers and pay for its service requirements, describe the public  
funding sources for this purpose and how those funds are currently  
allocated, and any funding gaps that are likely preventing higher  
utilization of FYI Initiative vouchers; and authorize the Director of  
Children and Family Services to execute MOUs with the remaining PHAs  
in the County;  
Identify ways to improve training for the DCFS and Probation staff on  
housing options for Transition Age Youth, thoughtfully integrating the  
work with the greater homeless service response system overseen by the  
Chief Executive Office - Homeless Initiative (CEO-HI) and the Los  
Angeles Homeless Services Authority;  
In partnership with the Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles  
Homeless Services Authority, and the Executive Director of the Homeless  
Initiative, Chief Executive Office, assess how available housing can be  
prioritized for parenting youth who often fall into homelessness and  
implement a transitional housing program that places all parenting youth  
in housing before they exit the Independent Living Program (ILP);  
Support the development of life skills relevant to housing stability by  
reinforcing existing programs, such as ILP online, to support skill  
development, including financial literacy and awareness of housing rights  
and responsibilities among youth in foster care, explore if specialized life  
skills programs for young tenants should be added to the ILP program;  
Partner with the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief  
Executive Office, and the Director of the Housing for Health, Department  
of Health Services, to identify slots of Intensive Case Management  
Services to be committed for each FUP voucher allocated to any PHAs in  
the County that has no other funding source for supportive services:  
In collaboration with the Center for Strategic Partnerships, engage  
the philanthropic sector and forge public private partnerships to  
support the increased take up and utilization of vouchers, which  
could include pilot funding for the PHAs FYI Initiative program,  
including administrative costs, housing navigation support for the  
youth, and the ongoing supportive services associated with  
Housing and Urban Development’s FYI Initiative requirements;  
Partner with the Director of Mental Health to provide a summary of the  
referral pathways for the youth into the Department of Mental Health  
(DMH) services, identify what clinical supports DMH has available to  
support Transition Age Youth (TAY) with vouchers for those who needs  
services, include summary information on the referral process and how  
DMH can partner with the youth’s existing service provider(s) to  
coordinate care;  
An overview of funding and services committed to these youth in  
order to determine how DMH will fund prioritized slots for  
immediate connection with youth, and how DMH will partner with  
the youth’s existing service providers to coordinate care and train  
the DMH network on the FYI Initiative application process for  
youth exiting the foster care system and identify youth who are  
eligible or enrolled for the FYI Initiative voucher; and  
Quarterly data reports on DMH supports being offered to these  
youth, and metrics tracked to assess impact; and  
Collaborate with the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County  
Development Authority and report back to the Board twice annually on  
the number of vouchers received by all PHAs administering FYI Initiative  
and FUP vouchers, vouchers issued, successful lease up of units, and  
annual retention numbers, maintain regular tracking of the number of FYI  
Initiative and FUP vouchers successfully leased up to monitor voucher  
usage and success and provide to the Board biannually;  
Instruct the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Development  
Authority to report back to the Board in writing in 90 days on the feasibility,  
cost, and timeline to engage legal services to reach out to property owners who  
will not accept the FYI Initiative or FUP vouchers, if available, legal  
representatives can provide educational information to property owners on the  
“Fair Employment and Housing Act,” the California State law that prevents  
source of income discrimination, some PHAs in the County have employed  
legal representatives to provide this owner education, and the results have been  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and  
Intergovernmental Relations Branch, in partnership with the Executive Director  
of the Los Angeles County Development Authority, to continue advocating at the  
Federal level to remove the time limit restrictions for foster youth assistance and  
allow PHAs to provide foster youth uninterrupted and continuous rental  
assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program; and  
Instruct the Director of Children and Family Services, in collaboration with  
Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief Executive Office, to create a  
plan for the County to enter into master leasing interim and permanent housing  
for DCFS TAY youth, with a focus on those with FYI Initiative/FUP housing  
vouchers; and consider ways foster youth can be prioritized for housing.  
