TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2024, 9:30 A.M.  
Lindsey P. Horvath  
Third District  
Hilda L. Solis  
Holly J. Mitchell  
First District  
Second District  
Janice Hahn  
Fourth District  
Kathryn Barger  
Chair Pro Tem  
Fifth District  
Executive Officer  
Edward Yen  
AGENDA POSTED: May 30, 2024  
MEETING TELEVISED: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. on KLCS  
Assistive listening devices, agenda in Braille and/or alternate formats are available upon request.  
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, other auxiliary aids and services, or reasonable  
modifications to Board meeting policies and/or procedures, such as to assist members of the disability  
community who would like to request a disability-related accommodation in addressing the Board, are  
available if requested at least three business days prior to the Board meeting. Later requests will be  
accommodated to the extent feasible. Please telephone the Executive Office of the Board at (213)  
974-1426 (voice) or (213) 974-1707 (TTY), from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  
Supporting documentation is available at the Executive Office of the Board located at the Kenneth Hahn  
Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Room 383, Los Angeles, California 90012, and is also  
Máquinas de traducción disponibles a petición. Si necesita intérprete para las juntas de los  
Supervisores del Condado de Los Angeles, por favor llame (213) 974-1426 entre las horas de 8:00  
a.m. a 5:00 p.m., lunes a viernes, con tres días de anticipación.  
Invocation led by Pastor Bill White, City Church, Long Beach (4).  
Pledge of Allegiance led by Jeremiah Pitts, former E-3, Seaman, United States Navy, City of Los  
Angeles (5).  
All matters are approved by one motion unless held.  
Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts  
Recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for  
Commissions/Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments):  
Documents on file in the Executive Office.  
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell  
Lisa Cleri Reale, Library Commission  
Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath  
Genevieve Riutort, Commission for Public Social Services  
Robert Boller+ and Kiera Pollock+, Los Angeles County Commission for  
Older Adults  
Janet Burt and Kristy Madden, Personal Assistance Services Council  
Robert Kaplan, Real Estate Management Commission  
Supervisor Janice Hahn  
Dora Jacildo+, Commission for Children and Families  
Sue ElHessen+, Commission for Public Social Services, also waive  
limitation of length of service requirement pursuant to County Code  
Section 3.100.030A  
Dolores Canales+, Los Angeles Probation Oversight Commission  
Catherine Tolentino (Alternate), Los Angeles County Small Business  
Steven P. Kreager+, Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee  
Proposition E Special Tax  
Raymond Regalado+ and Joahanna Terrones+, Sybil Brand Commission  
for Institutional Inspections  
Supervisor Kathryn Barger  
Dianne Erskine-Hellrigel+ Watershed Area Steering Committee  
Community - Santa Clara River & Antelope Valley  
Commission on HIV  
Jayshawnda Arrington+, Lilieth Conolly+, Sandra Cuevas+, Mary  
Cummings+, Arburtha Franklin (Alternate), Rita Garcia (Alternate),  
Leon Maultsby+, Andre J. Molette+, Katja Nelson+, LaShonda  
Spencer, M.D.+, Lambert Talley+(Alternate), Jonathan Weedman+,  
and Russell D. Ybarra+, Commission on HIV  
Miguel Alvarez+, Al Ballesteros+, Kevin Donnelly+, Lee M. Kochems+,  
Karl Halfman+, Mario J. Perez+, and Martin Sattah, M.D.+,  
Commission on HIV, also waive limitation of length of service  
requirement pursuant to County Code Section 3.29.050C (24-0101)  
Ensuring Public Safety Resources in Los Angeles County to Address  
Encounters with Black Bears and Other Wildlife  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Barger: Direct the Chief  
Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental  
Relations Branch, to send a five-signature letter to California Department of  
Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton H. Bonham, to advocate for the development  
of a regional approach to human-wildlife encounters that will ensure the public  
safety of those living in Sierra Madre and its adjacent communities, as well as  
the safety of the majestic wildlife neighbors living in the region; augment and  
enhance staffing of human-wildlife conflict specialists who can respond to calls  
for service in a timely manner when human-wildlife encounters occur; and  
ongoing proactive engagement with communities to provide education and  
awareness that is tailored to the unique needs of those living in Sierra Madre  
and other County communities that are impacted by wildlife encounters.  
