Puente Hills Landfill Park Project Construction Contract
Recommendation: Certify that Addendum No. 1 for Phase 1 of the park
development to the previously certified Puente Hills Landfill Park Master Plan
Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR) has been completed in
compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and reflects the
independent judgment and analysis of the County; find that the Board has
reviewed and considered the information contained in Addendum No. 1 together
with the previously certified FPEIR prior to approving the revisions to the Master
Plan, and approve Addendum No. 1; adopt a Phase 1A total project budget of
$105,000,000, and authorize the Director of Public Works to amend the existing
Construction Manager at Risk Pre Construction and Construction Services
Agreement (Agreement) with The PENTA Building Group, LLC (PENTA), to
provide construction services for the Puente Hills Landfill Park Project Phase
1A (Project) (1) for a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $61,000,500, contingent
upon submission of acceptable performance and payment bonds and evidence
of required insurance filed by the Construction Manager at Risk; approve an
appropriation adjustment for the Puente Hills County Regional Park
Development, Capital Project No. 69984, for $57,167,000, offset with
$34,667,000 from the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts settlement,
$10,000,000 from the State Department of Parks and Recreation Grant, and
$12,500,000 from the State Wildlife Conservation Board Grant to fully fund
Phase 1A and to continue design/preconstruction activities and regulatory
approvals for Phases 1B and 1C; authorize the Director of Parks and
Recreation to execute the Property Documents and any other Puente Hills
Landfill property-related documents with the Los Angeles County Sanitation
Districts and other entities to construct, occupy, operate, and maintain the
proposed Project; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the
following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT 4-VOTES
Amend the existing Agreement with PENTA in the amount of $1,983,646
for additional preconstruction services for Phases 1B and 1C from
$2,566,354 to an amount not to exceed $4,550,000;
Amend the existing Architectural/Engineering Consultant Services
Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR), to provide additional
Architectural/Engineering and support services for the Project for an
additional not-to-exceed contract amount of $6,518,476, which would
amend the consultant services agreement from $7,781,524 to an amount
not-to-exceed $14,300,000; and
Supplement the consultant services agreement with HDR and the