Community Safety: Updates on Addressing Illegal Street Takeovers, Side  
Shows, and Street Races  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Mitchell: Request the  
Sheriff and the District Attorney, direct the Chief Executive Officer, and instruct  
County Counsel, Directors of Public Works and Regional Planning, Office of  
Violence Prevention, the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission and the  
California Highway Patrol, to provide a verbal report back to the Board at the  
July 30, 2024 Policy and Presentation Board meeting, on the report in  
response to Board Order No. 6 of September 12, 2023, “Addressing Illegal  
Street Takeovers and Racing in Unincorporated Los Angeles County,” and  
updates on what steps the Department has taken and will take, and how it is  
working with the Los Angeles Police Department, California Highway Patrol, and  
with support from the Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee,  
and other law enforcement agencies; and instruct the Director of Youth  
Development to provide a verbal report back to the Board at the July 30, 2024  
Policy and Presentation Board meeting, with recommendations on, at minimum,  
how to deter youth and young adults from participating in illegal street  
takeovers, and parental engagement and education. (24-2728)  
People Over Profit: Fairness and Equity in Commissary Prices for the Los  
Angeles County Jails  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath: Request the  
Sheriff to report back to the Board in writing in 45 days with, at minimum, steps  
and actions the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) has taken in  
response to previous motions passed by the Board designed to address  
overpriced commissary items in the County jails, including eliminating profit  
mark-ups on items, updates on how LASD continues, if at all, to ensure  
commissary prices are not overpriced, an implementation plan to ensure all  
commissary prices, especially food, drinks, and hygiene items, are on par with  
grocers and retailers; in collaboration with the Sybil Brand Commission, identify  
items that are culturally competent and inclusive of different hygiene needs,  
including availability of gender-affirming products; and in collaboration with the  
Chief Executive Officer, provide a funding plan by Supplemental Budget Phase,  
including utilizing Assembly Bill 109 funds and other available and appropriate  
funding sources to supplement any additional costs, if needed; and take the  
following actions:  
Instruct the Inspector General to review the Sheriff’s report as requested  
above, within 30 days of issuance, and report back to the Board in  
writing with an assessment and updates on LASD’s progress on the  
removal of the profit mark ups and reduction of prices on commissary  
items in its quarterly report to the Board, until completion or further  
notice; and  
Request the Sheriff, and instruct the Inspector General, to present to the  
Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission at the next Sheriff Civilian  
Oversight Commission meeting, following the issuance of the report from  
the Inspector General, on the status of removing the profit mark ups and  
reducing prices on the commissary items. (24-2717)  
Los Angeles County’s Gender Impact Assessment Implementation  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath: Direct the  
Chief Executive Officer to develop a five-year Management Appraisal and  
Performance Plan (MAPP) gender equity goal for all County Departments  
through Fiscal Years 2024-29, which directs Department Heads to report on  
their progress towards their Gender Impact Assessment goals, strategies, and  
metrics during the annual MAPP reporting period; identify funding of $125,000  
annually for the next five years, and report back to the Board during  
Supplemental Budget Phase, to continue to contract with the Gender Equity  
Subject Matter Expert (SME) that helped to develop and lead the Gender Impact  
Assessment program; and grant the Department of Public Health’s Office of  
Women’s Health delegated authority to contract with the Gender Equity SME.  
Traffic Safety: Addressing the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s  
Liability and Risk Related to Traffic Collisions  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Hahn: Request the  
Sheriff, in consultation with County Counsel and the Chief Executive Officer,  
through its Risk Management Branch, to collaboratively develop an  
implementation plan by the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 on how the Los  
Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) will reduce the number of traffic  
collisions and settlements by ensuring the plan includes, at minimum, the  
An updated, re-developed Traffic Collision Point System that takes into  
consideration efficacy in the reduction of traffic collisions and the  
implementation of an evaluation process on efficacy, complete with, at  
minimum, metrics of success, review of existing point systems, e.g., CA  
DMV point system, and ensuring point systems are based on harm  
caused to person(s), versus property, in conjunction with  
non-compliance of policy(ies) and law(s);  
A comprehensive review of existing trainings, recommendations, and  
existing policies related to traffic collisions to assess the need for any  
updates or creation of new trainings, recommendations, policies, or new  
technologies, including new and extended driving courses and additional  
mentorship for those who had prior problematic driving history or a  
general lack of an extensive driving history;  
A consistent and recurring briefing schedule with LASD staff on the  
dangers of traffic collisions and putting residents at risk, and the  
differences between due regard and reckless driving;  
An early warning system that will identify problematic driving behavior to  
ensure prompt warnings, trainings, and guidance are provided; and  
Review of resources within Risk Management to ensure there is  
appropriate overview, support, and accountability to ensure corrective  
action plans and other accountability, transparency, and training tools  
are adequate and effective; and  
Request the Sheriff, in consultation with County Counsel and the Chief  
Executive Officer, through its Risk Management Branch, to report back to the  
Board in writing in 90 days with a plan and specific timeline on how the  
elements found in the above directives will be achieved prior to the end of FY  
2024-25, and report back to the Board quarterly in writing, with updates, until  
the completion of the plan or until further notice; and provide a confidential  
report back to the Board in writing in 90 days, and every four months  
thereafter, with data on traffic collisions involving LASD personnel, including, at  
a minimum, the numbers and types of incidents (non-moving vehicle, call for  
service, emergency, pedestrian, etc.), date of incident, station/bureau of the  
driver, reported injuries, status of investigation, points incurred on the driver’s  
record, and if the driver was involved in previous traffic collisions. (24-2716)  
Support for H.R. 5754 (Gomez): Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez United  
States Courthouse  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Direct the Chief Executive  
Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations Branch,  
to support H.R. 5754 (Gomez), legislation which would name the Los Angeles  
United States Courthouse, located at 350 West 1st Street, in the City of Los  
Angeles, as Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez United States Courthouse, in honor  
of American civil rights icons Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez. (24-2721)  
Bringing Critical Summer Relief to Vulnerable Residents  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis: Instruct the Directors of  
the Office of Emergency Management and Public Health, in partnership with the  
Chief Sustainability Officer, to reassess existing protocols for the activation of  
cooling centers and incorporate additional factors contributing to heat, including  
social determinants of health, such as housing density, overcrowding, lack of  
green space, family income, and more; establish a protocol and toolkit to  
provide extreme heat warnings in multiple languages to impacted residents and  
communities through direct outreach and notifications on ways to address the  
impacts of extreme heat, including nearby cooling centers and transportation  
options, including social media graphics and copy to be shared with and  
disseminated by partners, including County Departments, community-based  
organizations, and other trusted entities that share public service  
announcements, including cities, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan  
Transportation Authority, and others, engagement of traditional, ethnic, and  
hyperlocal media to pitch cooling center locations and, if feasible, media  
advertisements; direct the Chief Executive Officer, and the Directors of the  
Office of Emergency Management, Public Health, Public Works, the Chief  
Sustainability Officer, and other relevant Department Heads, and in  
collaboration with the Center for Strategic Partnerships, and the Los Angeles  
Homeless Services Authority, to take the following actions:  
Identify available funding opportunities, including philanthropic and  
non-County funding, to procure additional Water Boxes to be placed in  
vulnerable communities, including settings serving high numbers of  
people experiencing homelessness;  
Identify additional opportunities to expand available cooling centers in  
areas of the County susceptible to high heat events;  
Assess the feasibility of establishing outdoor cooling centers, that would  
also allow residents to bring their pets, in conjunction with the Water  
Boxes in vulnerable high-heat areas; and  
Report back to the Board in writing in 30 days on the above directives.  