Los Angeles County’s Acceptance of Grant from the California Health  
Facilities Financing Authority for the Fifth Round of Funding from the  
Investment in Mental Health Wellness Grant Program for Children and  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Barger: Approve and authorize  
the Director of Mental Health to accept the California Health Facilities Financing  
Authority (CHFFA) grant award in the amount of $3,970,442.53; negotiate, sign,  
and execute a CHFFA grant agreement, and all other necessary documents to  
implement the crisis stabilization units programs, the term of the CHFFA grant  
agreement will be effective upon execution through June 30, 2026; amend the  
CHFFA grant agreement as needed, including extending the term, modifying the  
grant amount, and/or rolling over unspent funds, reflect non-material and/or  
ministerial revisions or other terms and conditions; and terminate the CHFFA  
grant agreement. (24-2129)  
Extend the Reward Offer in the Investigation of the Murder of Ernesto  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Barger: Extend the $25,000  
reward offered in exchange for information leading to the apprehension and  
conviction of the person or persons responsible for the heinous murder of  
27-year-old Ernesto Jimenez, who was fatally shot while walking to Villa Park on  
the 200 block of Parke Street in the City of Pasadena on November 13, 2020,  
at approximately 8:00 p.m. (21-1649)  
Transparency and Accountability: Proper Maintenance and Accounting  
for All Cameras in the Los Angeles County Jails, Court Holding Tanks,  
and Patrol Station Lockups  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Hahn: Request the  
Sheriff, and instruct County Counsel, the Inspector General, and the Executive  
Director of the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission, to collaboratively draft  
policy related to the maintenance and auditing of cameras in the jails, court  
holding tanks, and station lock ups, and report back to the Board in writing, on  
the agreed policy, timeline to finalize and implement the policy with training, if  
needed, within 120 days. (24-2136)  
Addressing the Needs of Older Adults in Los Angeles County through  
Comprehensive Outreach  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Hahn: Instruct the  
Director of Public Social Services, in collaboration with the Director of Aging  
and Disabilities, the Executive Director of the Office of Immigrant Affairs, and  
other relevant County Department Heads, to report back to the Board in writing  
in 90 days on all countywide benefits and services available to older adults,  
defined as adults aged 65 and older, in the County, including State benefits or  
services that are run or operated by a County Department, and include, at  
minimum, the following information for each program:  
Description of services and/or benefits, including length of services and  
benefit amount;  
Summary of eligibility criteria, including financial and noncitizenship  
eligibility, and application process for each program;  
Utilization rate for each program, not just how many people are currently  
using the programs but what is the estimated eligible County population  
based on census and other reliable studies and data, if available, if  
utilization rate is not available, also include any current efforts or  
strategies to gather that data or find out how many eligible residents are  
not being served;  
Number of applications and processing time, number of denials and  
reason for denials; and  
Current or past outreach efforts/information campaigns, including  
language inclusive and culturally competent outreach efforts; and  
Develop an outreach plan to increase the utilization of services and benefits  
catered for older adults, with the outreach plan to aim to be as accessible as  
possible and take into consideration the following:  
Language barriers - the information should be available in all 14 threshold  
Immigration eligibility and public charge - within immigrant communities,  
there are significant fears and apprehensions over accessing  
much-needed benefits due to lack of accessible information about  
program eligibility, chilling effect of anti-immigrant propaganda and  
xenophobia, and misinformation about which programs could potentially  
affect public charge determinations by immigration agencies, the  
outreach plan, with collaboration of the Executive Director of the Office of  
Immigrant Affairs, needs to consider how to inform and encourage  
eligible noncitizens to apply for benefits, including, by disseminating and  
correcting public charge misinformation, as appropriate and relevant, to  
benefit programs;  
Mobility barriers - outreach may require meeting people where they are,  
especially for individuals whose mobility is impaired, at facilities like  
senior centers, senior residence buildings, nursing homes, community  
events, etc., to ensure that we are reaching the most vulnerable  
residents, with the outreach plan to also include strategies to create more  
accessible ways to enroll for different benefit programs and submit  
required documentation;  
Technological barriers - while technology has allowed for the swift and  
efficient dissemination of digital information, there remains a significant  
number of the population who do not have the skills or the devices to  
properly access information available on the internet; the outreach plan  
needs to take into consideration how to reach individuals via multiple  
means, including non-digital mediums; and  
Stigma - there is significant stigma associated with the use of  
government benefits and services, this is tied to inaccurate portrayals  
and misrepresentations throughout history about the groups who benefit  
from safety net programs; the outreach plan needs to consider, in its  
messaging, framework, and proposed training of frontline/call center  
staff, how to destigmatize and help correct past negative notions  
associated with the use of public benefits; no one should feel shame in  
asking for help. (24-2133)  
Care with Pride: Affirming and Expanding the Gender Health Program  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Directors of  
Health Services, Mental Health, and Children and Family Services, in  
collaboration with the Director of Public Health, to continue to regularly convene  
a care coordination team involving clinical experts from each of the  
Departments that considers active LGBTQ+ patients and clients in need of  
health services offered by involved Departments, and collaborate on a care  
model and ensures coordination and seamless transitions of care and services  
amongst the Departments; and take the following actions:  
Instruct the Directors of Health Services, Mental Health, Children and  
Families Services, Public Health, and Public Social Services, in  
partnership with the LGBTQ+ Commission and community stakeholders,  
to convene in order to consider needed changes to the Departmental  
and/or County policies that will support the advancement of the delivery  
of gender-affirming care and services to County-responsible patients  
with the goal of establishing the Department of Health Services’ Gender  
Health Program as one of the preeminent care providers offering gender  
affirming care, with the task force to report back to the Board bi-annually  
either in writing, or verbally, as part of the Health and Mental Health  
Cluster Agenda Review Meeting;  
Instruct the Executive Director of Racial Equity, to host and curate a  
website with content provided by subject matter experts from the  
Departments of Health Services, Mental Health, Public Health, Children  
and Family Services, Public Social Services, and other relevant  
Departments, where LGBTQ+ residents can access information and  
resources on gender-affirming care, social services, and other programs  
offered by various County Departments, and direct the Chief Executive  
Officer, through the Countywide Communications Office, to foster public  
awareness of the website through their various methods of  
communication; and  
Instruct the Director of Public Health to collaborate with the Directors of  
Health Services, Mental Health, Children and Families Services and  
Public Social Services, to incorporate information regarding the Gender  
Health Program into the Public Health InfoLine. (24-2134)  
Children and Older Adults Drowning Prevention  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Directors of  
Public Health and Aging and Disabilities to facilitate a Countywide public safety  
campaign in multiple languages and utilizing traditional, ethnic, hyperlocal, and  
social media, promoting drowning prevention and water safety, as well as  
County resources; promote County ordinances established in 2021 to cities in  
the County and develop tools to promote its adoption; include a banner on the  
Aging and Disabilities Department webpage including information on drowning  
prevention and water safety, and link to the Department of Public Health’s  
Environmental Health webpage on drowning prevention; and report back to the  
Board in writing in 60 days on the outcomes of this motion, and implementation  
of County ordinances established in 2021. (24-2139)  
Los Angeles County Arts and Health Week 2024  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Highlight the work of the LA  
Opera, the Department of Arts and Culture, and County Health Departments, by  
declaring the week of June 10, 2024 as “Arts and Health Week” throughout Los  