Employee Relations Commission Hearing Officer Services Master  
Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve and authorize the  
Executive Officer of the Board to execute a new non-exclusive Master  
Agreement (MA) for Employee Relations Commission (ERCOM) Hearing Officer  
Services with 14 qualified contractors, effective August 1, 2024, for a  
three-year term with three one-year and one six-month extension options;  
execute agreements for ERCOM Hearing Officer Services with additional  
contractors throughout the MA term upon the recommendation of the Executive  
Director of ERCOM, provided these contractors meet the minimum  
requirements and qualifications as outlined in the initial Request for Statement  
of Qualifications dated March 2, 2023 and Addendums dated March 30, 2023,  
and May 3, 2023; and authorize the Executive Officer to take the following  
Assign cases or hearings to contractors as a Hearing Officer, to approve  
and execute amendments to the MA for ERCOM Hearing Officer  
Services, as long as the amendments do not exceed the maximum term  
of the agreement, are consistent with the original Board-approved intent  
of the MA, are in conformance with any mandatory or otherwise  
Board-ordered contract provisions;  
Approve rate increases up to 10% with notice provided to the Board prior  
to increasing the rates; and  
Authorize non-material changes to the MA, pursuant to a change notice,  
for general County updates, and terminate the MA for convenience,  
when such action is deemed by the Executive Officer, in its sole  
discretion, to be in the County's best interest. (24-2666)  
Petition to Rescind the Sale of Tax Defaulted Property in Los Angeles  
Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve the recommendation  
in the Hearing Officer’s report to not rescind the sale of Tax-Defaulted parcel,  
Assessor Identification No. 4378-002-032, vacant property located at 2451  
Nalin Drive, in the City of Los Angeles; and instruct the Executive Officer of the  
Board to notify the Assessor and the other parties to the sale that the sale will  
not be rescinded. (24-2651)  
Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes for May 2024  
Executive Officer of the Board's recommendation: Approve minutes for the May  
2024 meetings of the Board of Supervisors and Special Districts for which the  
Board is the governing body. NOTE: The minutes for the month of May  
2024 can be found online at: (24-2512)  
County Operations  
Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County Emergency  
Response and Infrastructure Special Parcel Tax Initiative Ordinance  
Recommendation: Receive certification of results of the Registrar-Recorder/  
County Clerk's examination of signatures for the “Consolidated Fire Protection  
District of Los Angeles County Emergency Response and Infrastructure  
Special Parcel Tax Initiative Ordinance” petition, and pursuant to Elections  
Code Section 9310, submit the ordinance, without alteration, to the voters at the  
next Statewide Election on November 5, 2024. (Registrar-Recorder/County  
Clerk) APPROVE (24-2681)  
Tax-Defaulted Properties Subject to the Tax Collector’s Power to Sell  
Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the online auction of “Tax-Defaulted  
Properties Subject to the Tax Collector’s Power to Sell (2024B),” to be held  
Saturday, October 19, 2024 through Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at (Treasurer and Tax Collector) ADOPT (24-2613)  
Health and Mental Health Services  
Hospital Preparedness Program Federal Funding Agreements and  
Revised recommendation: Authorize the Director of Health Services to execute  
agreements with qualified vendors including, but not limited to, consultants and  
other non-hospital related providers needed to implement the Hospital  
Preparedness Program (HPP) grant objectives, effective upon execution  
through the end of the then present grant term, with options to extend the term  
annually up to and including June 30, 2029, and execute amendments to such  
agreement to exercise the options, allow for the rollover of unspent funds, adjust  
funding for each year the Department of Health Services accepts a United  
States Department of Health Human Services (USDHHS) grant award, and  
make necessary corresponding service adjustments, add, delete and/or change  
non-substantive terms and conditions or make other changes as required by the  
Board, or to comply with Federal and State law or regulation, or further extend  
the term up to and through June 30, 2030, if the grant period is extended by  
USDHHS; and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department  
of Health Services) APPROVE (Administratively carried over from the meeting  
of 6-25-24)  
Execute amendments to the existing HPP Specialty Care Center  
Designation Master Agreements with the 80 acute care hospitals and the  
Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County to allow for the  
rollover of unspent funds, adjust funding for each year an USDHHS grant  
award is accepted, and make corresponding service adjustments, as  
necessary, further extend the term up to and through June 30, 2030, if  
the grant cycle is extended by USDHHS, or add, delete and/or change  
non-substantive terms and conditions or make other changes as required  
by the Board, or to comply with Federal and State law or regulation;  
Execute a sole source amendment or successor agreement for Long  
Term Care Facilities Disaster Preparedness Project (Agreement) with the  
California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF) to extend the  
contracting relationship through June 30, 2025 and increase the  
County’s maximum obligation amount by $90,000, and execute future  
sole source amendments to the CAHF Agreement to extend the term up  