Angeles County; increase awareness and visibility and catalyze opportunity for  
the continued growth of this work across the social determinants of health  
domains; encourage County Departments and staff to attend the Arts and  
Health Summit and participate in related activities throughout the week, share  
resources with constituents, and promote "Arts and Health Week" to employees  
and on their social media in partnership with the Department of Arts and  
Culture; and waive parking fees in the amount of $6,000 for approximately 300  
vehicles, excluding the cost of liability insurance, at the Music Center Garage  
for individuals attending the Arts and Health Week Summit, to be held on June  
14, 2024. (24-2137)  
Establishing a Care First Pretrial Agency: Maximizing the Impact of the  
Justice, Care and Opportunities Department  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Instruct the Director of  
Justice, Care and Opportunities to report back to the Board in writing within 60  
days on the Department’s plans and timeline for establishing a Care First  
independent pretrial services agency as a distinct division within the Justice  
Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) that prioritizes and coordinates  
service delivery with outcomes that are accessible, viable and measurable,  
while continuing to reject the use of JCOD staffing or funding in furtherance of  
functions, such as surveillance and an electronic monitoring program; and take  
the following actions: (Continued from the meeting of 5-21-24)  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer and the Director of Justice, Care and  
Opportunities, to pause the implementation of the Board’s March 1, 2022  
directives to transition the Probation Department’s pretrial functions and  
services to JCOD (Board Order No. 22 of March 1, 2022), and  
corresponding impacts to staff, until the Chief Executive Officer and the  
Chief Probation Officer perform an analysis on the short and long-term  
impact on the Probation Department’s staffing challenges; and  
Instruct the Director of Justice, Care and Opportunities, in coordination  
with the Directors of Health Services, Mental Health and Public Health,  
the District Attorney, the Public Defender, the Alternate Public Defender,  
the Sheriff, the Chief Probation Officer, and the Jail Closure  
Implementation Team, to report back to the Board in writing in 60 days  
on a proposed plan to assemble and coordinate a Permanent Steering  
Committee composed of community stakeholders, including people with  
lived experience, experts in creating pretrial services models based on  
national best practices, former Alternatives to Incarceration workgroup  
voting members, and other representatives from the Public Safety  
Realignment Team, Gender Responsive Advisory Committee, Jail Closure  
Implementation Team, the Men’s Central Jail Closure Workgroup,  
JCOD’s Pretrial Advisory Committee, and the Reentry Health Advisory  
Collaborative, with the purpose of this steering committee to JCOD being  
to develop and drive forward recommendations to ensure the delivery of  
pretrial services are accessible, viable and measurable;  
Instruct the Acting Chief Information Officer to work with the Directors of  
Justice, Care and Opportunities, Health Services, Mental Health, Public Health  
and Economic Opportunities, the Public Defender, the Alternate Public  
Defender, the District Attorney, the Chief Probation Officer, the Sheriff, and  
other relevant Department Heads, and report back to the Board in writing within  
60 days with the available data listed below, as detailed in the motion, and a  
plan to post the data at an aggregate and de-identified level on the Open Data  
Portal and/or the County Pretrial Data Center and include the data in the  
quarterly Pretrial Data Initiative presentations, as follows:  
Electronic Monitoring Program administered in accordance with  
California Penal Code 1203.016 (Probation Department);  
JCOD Support Center (JCOD);  
Prefiling Diversion Program (JCOD);  
Pretrial Services (“PREP 2.0”), broken down by each of the locations at  
which the “PREP 2.0” program operates (JCOD); and  
Rapid Diversion (RPD) (JCOD); and  
Instruct the Director of Justice Care and Opportunities, in coordination with the  
Directors of Health Services, Mental Health, Public Health, and Economic  
Opportunities, the Public Defender, the Alternate Public Defender, the District  
Attorney, the Sheriff, and other relevant Department Heads, to report back to  
the Board annually on how the Department will analyze data to evaluate the  
success of County programs, inform equitable service delivery improvements,  
and set Department priorities. (24-1871)  
Updating the Rent Stabilization and Tenant Protections Ordinance  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Extend the current 4%  
rental increase cap in the unincorporated County through December 31, 2024;  
instruct County Counsel, in consultation with the Director of Consumer and  
Business Affairs, to return to the Board with an amendment to County Code,  
Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business and Wage Regulations, Chapter 8.52 -  
Rent Stabilization and Tenant Protections Ordinance (RSTPO), reflecting the  
above extension of the current 4% rental increase cap, from July 1, 2024  
through December 31, 2024, for fully covered rental units in the unincorporated  
County; and take the following actions:  
Instruct the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, in consultation  
with the Chief Executive Officer and County Counsel, to return to the  
Board with a further amendment to the RSTPO to reflect the following,  
effective January 1, 2025:  
Limit annual rent increases for fully covered rental units subject to  
the RSTPO to 60% of the percentage change in the Consumer  
Price Index over the previous 12-month period ending in  
September, not to exceed a maximum rent increase of 3%, unless  
otherwise determined by the Department of Consumer and  
Business Affairs (DCBA);  
Prior to December 31, 2026, a Small Property Owner may  
increase rent on a rental unit by an additional 1% annually above  
the allowable annual rental increase specified above for a rental  
unit, which shall not exceed 4%, unless otherwise determined by  
DCBA, and define a “Small Property Owner” as a landlord that  
meets the requirements below:  
Is qualified for, and receives a Homeowners' Property Tax  
Exemption for the property on which the subject rental unit  
is located; or  
Owns or controls only one rental property with no more than  
50 rental units; or  
Owns or controls no more than three rental properties with a  
combined total of no more than 10 rental units, including  
any outside of the County; and  
Instruct the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs to update the  
Rent Registry registration process to require registrants who identify as  
Small Property Owners and meet the definition above, to provide  
self-certification under penalty of perjury; and report back to the Board in  
writing by March 31, 2026, on the status and outcomes of RSTPO  
updates per this motion, with the report to include, but not be limited to, a  
review and assessment of the number and outcomes of fair return cases,  
and recommendations on the formula, pass-throughs, and streamlined  
application processes. (24-2123)  
Acceptance of the State Workers' Rights Enforcement Grant Award  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Authorize County  
Counsel to accept the award of $475,000 for the State Workers' Rights  
Enforcement Grant Program (Program) for the funding period of August 1,  
2024 through July 31, 2025, and execute and submit any required documents  
including, but not limited to, the grant award agreement; and apply for and  
accept any grant award from the Program for 2025-26 (Year 2), up to a  
maximum amount of $750,000, and execute and submit any grant award  
agreement and related documents, subject to providing advance written notice  
to the Board before accepting the Year 2 grant award. (24-2120)  
Administrative Support for the Baldwin Hills Regional Conservation  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Authorize the Executive  
Officer of the Board to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  
between the Baldwin Hills Regional Conservation Authority (BHRCA) and the  
County, to provide staffing services to the BHRCA for a minimum term of one  
year at an annual amount of $60,000 to be paid to the County; and take all  
further actions necessary and appropriate to implement the terms and  
conditions of the MOU including, but not limited to, executing amendments,  
updating provisions, extending the term, modifying the scope of work to the  
MOU, and terminating the MOU for convenience. (24-2115)  
Commemorating Juneteenth: A Commitment to Freedom and Reflection in  
Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: In honor of June 19,  
2024, as “Juneteenth” throughout the County, instruct all County Departments,  
and encourage cooperation from the Sheriff, District Attorney, Assessor and  
Superintendent of Schools of the Los Angeles County Office of Education, to  
collaborate with the County Librarian and the Director of Parks and Recreation,  
to amplify their Juneteenth initiatives across websites and social media  
platforms; and urge all residents of the County to participate in Juneteenth  
events and activities across the County, fostering a greater understanding and  
appreciation of this historic day and its current relevance to our community.  
Gender Affirming Resource Closets for LGBTQ+ Foster Youth in Los  
Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Solis: Instruct the  
Director of Children and Family Services to collaborate with the Pritzker Foster  
Care Initiative and Casey Family Programs to implement the gender affirming  
resource closet pilot program; inform all Department of Children and Family  
Services (DCFS) LGBTQ+ Champions about the pilot and provide DCFS staff  
with information on ways to access these resources that can be shared with  
Child Welfare-involved youth; and in collaboration with the Chief Executive  
Officer, identify permanent funding sources for future fiscal years to continue  
and expand gender affirming resource closets throughout the County, with at  
least one in every Service Planning Area, once the pilot is completed.  
Proclaiming June 2024 as Silicosis Awareness Month  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Mitchell: Proclaim  
June 2024 as “Silicosis Awareness Month” throughout Los Angeles County;  
instruct the Director of Public Health, in collaboration with the Directors of  
Health Services, Economic Opportunity and Mental Health, to continue  
partnering with the California Department of Public Health, the California  
Division of Occupational Safety and Health, the City of Los Angeles,  
community-based organizations, stone fabrication shops, and other  
stakeholders, to continue to educate and offer resources on the prevention and  
intervention of silicosis; instruct the Director of Public Works, through its  
Building and Safety Division, in consultation with County Counsel, the Director  
of Public Health, and the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and  
Safety, to include a clause in construction permits and the website about the  
risks of using silica products, and the appropriate use of approved equipment to  
protect from exposure of crystalline silica; and direct the Chief Executive  
Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations Branch,  
and in collaboration with the Directors of Public Health and Health Services, to  
continue advocating in support of Assembly Bill 3043 (Rivas), “The Silicosis  
Prevention Act.” (24-2121)  
Reimagining the Office of Child Protection  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Hahn: Instruct the  
Executive Director of the Office of Child Protection to report back to the Board  
in writing within 180 days with the following:  
Conduct a comprehensive review of the original vision and intent for the  
Office of Child Protection (OCP) based on the recommendations made  
by the Blue Ribbon Commission including, but not limited to, how the  
OCP fulfilled the recommendations adopted by the Board; which  
recommendations remained unfulfilled; what barriers to recommendations  
implementation exist; and which areas need to be strengthened;  
List of the OCP’s accomplishments;  
Create a five-year strategic plan and framework which encompasses and  
centers child and family wellbeing;  
Make recommendations on expanding the OCP’s scope and possible  
restructuring to include all children and families within the County that is  
rooted in Systems of Care for Children and Youth including, but not  
limited to CalAIM redesign, health integration with behavioral health and  
substance use, homelessness and housing services, access to social  
services; etc.; and recommendations for new nomenclature that reflects  
the County’s focus on serving families and children throughout all our  
communities equitably and holistically;  
Instruct the Executive Director of the Office of Child Protection to collaborate  
with the Los Angeles County Prevention and Promotion Systems Governing  
Committee, System of Care partners and stakeholders including, but not limited  
to, community-based organizations, children and family advocates, and labor  
partners in these efforts; and  
Instruct all County Department Heads participating in the System of Care work  
including, but not limited to, the Directors of Children and Family Services,  
Mental Health, Public Health, Health Services, Public Social Services and Youth  
Development, and the Chief Probation Officer, to work with the Executive  
Director of the Office of Child Protection to fully implement this work. (24-2135)  
Understanding Methamphetamine in Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Instruct the Director of  
Public Health, through its Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Program, in  
collaboration with the Director of Mental Health and the Medical Examiner, and  
in consultation with community-based organizations, to report back to the Board  
in writing in 90 days on the meth mortality impact and trends over the last five  
years, services and resources available to prevent and treat meth use and  
addiction, as well as recommendations on what more could be done in the  
County. (24-2126)  
Proclaim June 2024 as “Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness  
Month,” and June 15, 2024, as “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day” in  
Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Proclaim June 2024 as  
“Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month” throughout Los Angeles  
County; proclaim June 15, 2024, as “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day”  
throughout Los Angeles County; instruct the Director of Aging and Disabilities  
to conduct community outreach education and provide educational materials to  
County Departments and residents about prevention, reporting, and elimination  
of elder and dependent adult abuse in the County, with the goal of educating the  
public to ensure that elderly and dependent adults maintain their quality of life  
safely, with dignity and respect; and encourage all County residents to wear  
purple in honor of “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day” and “Elder and  
Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month.” (24-2119)  
Proclaiming June 2024 as “Refugee Awareness Month” in Los Angeles  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Join local refugee  
service organizations, the Departments of Consumer and Business Affairs,  
through the Office of Immigrant Affairs, Public Health, and Public Social  
Services, to proclaim June 2024 as “Refugee Awareness Month” throughout  
Los Angeles County; commend the invaluable efforts of local refugee service  
organizations to help refugees and immigrants navigate the complexities of  
resettlement, fostering a sense of belonging and dignity, and ultimately  
empower them to become contributing members in their new communities;  
recognize and celebrate the significant contributions of refugees and  
immigrants, to not only honor their experiences and sacrifices, but also promote  
greater understanding, empathy, and solidarity within the County; and instruct  
the Executive Director of the Office of Immigrant Affairs, and the Directors of  
Public Health and Public Social Services, to highlight the critical work of the  
organization serving refugees and/or the significant contributions of refugees to  
our communities through social media and other public messaging efforts.  