to and including June 30, 2029, allow for the rollover of unspent contract  
funds, increase or decrease the funding for each year an award is  
accepted and make corresponding service adjustments, as necessary,  
extend the term through June 30, 2030, if the grant cycle/term is  
extended by USDHHS, and add, delete, and/or change non-substantive  
terms and conditions or make other changes as required by the Board,  
or to comply with Federal and State law or regulation; and  
Terminate any of the agreements in accordance with the termination  
provisions in each Agreement, if necessary.  
NOTE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 84308, on this item,  
Supervisor Barger is recusing herself because she received a  
contribution or contributions of more than $250 within the past 12  
months from Prime Healthcare Services, Inc., who is a party, participant,  
or agent of a party or participant in the proceeding. (24-2312)  
Universal PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant Program Sole  
Source Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Health to execute a new sole  
source contract, with the Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles for the Universal  
PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant program, effective upon date of  
execution through June 30, 2026, at a total maximum obligation not to exceed  
$2,396,642, consisting of $970,492 for the period of July 1, 2024 through June  
30, 2025, and $1,426,150 for the period of July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026;  
100% funded by the California Department of Education; and authorize the  
Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health)  
Execute amendments to the contract that extend the term through June  
30, 2028, at amounts to be determined by the Director, contingent upon  
the availability of funds and contractor performance, allow for a no-cost  
adjustment to the term through December 31, 2028, allow the rollover of  
unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor, and allow to reallocate  
funds between budgets up to 100% of the terms annual base maximum  
obligation, provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 100% above  
or below the annual base maximum obligation, effective upon amendment  
execution, or at the beginning of the applicable funding period, update  
the statement of work and/or scope of work, as necessary, and correct  
errors in the contract's terms and conditions;  
Execute change notices to the contract that authorize modifications to the  
budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work and/or  
scope of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary;  
and/or changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and  
Immediately suspend the contract upon issuing a written notice to the  
contractor who fails to perform and/or fully comply with contractual  
requirements, and terminate the contract for convenience by providing a  
30-calendar day advance written notice to the contractor. (24-2645)  
Public Health Housing and Food and Incentive Voucher Services Program  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Health to execute Letters of  
Agreement (LOA), with housing, food, and incentive vendors, based on  
negotiated rates; amend the LOAs and/or standards for housing and food  
voucher services to increase the negotiated rate for each vendor up to 25%  
annually, and to correct any deficiencies, errors, and omissions in LOA terms  
and conditions, as needed; and immediately suspend or terminate any LOA  
upon issuing a written notice to vendors who fail to fully comply with program  
requirements and terminate LOAs for convenience by providing a 30-calendar  
day advance written notice to vendors. (Department of Public Health)  
APPROVE (24-2660)  
Community Services  
Transportation Delivery Services Contracts  
Recommendation: Find that transportation delivery services for LA County  
Library can be performed more economically by an independent contractor;  
approve and instruct the Chair to sign five contracts with PacTrack, Inc., to  
provide transportation delivery services for LA County Library’s Transportation  
Delivery Routes 100, 300, 500, 600, and 800 for a maximum period of five  
years and six months, for an aggregate total amount of $9,854,841.14 for these  
contracts, effective upon Board approval, or August 1, 2024, whichever is later;  
authorize the County Librarian to execute amendments to exercise renewal  
options, increase or decrease the number of facilities or the days of service  
and to adjust the contract amounts, accordingly; and find that the proposed  
actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (LA  
County Library) APPROVE (24-2665)  
Park Projects and Programs Grant Funding Agreements  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to accept  
grant funds up to $5,000,000, for a term of five years, to support park projects  
and programs; conduct all negotiations, submit and execute all documents  
including, but not limited to, applications, grant, funding and partnership  
agreements related to the grant, amendments, deed restrictions, payment  
requests, which may be necessary for the completion of the projects with  
various Federal, State, local, and private funding; adopt a resolution, which is a  
requirement by some funding agencies to complete their application process,  
such as granting the submittal of the grant application, certifying various grant  
requirements and providing sufficient funds to maintain and operate the project;  
and find that the proposed actions are not a project under the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Parks and Recreation) ADOPT  
Los Angeles General Medical Center Psychiatric Subacute Facility Project  