Countywide Signature DIAlogue Fee Waiver  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Waive the $20 per  
vehicle parking fee for up to 150 vehicles, for a total amount of $3,000,  
excluding the cost of liability insurance, at the Music Center Garage, for  
attendees of the Countywide Signature DIAlogue Series event, hosted by the  
Department of Human Resources, in conjunction with the Anti-Racism,  
Diversity, and Inclusion Initiative, to be held on June 6, 2024. (24-2118)  
Join an Amicus Brief in Support of the Federal Rule Regulating Ghost  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Solis: Instruct County  
Counsel to join the County of Santa Clara's amicus curiae brief in Garland v.  
VanDerStok, in support of reversing the Fifth Circuit's decision and upholding  
the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Rule  
that ghost guns are firearms for purposes of the Federal Gun Control Act and  
are subject to existing rules and regulations related to background checks,  
serialization, record-keeping, and licensing requirements; and authorize County  
Counsel, in her discretion, to file or join amicus curiae briefs in other cases in  
support of gun control laws and regulations, with advanced written notice to the  
Board before filing or joining an amicus curiae brief. (24-2127)  
Proclaiming June 12, 2024 as “Philippine Independence Day” in Los  
Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Solis: Proclaim June  
12, 2024 as “Philippine Independence Day” throughout Los Angeles County  
and recognize the Filipino employees who serve the residents of the County for  
their dedication, leadership, advocacy and efforts to preserve cultural heritage.  
2024 Countywide Wellness Challenge - Rancho Los Amigos National  
Rehabilitation Center  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Encourage Department  
Heads and Wellness Managers to support attendance at the first Countywide  
Wellness Challenge event to be held at the Rancho Los Amigos National  
Rehabilitation Center on July 20, 2024; and authorize the Director of Personnel  
to incur incidental expenses above her delegated authority to pay for event and  
promotional items at an amount not to exceed $1,000. (24-2130)  
Sustainability Planning Consulting Services  
Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve and authorize the  
Executive Officer of the Board to execute an agreement with Buro Happold  
Consulting Engineers, Inc., to provide support to the Chief Sustainability Office  
as it undertakes a revision to the 2019 County’s OurCounty Sustainability Plan,  
in the amount of $981,770, effective upon execution, for a term of one year and  
six months, with two six-month renewal options, for a maximum term of two  
years and six months; and authorize the Executive Officer to take the following  
Terminate for convenience, when such action is deemed by the  
Executive Office of the Board, in its sole discretion, to be in the County's  
best interest, and to prepare and execute amendments to the agreement  
as needed, when such amendments are necessary to modify the type of  
work to be completed, update the statement of work, exercise term  
extension options, and update the terms and conditions of the agreement,  
so long as the amendments do not cause the maximum Board-approved  
term of the agreement to be exceeded, are consistent with the original  
intent of the agreement, conform to any Board-ordered or otherwise  
mandatory contract provisions; and  
Execute amendments to the agreement that increase or decrease the  
maximum contract amount by up to 10% of the Board approved amount  
above; and authorize non-material changes to the agreement, pursuant to  
a change notice. (24-2066)  
Chief Executive Office  
Blanchard and Cogen Landfills Gas Extraction System Maintenance,  
Monitoring, and Reporting Services Contract  
Recommendation: Award and authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
contract with Tetra Tech BAS, Inc., for the provision of Blanchard and Cogen  
Landfills Gas Extraction System maintenance, monitoring, and reporting  
services, located at the Eastern Avenue Hill Complex in Los Angeles (1), on  
behalf of the County, for a contract amount not to exceed $1,000,000,  
commencing upon execution by the County, with an initial three year term and  
two one-year extension options, for a total maximum contract term of five years,  
with sufficient funding in the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Capital Projects/  
Refurbishments budget; find that the proposed actions are exempt from the  
California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Chief Executive Officer  
to take the following actions: (Continued from the meeting of 4-23-24)  
Supplement the initial not to exceed contract amount by up to 25% of the  
original contract amount based on workload requirements;  
Exercise the extension options based upon project demands and level of  
satisfaction with services provided; and  
Authorize additional services and extend the contract expiration date as  
necessary to complete those additional services when those additional  
services are previously unforeseen, related to a previously assigned  
scope of work on a given project, and are necessary for the completion  
of that given project, and suspend and/or terminate the contract for  
convenience, if it is in the best interest of the County. (24-1378)  
General Services Agreements Renewal  
Recommendation: Approve the renewal of General Services Agreements  
(GSAs) for a five-year term commencing July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029,  
with the cities of Artesia, Azusa, Downey, El Monte, La Habra Heights, La  
Verne, Lawndale, Long Beach, Monterey Park, Norwalk, Rosemead, Santa Fe  
Springs, South El Monte, Walnut, West Hollywood, and Whittier (Cities), which  
authorizes the County to provide immediate essential services requested by  
participating Cities; and authorize the Chair to sign the GSAs with the Cities  
upon presentation. (24-2059)  
Recommendation To Continue Proclaimed Local Emergencies  
Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign six resolutions to  
continue the proclaimed local emergencies for the Fruit Fly Infestation  
proclaimed May 10, 1990; Homelessness proclaimed January 10, 2023; Severe  
Winter Storms proclaimed January 10, 2023; Frigid Winter Storms proclaimed  
March 1, 2023; Tropical Storm Hilary proclaimed August 20, 2023; and Winter  
Storms proclaimed February 4, 2024. (24-2062)  
Department of Children and Family Services Lease Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the  
proposed lease amendment with Antelope Valley Union High School District, a  
Public School District, for use of approximately 49,000 sq ft of office space and  
250 on-site parking spaces located at 176 Holston Drive, Lancaster (5) to be  
occupied by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), with an  
estimated maximum first year base rental amount of $1,246,000, and an  
estimated total lease amendment amount of $10,410,000 over an eight-year  
term; with the rental costs to be funded by 45% State and Federal funds and  
55% Net County Cost (NCC) that is already included in DCFS’s existing budget,  
with no additional NCC to be requested for this action; authorize and direct the  
Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation necessary  
to effectuate the proposed lease amendment, and take actions necessary and  
appropriate to implement the proposed lease amendment, including, without  
limitation, exercising any early termination rights; and find that the proposed  
lease amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
Countywide Classification/Compensation Actions  
Recommendation: Approve an ordinance for introduction amending County  
Code, Title 6 - Salaries, to update the departmental staffing provisions to reflect  
positions allocated, deleted, and transferred in the Fiscal Year 2024-25  
Recommended Budget and to implement routine technical adjustments to reflect  
earlier Board-approved budget and classification actions; add one new  
unclassified classification for Public Defender; and approve in the Classification  
Plan the title change of two represented classifications. (Relates to Agenda No.  