Construction Contract  
Recommendation: Find that the proposed Los Angeles General Medical Center  
Psychiatric Subacute Facility Project (Project) is within the scope of the  
environmental impacts analyzed in the previously certified Final Environmental  
Impact Report and subsequently approved Addenda Nos. 1 and 2 for the  
LAC+USC Medical Center Campus Master Plan; approve the Project, Capital  
Project No. 6A018 (1), with a total Project budget of $143,000,000; find that  
Abbott Construction LLC is the responsive and responsible proposer that  
submitted the best value proposal for the design and construction of the Project;  
and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions:  
(Department Public Works) APPROVE  
Execute a Design-Build contract with Abbott Construction LLC for the  
design and construction of the Project for a contract amount not to  
exceed $102,390,000 plus a $3,000,000 design completion allowance for  
a maximum contract amount not to exceed $105,390,000;  
With concurrence of the Chief Executive Officer, exercise control over  
the design completion allowance, including the authority to reallocate the  
design completion allowance into the contract amount, as appropriate, in  
accordance with the Project specifications;  
Execute consultant services agreements for a stipend amount of  
$100,000 each to Turner Construction Company and Charles Pankow  
Builders, Ltd., the second and third highest ranked qualified proposers,  
enabling the County to use all design and construction ideas and  
concepts included in the proposals;  
Approve extra costs for any change or addition to the work on this  
Project, provided the extra cost of any such individual change or addition  
to the work does not exceed $750,000, and further provided that there is  
sufficient remaining budget for the Project to cover such costs or  
changes, and limit that the aggregate amount of all such delegated  
authority change orders do not exceed 25% of the original contract  
amount; and  
Report back to the Board monthly on the change orders granted under  
the above delegated authority for the Project and find that this monthly  
reporting constitutes a sufficient and appropriate measure to prevent  
fraud and ensure accountability for the delegated authority to the  
Director to approve extra costs for any change or addition to the work;  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, and the Directors of Mental Health and  
Public Works to establish and apply a Local Targeted Worker Hire Policy,  
aspirational goal of an additional 20% over the mandated 30% for California  
craft worker hours for construction of the Project; and  
Authorize the Director of Mental Health to contract with and instruct the Director  
of Internal Services, in coordination with the Director of Public Works, for the  
acquisition and installation of telephone data, low-voltage systems, and vendor  
installation of low-voltage Items at a total amount not to exceed $2,600,000.  
Big Pines Highway, et al. - Guardrail Replacement On-System (2020  
Bobcat Fire) Project Construction Contract  
Recommendation: Approve the Big Pines Highway, et al. - Guardrail Replacement  
On-System (2020 Bobcat Fire) Project (Project) (5); authorize the Director of  
Public works, to adopt the plans and specifications and advertise for bids at an  
estimated construction contract amount between $270,000 and $405,000 for the  
Project; find that it is necessary to specify designated items by specific brand  
name in order to match other products in use on a particular public improvement  
either completed or in the course of completion; find that the proposed project  
and related actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and  
authorize the Director of Public Works, acting as the Road Commissioner, to  
take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT  
Advertise for bids when ready to advertise this Project;  
Determine whether the bid of the apparent responsible contractor with  
the lowest apparent responsive bid is, in fact, responsive and, if not  
responsive, to determine which apparent responsible contractor  
submitted the lowest responsive bid;  
Award and execute a construction contract for the Project with the  
responsible contractor with the lowest responsive bid within or less than  
the estimated cost range of $270,000 and $405,000, or that exceeds the  
estimated cost range by no more than 15%, if additional funds have been  
identified; and  
Extend the date and time for the receipt of bids, allow substitution of  
subcontractors and relief of bidders, approve and execute change  
orders, accept the project upon its final completion, and release retention  
money withheld. (24-2663)  
Wilmington Avenue Bridge Over Compton Creek Project  
Recommendation: Consider the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the  
Wilmington Avenue Bridge over Compton Creek Project (Project) located in the  
City of Compton (2), together with any comments received during the public  
review process; find that the MND reflects the independent judgment and  
analysis of the Board; adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  
(MMRP), finding that the MMRP is adequately designed to ensure compliance  
with the mitigation measures during Project implementation; find on the basis of  
the whole record before the Board, that there is no substantial evidence the  
Project may have a significant effect on the environment and adopt the MND;  
approve the Project to replace the Wilmington Avenue Bridge over Compton  
Creek; and authorize the Director of Public Works to continue with the  
preconstruction phase of the Project, including the preparation of construction  
documents and applications for all necessary jurisdictional approvals.  