88) (24-2063)  
County Operations  
Dispute Resolution Program Services  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs to  
have the sole option to extend the current Dispute Resolution Program (DRP)  
subawards for up to six months, for a maximum total subaward term of five  
years and six months, not to extend beyond December 2024, to ensure  
continuous DRP services and allow the Department of Consumer and Business  
Affairs to complete a Request for Proposal solicitation. (Department of  
Consumer and Business Affairs) APPROVE (24-2044)  
Equipment Maintenance Service Contracts  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Internal Services to award and  
execute 11 equipment maintenance and repair services contracts effective July  
1, 2024, for an initial three year term, with three one-year and 12  
month-to-month extension options, with an aggregate amount not to exceed  
$12,500,000 per contract year; exercise the renewal options and  
month-to-month extensions options in accordance with the contracts; add/delete  
equipment items, brands and manufacturers in each contract and make  
resultant cost modifications; execute applicable contract amendments should  
the original contracting entity merge, be acquired, or otherwise have a change  
of entity; and approve necessary changes to the contracts’ service levels based  
on County Departments’ needs. (Department of Internal Services) APPROVE  
Family and Social Services  
Youth Permanency Partners Services Sole Source Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Children and Family Services to  
execute a sole source contract with Kidsave International, Inc., for the Youth  
Permanency Partners (YPP) program, to recruit and support adults who  
volunteer to mentor older foster youth and help them find a permanent family or  
lasting connection, effective July 1, 2024, or upon date of execution, to June  
30, 2025, with a one-year renewal option through June 15, 2026, with a  
maximum contract amount for the initial contract period of $200,000, and a  
maximum contract amount for the renewal option of $200,000, for and a total  
maximum contract amount of $400,000, utilizing 100% State Flexible Family  
Support funds; and authorize the Director to take the following actions:  
(Department of Children and Family Services) APPROVE  
Exercise a one-year renewal option by written notice, provided that  
funding is available;  
Execute amendments to increase or decrease the maximum annual  
contract amount by up to 10%, if such an amendment is necessary to  
meet changes in service demands and the necessary funding is available  
in the budget; and  
Execute amendments to the contract for necessary changes to the terms  
and conditions. (24-2056)  
Training, Staff Development and Master of Social Work Internship  
Program Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Children and Family Services to  
execute a contract with the Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles  
(UCLA), for the provision of services to administer and oversee the training and  
staff development and Master of Social Work (MSW) Internship Program  
services, effective July 1, 2024, or upon date of execution, through June 30,  
2025, with up to four one-year extension options through June 30, 2029, and a  
maximum contract amount of $76,411,035 for the initial one-year term and four  
extension options, financed using 75% Federal funds and 25% 2011 State  
Realignment/Net County Cost (NCC), with sufficient funding included in the  
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommended Budget; and authorize the Director to take  
the following actions: (Department of Children and Family Services)  
Execute amendments to increase or decrease the maximum annual  
contract amount up to 10%, if such an amendment is necessary to meet  
changes in service demands and the necessary funding is available in  
the budget;  
Execute amendments to the contract to make changes to the scope of  
work or the terms and conditions to meet program needs;  
Exercise the four one-year extension options, with an additional six  
months beyond June 30, 2029, by written notice or amendment, if such  
additional time is necessary to complete the negotiation or solicitation of  
a new contract, provided that cost of living adjustment is not included and  
sufficient funding is available for the extension;  
Execute Title IV-E stipend agreements with individual student trainees  
enrolled in MSW degree programs, with the cost of the education  
stipends included in the training and staff development contract with  
UCLA, and where the Title IV-E stipend agreements allow the student  
trainees to receive the education stipend on the condition that they agree  
to work for DCFS for a two-year period upon earning their degree; and  
Terminate the Training and Staff Development contract with UCLA for  
contractor default, if necessary. (24-1946)  
Transportation Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Children and Family Services to  
execute a contract with HopSkipDrive, Inc. for the provision of transportation  
services for youth in foster care to their school of origin and school-related  
activities, effective July 1, 2024, or upon date of execution, through June 30,  
2025, with two one-year extension options through June 30, 2027, with a  
maximum annual contract amount of $4,000,000, funded 100% by 2011 State  
Realignment funds, with the Department of Children and Family Services  
contributing 50% of the funds and the school districts contributing the remaining  
50%, for a maximum contract amount for the initial one-year term and two  
one-year extension options of $12,000,000, with sufficient funding included in  
the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommended Budget; and authorize the Director to  
take the following actions: (Department of Children and Family Services)  
Execute amendments to increase or decrease the maximum annual  
contract amount up to 10%, if such an amendment is necessary to meet  
changes in service demands and the necessary funding is available in  
the budget;  
Execute amendments to the contract to make changes to the scope of  
work or the terms and conditions to meet program needs;  
Exercise the two one-year extension options by written notice or  
amendment, provided that sufficient funding is available; and  
Extend the new transportation services contract by amendment for a  
period not to exceed six months beyond June 30, 2027, if such additional  
time is necessary to complete the negotiation or solicitation of a new  
contract, provided that the Cost of Living Adjustment is not included, and  
sufficient funding is available for the extension. (24-1950)  
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning, Intersex,  
Asexual, Two-Spirit+ Tailored Services Contracts  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Children and Family Services to  
prepare and execute two contracts with Penny Lane Centers and Los Angeles  