(Department of Public Works) ADOPT (24-2657)  
Interstate 5 Freeway Maintenance Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute a  
maintenance agreement between the County and the State through Caltrans for  
the maintenance of Interstate 5 Freeway separation structures from Lake  
Hughes Road to Weldon Canyon Road in the unincorporated communities of  
Castaic, Val Verde, and Stevenson Ranch in the Santa Clarita Valley (5);  
approve revisions and enter into amendments to the maintenance agreement to  
reflect such revisions pursuant to the terms of the agreement; and find that the  
proposed actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality  
Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-2656)  
Final Map Tract in the Unincorporated Community of Hacienda Heights  
Recommendation: Approve the final map for Tract No. 82159 in the  
unincorporated community of Hacienda Heights (1); accept grants and  
dedications as indicated on the final map Tract No. 82159; and find that  
approval of the final map is exempt from the California Environmental Quality  
Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-2662)  
Contribution to North Los Angeles County Transportation Coalition Joint  
Powers Authority  
Recommendation: Authorize and instruct the Director of Public Works to  
transfer up to $100,000 annually starting on July 1, 2024, through June 30,  
2028, to fund the County's anticipated annual portion of the general  
administrative costs and the Executive Director position costs for the North Los  
Angeles County Transportation Coalition Joint Powers Authority (5), of which  
the County is a member; and find that the recommended actions are not a  
project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public  
Works) APPROVE (24-2659)  
Environmental Collection Center at EDCO Recycling and Transfer  
Recommendation: Determine that the recommended actions are within the  
scope of the EDCO Recycling and Transfer Facility project impacts analyzed in  
an Environmental Impact Report previously certified by the Board, acting as a  
responsible agency; and approve an increase to the annual funding for the  
continued operation of the environmental collection center at the EDCO  
Recycling and Transfer Facility, from $1,200,000 per year to a maximum total  
of $1,600,000 per year with 20% contingency, for unforeseen additional work  
within the scope of the agreement commencing Fiscal Year 2023-24.  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-2655)  
Los Angeles County Flood Control District and the Council for Watershed  
Health Agreement  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County Flood Control  
District (District), authorize the Chief Engineer of the District to renew an  
existing Memorandum of Agreement with the Council for Watershed Health,  
which will enable the District to continue as a partner agency of the Council for  
Watershed Health for the period of five years, commencing in Fiscal Years  
2024-25 through 2028-29, and provides for the District to make five annual  
contributions to the Council for Watershed Health of up to $466,000 in year 1  
and up to $200,000 per year in years 2 through 5, totaling $1,266,000, to assist  
the Council for Watershed Health in performing specified tasks that are of  
mutual interest to both parties during those fiscal years; authorize the Chief  
Engineer of the District to periodically revise, as deemed necessary or  
appropriate, the specified tasks to be performed by the Council for Watershed  
Health pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement, provided the revised tasks  
are of mutual interest to both parties; and find that the proposed actions are not  
a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of  
Public Works) APPROVE (24-2658)  
Revised Board Policy No. 4.047, Community Facilities District Goals and  
Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the revisions to Board Policy  
No. 4.047, Community Facilities District Goals and Policies and its  
incorporation into The Board Policy Manual, to ensure that the development and  
financing of public infrastructure and services within the County using  
community facilities districts is managed in accordance with sound fiscal policy  
for the benefit of County residents. (Department of Regional Planning and  
Treasurer and Tax Collector) ADOPT (24-2572)  
Public Safety  
Accept and Transfer Unclaimed Victim Restitution Funds  
Recommendation: Authorize the District Attorney to accept transfers of  
unclaimed restitution funds from the Probation Department for the next five  
years, and to hold the funds in an account to be used for providing  
comprehensive services to victims of crime; and direct the Chief Probation  
Officer to transfer unclaimed restitution funds to the District Attorney’s Office  
for the next five years. (District Attorney) APPROVE (24-2644)  
2024 Annual California Contract Cities Association Board of Directors  
Meeting Agreement  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), authorize the Fire Chief to utilize the County’s  
purchasing process to procure meals, non-alcoholic beverages, and  
miscellaneous equipment for the 2024 Annual California Contract Cities  
Association Board of Directors Meeting (Meeting), at an amount not to exceed  
$35,000; authorize the Fire Chief to execute agreements related to the  
procurement of goods and services for the Meeting; and find that the  
recommended actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality  
Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE (24-2615)  
General Law Enforcement and Security Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Chair to sign a General Law  
Enforcement and Security Services Agreement (Agreement) between the  
County and the Antelope Valley Community College District (5), for the period  
of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029, at an approximate amount of  
$2,849,469 for Fiscal Year 2024-25, based on the Auditor-Controller's current  
Community College District’s billing rates; and authorize the Sheriff to publish  
the annual rates and execute all amendments to the Agreement, including those  
that modify the service levels provided by the Department. (Sheriff’s  
Department) APPROVE (24-2649)  
Parking Citation Processing Services Sole Source Contract Amendment  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Chair to sign a sole source  
amendment to a contract with Modaxo Traffic Management USA, Inc. to extend  
the term for a two-year option period from July 19, 2024 through July 18, 2026,  
to continue parking citation processing services in the unincorporated areas of  
the County; authorize the Sheriff to execute a subsequent amendment to the  
contract to memorialize any per-citation processing cost rate increase for the  
second year, starting July 19, 2025, based on the 12-month average of the  
Consumer Price Index demonstrated in calendar year 2024; and authorize the  
Sheriff to exercise and terminate the contract for convenience, either in whole  
or in part, if necessary, with 30 calendar days advance written notice, once the  
Department has completed the solicitation process for a replacement contract.  
(Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE (NOTE: The Chief Information Officer  
recommended approval of this item.) (24-2648)  
Special Appropriation Fund Transfer  
Recommendation: Approve the transfer of funds from services and supplies to  
reimburse the Sheriff’s Special Appropriation Fund in the amount of  
$13,860.40. (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE (24-2580)  
Ordinances for Adoption  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration, to  
establish the Office of the County Hearing Officer to conduct administrative  
hearings and appeals as provided under State law or the Los Angeles County  
Code, and sets forth the authority, duties, and qualifications of the County  
Hearing Officers. ADOPT (Continued from the meeting of 6-25-24) (24-2043)  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration,  
Section 2.18.015, concerning the delegated authority of the Director of Public  
Works to issue permits or enter into agreements for the use of real property  
under the Director's administrative control, and it extends that delegated  
authority through and including July 31, 2029; and amending County Code,  
Title 2 - Administration, Section 2.18.025 to clarify the Director's authority to  
take specified actions to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act in  
connection with exercising the Director's delegated authority to acquire real  
property for use by the County and other special districts for which the Board is  
the ex officio governing body, and to extend that delegated authority through  
and including July 31, 2029. ADOPT (24-2367)  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration, that  
effectuates the transfer of the Chief of Protocol duties and responsibilities from  
the Department of the Chief Executive Office to the Board of Supervisors  
Executive Office and modernizes the language in Chapter 2.36. ADOPT  
Settlement for Matter Entitled, Romelia Chaidez, et al. v. County of Los  
Angeles, et al.  
Los Angeles County Contract Cities Liability Trust Fund Claims Board's  
recommendation: Authorized settlement of the matter entitled, Romelia Chaidez,  
et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No.  
21STCV37845 in the amount of $17,200,000; and instruct the Auditor-Controller  
to draw a warrant to implement this settlement from the Sheriff's Department  
Contract Cities Trust Fund's budget.  
This lawsuit concerns allegation of an automobile accident involving a Sheriff's  
Deputy. (24-2654)  
Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Jordan Primo v. County of Los Angeles,  
et al.  
Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of  
the matter entitled, Jordan Primo v. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles  
Superior Court Case No. 19STCV43596, in the amount of $1,600,000; and  
instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement  
from the Fire Department's budget.  
This medical malpractice lawsuit arises from alleged injuries sustained by a  
firefighter while being treated by County paramedics at a Los Angeles County  
Fire Station. (24-2586)  
Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Albino Villegas-Ayala v. County of Los  
Angeles, et al.  
Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of  
the matter entitled, Albino Villegas-Ayala v. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los  
Angeles Superior Court Case No. 21STCV41723, in the amount of $285,000;  
and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement  
from the Sheriff’s Department's budget.  
This lawsuit arises from injuries allegedly sustained in a vehicle accident  
involving a Sheriff's Department deputy. (24-2583)  
ABC Unified School District Election  
Request from the ABC Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of Agoura Hills Election  
Request from the City of Agoura Hills: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2581)  
Alhambra Unified School District Election  
Request from the Alhambra Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency Election  
Request from the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a General Agency Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of Bell Gardens Election  
Request from the City of Bell Gardens: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2582)  
City of Bellflower Election  
Request from the City of Bellflower: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a Special and General Municipal Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
Bonita Unified School District Election  
Request from the Bonita Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Claremont Unified School District Election  
Request from the Claremont Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of Commerce Election  
Request from the City of Commerce: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2607)  
El Segundo Unified School District Election  
Request from the El Segundo Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of La Puente Election  
Request from the City of La Puente: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2585)  
City of Lomita Election  
Request from the City of Lomita: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2587)  
City of Malibu Election  
Request from the City of Malibu: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2592)  
Montebello Unified School District Election  
Request from the Montebello Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of Pico Rivera Election  
Request from the City of Pico Rivera: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2593)  
City of Rancho Palos Verdes Election  
Request from the City of Rancho Palos Verdes: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
Rowland Unified School District Election  
Request from the Rowland Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of San Gabriel Election  
Request from the City of San Gabriel: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2596)  
City of South El Monte Election  
Request from the City of South El Monte: Render specified services relating to  
the conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2598)  
City of South Pasadena Election  
Request from the City of South Pasadena: Render specified services relating to  
the conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2600)  
Torrance Unified School District Election  
Request from the Torrance Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of West Hollywood Election  
Request from the City of West Hollywood: Render specified services relating to  
the conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2602)  
Citrus Community College District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Citrus Community College District (District): Adopt a  
resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the  
principal of, and interest on, the District’s General Obligation Bonds, 2020  
Election, 2024 Series B (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to  
exceed $100,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2024-25  
tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of  
the debt service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the  
Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT  
Rowland Unified School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Rowland Unified School District (District): Adopt a resolution  
authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal  
of, and interest on, the District’s 2024 General Obligation Refunding Bonds  
(Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $16,000,000; and  
direct the Auditor-Controller to maintain on the 2024-25 tax roll, and all  
subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt  
service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by  
the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT (24-2595)  
Miscellaneous Additions  
Items not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred to  
staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board, or  
matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or  
where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board  
subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (2) (12-9996)  
Recommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or otherwise  
modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes, consistent with the Los  
Angeles County Code. (12-9997)  
TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024  
9:30 A.M.  
Multifamily Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds or Notes to Finance the  
Development and Construction of the Sankofa Place at Centinela Project  
Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign a resolution, as required  
under Treasury regulations, declaring an intent by Sankofa Place, LP  
(Borrower), or an approved affiliate or assign thereof, to undertake Bond  
financing in an amount not to exceed $65,000,000, to finance the acquisition,  
construction, rehabilitation, and/or development of the Sankofa Place at  
Centinela Project, a 120-unit affordable housing development to be located at  
400 Centinela Avenue in the City of Inglewood (2); authorize the Executive  
Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority to submit an  
application to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for a private activity  
bond allocation on an aggregate amount not exceeding $65,000,000, for the  
purposes described herein, and to take whatever further action relating to the  
aforesaid financial assistance may be deemed reasonable and desirable,  
provided that the terms and conditions under which the bonds or notes are to be  
issued and sold shall be approved by the Los Angeles County Development  
Authority in the manner provided by law prior to the sale thereof; and find that  
adoption of the resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality  
Act. ADOPT (24-2664)  
Repair, Remodel, Refurbishment, And Maintenance Job Order Contracts  
Recommendation: Adopt the Job Order Contract (JOC) Construction Task  
Catalog and Technical Specifications prepared by The Gordian Group, Inc.,  
dated May 2024; advertise for bids for 20 separate JOCs (106 through 125) to  
be received on August 13, 2024 by 2:00 p.m. in accordance with the Notice for  
Bids; find that adoption of the JOC unit price book, approval for advertisement  
for bids, and the proposed award of JOCs are not a project under the California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize the Executive Director of the  
Los Angeles Community Development Authority to take the following actions:  
Determine that a bid is nonresponsive and reject a bid on that basis;  
award to the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder; waive  
inconsequential and non-material deficiencies in bids submitted;  
determine, in accordance with the applicable contract and bid  
documents, whether the apparent lowest responsive and responsible  
bidder has satisfied all conditions for contract award, and upon such  
determination, authorize the Executive Director to award and execute 20  
JOCs, each not to exceed $6,023,368.73; and establish the effective  
date of the contracts upon receipt by the Los Angeles County  
Development Authority of acceptable performance and payment bonds  
and evidence of required contractor insurance;  
With respect to JOCs for the JOCs 106 to 125, subject to a finding of  
exemption under CEQA, issue work orders for projects that are not  
subject to the State Public Contract Code, including maintenance work,  
as applicable, in an amount not to exceed $6,023,368.73 per work order,  
subject to the limitation that the aggregate amount of all work orders  
issued under a particular JOC does not exceed the $6,023,368.73  
maximum contract amount of the JOC;  
Upon his determination, and as necessary and appropriate under the  
terms of the JOCs, amend the JOCs to terminate any of the 20 JOCs for  
convenience, terminate the contractor's right to proceed with the  
performance of the JOCs, accept projects and file notices upon  
completion of the projects, release retention money withheld pursuant to  
the applicable provisions of the Public Contract Code, grant extensions of  
time on projects, as applicable, and assess and collect liquidated  
damages as authorized. (24-2661)  
Los Angeles County Development Authority Meeting Minutes for May 2024  
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the meetings of the Los Angeles County  
Development Authority for the month of May 2024. NOTE: The minutes for  
the month of May 2024 can be found online at:  
TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024  
9:30 A.M.  
Regional Park and Open Space District Meeting Minutes for May 2024  
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the meeting of the Regional Park and  
Open Space District for the month of May 2024. NOTE: The minutes for the  
month of May 2024 can be found online at:  
(Paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9)  
Significant exposure to litigation (one case.) (24-1766)  
Continue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an  
infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of  
extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and  
pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified by  
the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of  
persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms beginning  
January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed  
on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January 17, 2023; (d)  
Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property on  
the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23, 2023 affecting the  
areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on March 1, 2023 and  
ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the arrival, presence, and  
impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los Angeles County beginning  
August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20, 2023 and ratified by the Board  
on August 22, 2023; and (f) Conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property exist on the basis of winter storms in the County  
beginning February 1, 2024, as proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by  
the Board on February 6, 2024. (A-1)  
(Government Code Section 54957)  
Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency  
services representatives. (A-2)  
Discussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and any  
other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County  
associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to  
coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at the  
meeting of January 12, 2016. (A-10)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s  
homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and  
proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023. (A-11)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of issues  
related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016. (A-12)  
Discussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal and/or  
State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the meeting of January  
17, 2017. (A-13)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action taken  
by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as requested by  
Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17, 2017 and revised  
by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017. (A-14)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board meeting of  
February 21, 2017. (A-15)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and  
Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017. (A-16)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared  
outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board meeting of  
April 30, 2019. (A-18)  