LGBT Center to provide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and  
Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit+ (LGBTQIA2S+) tailored  
services to Department of Children and Family Services supervised youth,  
effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, with two one-year extension  
options through June 30, 2027, with a maximum contract amount for each  
contract to be $400,000 for each Service Planning Area served by each  
agency, for a maximum annual budget of $3,200,000, and for a total maximum  
budget, if all extension options are exercised, of $9,600,000, financed using  
100% Local funds; and authorize the Director to take the following actions:  
(Department of Children and Family Services) APPROVE  
Exercise the two one-year extension options by written notice or  
amendment, provided that sufficient funding is available; and  
Execute amendments to make changes to the contract terms and  
conditions, or to increase or decrease the maximum annual contract  
amounts not to exceed 20%, when necessary to meet program needs,  
provided that sufficient funding is available; and  
Terminate the contract with contractors upon their request, and those that  
are in default of their contract requirements, for contractor default or for  
convenience of the County, if necessary. (24-1943)  
Children’s Law Center to Funding Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Children and Family Services, to  
execute a funding agreement with the Children’s Law Center to cover costs  
associated with a dedicated courtroom for Commercially Sexually Exploited  
Children (CSEC), effective July 15, 2024 through July 14, 2025, with up to two  
one-year extension options, for a maximum annual amount of $295,000 for the  
initial year and $295,000 for each one-year extension option, for a total  
maximum amount of $885,000, financed by State Optional CSEC funds;  
execute amendments to extend the term; increase or decrease the maximum  
annual amount not to exceed 10%; change the terms and conditions as  
necessary to meet programmatic needs; and terminate the agreement for  
convenience or default, if necessary. (Department of Children and Family  
Services) APPROVE (24-1936)  
Exclusive Negotiation Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity, on behalf of  
Los Angeles County Development Authority, to extend the term of the Exclusive  
Negotiating Agreement (ENA) among the Compton Unified School District  
(CUSD), the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) and Charles  
Drew University/Martin Luther King Wellness Collaborative, LLC through June  
30, 2025, in order to negotiate the potential development of properties located  
along 117th Street and 1667 East 118th Street in unincorporated Willowbrook  
(2), extend the term of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between  
LACDA and CUSD to extend the term through June 30, 2025, extend the term  
of the ENA and MOU, for an additional 180 days, if needed, execute any and all  
related or ancillary documents or amendments to the ENA and MOU necessary  
to effectuate the action authorized hereby, and collect deposits and fees in  
connection with the terms of the amended ENA and MOU, and administer the  
expenses and accounting associated with the amended ENA and MOU; and find  
that the recommended actions do not constitute a project under the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Economic Opportunity and Los  
Angeles County Development Authority) APPROVE (Relates to Agenda No.  
1-D) (24-1965)  
Workforce Services Contracts  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity to execute  
subawards with the following for the provision of America's Job Center of  
California (AJCC) program services: Southeast Area Social Services Funding  
Authority (SASSFA) for the Rio Hondo Comprehensive AJCC, Managed Career  
Solutions (MCS) for the East San Gabriel Valley and Pomona Valley  
Comprehensive AJCCs, Jobs Vision Success SoCal (JVS) for the Antelope  
Valley Comprehensive AJCC, West Los Angeles AJCC, and the Veterans  
AJCC, and KRA Corporation (KRA) for the Rancho Dominguez Comprehensive  
AJCC, effective October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for the first fiscal year  
of the subaward term, with three one-year extension options through June 30,  
2028, for a maximum subaward term of three years and nine months; and  
authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Economic  
Opportunity) APPROVE  
Execute subawards with the secondary subrecipients as identified  
respectively in the proposals from MCS, SASSFA, KRA and JVS, as part  
of the Comprehensive AJCC Community Based Organization (CBO)  
partnership outlined in the AJCC Modernization Request for Proposal, to  
provide one or more Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)  
services designated by the lead AJCCs, effective October 1, 2024  
through June 30, 2025 for the first fiscal year of the subaward term, with  
three one-year extension options through June 30, 2028, for a maximum  
subaward term of three years and nine months;  
Execute amendments with the AJCC subrecipients to: add new, relevant  
or updated Federal, State and/or County subaward terms, and increase  
or decrease the subaward amounts that may exceed 10% based on the  
availability of funding and/or based on subrecipient’s performance,  
provided that total allocation does not exceed available funding;  
Extend and amend existing sole source subawards with Hub Cities  
Consortium and Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc. in the Southeast  
Los Angeles and East Los Angeles/West San Gabriel Valley subregions  
on a month-to-month basis, for up to one year, through June 30, 2025,  
pending the resolution of the Countywide Protest Policy, thereafter the  
Director will return to the Board with the results of the protest and will  
recommend successful proposers for subawards;  
Extend and amend existing sole source subawards with the current  
AJCCs for an additional six months, effective July 1, 2024 through  
December 31, 2024, and thereafter, on a month-to-month basis for a  
maximum potential period of up to nine months, ending no later than  
March 31, 2024, to allow for successful closeout and transition of the  
current workforce providers' services to the new providers and workforce  
Execute intermediary agreements with six local Workforce Development  
Boards (WBDs), including City of Los Angeles WDB - Economic &  
Workforce Development Department, Pacity Gateway (Long Beach)  
WDB, Foothill WDB, Southeast Los Angeles County WDB, South Bay  
WDB and Verdugo WDB , effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025,  
with three one-year extension options through June 30, 2028, for a  
maximum agreement term of four years; and  
Accept new or additional funds for workforce services from sources  
including, but not limited to, the California Employment Development  
Department. (24-1962)  
Social Enterprise Employment and Training Master Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity to extend  
and amend the Social Enterprise Employment and Training Master Agreement  
(SEMA) and work orders issued thereunder, which are set to expire on June  
30, 2024, for two additional fiscal years through June 30, 2026; amend the  
SEMA Request for Statement of Qualifications to increase the eligibility  
requirement from $75,000 to $100,000 for restricted or limited tier eligibility for  
start-up Social Enterprises (SE) and smaller SEs that may compete for  
lower-risk work orders; implement the Equity in County Contracting Cash  
Advance Pilot applicable to community-based private nonprofit agencies  
allowing funding sources for advances, providing advances of up to 15% of the  
agreement amount upon a contractor’s written request and the Director’s  
approval; execute amendments to the SEMA, or as applicable to individual work  
orders, to add new, relevant or updated Federal, State and/or County terms;  
execute renewals, issue cost of living adjustments, when applicable, and in  
compliance with the terms of the SEMA, increase or decrease the work order  
funding amounts that may exceed 10% based on the availability of funding  
and/or based on the SE’s performance, provided that the total work order  
amount does not exceed the available funding. (Department of Economic  
Opportunity) APPROVE (24-1958)  
Health and Mental Health Services  
Health Care Language Interpreters Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Health Services to execute a  
successor agreement with Health Care Interpreter Network (HCIN) for the  
Department of Health Services’ (DHS’) continued participation in HCIN's health  
care language interpreter network and interpretation services, effective July 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2029, with five one-year term extension options, with an  
estimated initial annual County obligation of $3,500,000; exercise the  
agreement term extension options, add, delete, and/or modify certain terms and  
conditions of the agreement as required by law, County policy, or the Board,  
modify the agreement, including scope of services, in accordance with the  
agreement’s terms and conditions for operational efficiencies and to address  
changes in service needs, with corresponding changes to the pricing terms,  
incorporate and/or revise non-substantive and administrative agreement terms  
and conditions, increase and otherwise adjust HCIN membership fees and other  
rates and fees under the agreement by up to 10% annually to account for  
changes in technology, as well as networking and other changes at DHS  
hospitals, to meet the demands and needs of the participating DHS facilities and  
to remain competitive with market rates, and effect termination of the  
agreement, with all such actions that require amendments to the agreement, as  
necessary (Department of Health Services) APPROVE (24-1952)  
Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic Services Agreements  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Health Services to execute  
successor Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic (EMT-P) services  
agreements with the County’s approved private paramedic providers, effective  
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029, with automatic one-year extensions  
through June 30, 2034, for the provision of Advanced Life Support (ALS)  
services, at no cost to the County; execute future amendments to the  
agreements to make necessary changes to the scope of work, add, delete  
and/or change non substantive terms and conditions in the agreements, and  
add, delete, and/or change terms and conditions as mandated by Federal or  
State law or regulation, County Policy, or the Board; execute form EMT-P  
services agreement with any future County-approved private paramedic  
providers, during the initial agreement term and any extension thereof, for the  
provision of ALS services, at no cost to the County; and terminate each  
agreement in accordance with the termination provisions of the corresponding  
agreement, if necessary. (Department of Health Services) APPROVE  
Temporary Healthcare Personnel Agreements  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Health Services to execute  
amendments to temporary healthcare personnel agreements, for the continued  
provision of as-needed medical services, effective upon execution following  
Board approval, to extend the term of each agreement for the period of July 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2025, with two one-year extension options, at an  
estimated annual amount of $298,000,000; execute new agreements for  
temporary healthcare personnel with qualified entities; execute new and  
successor master agreements for temporary, as-needed specialty medical  
services with qualified medical professionals, effective July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025, with four one-year extension options, for a maximum agreement  
term of five years and an estimated annual amount of $53,000,000; and  
exercise term extension options, add, delete, and/or modify certain terms and  
conditions of the agreements as required by law, modify the agreements,  
including scope of services, classifications and compensation within the  
maximum compensation limits, for operational efficiencies and to address  
changes in service needs, with corresponding changes to payment terms,  
incorporate and/or revise non-substantive and administrative terms and  
conditions, increase and otherwise adjust compensation for existing and new  
classifications in order to allow for service differentials, to remain competitive  
with market rates and to respond to emergencies, and effect termination of  
agreements, as necessary. (Department of Health Services) APPROVE  
Non-County Trauma Center Provisions for Reimbursement Memorandum  
of Agreement Amendments  
Recommendation: Approve the funding methodology and allocation of Trauma  
Center Provisions for Reimbursement (TCPR) funding for Fiscal Year (FY)  
2023-24, and authorize the Director of Health Services to execute amendments  
to the TCPR memorandum of agreement with 13 non-County trauma centers, to  
extend the term for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, and  
include the funding terms for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024,  
for a total County obligation of approximately $76,307,000, comprised of  
$72,957,000 from Measure B funds, $2,521,000 from the Maddy Emergency  
Medical Services Fund, and $829,000 from the Richie's Fund; and authorize  
the Director to allocate up to a maximum of $48,596,000 of the Measure B  
funds to be used as an Intergovernmental Transfer to the California Department  
of Health Care Services to draw down Federal matching dollars for  
supplemental Medi-Cal payments to eligible non-County trauma centers; and  
allocate the amount of $115,000 from the Richie's Fund to two County Pediatric  
Trauma Centers. (Department of Health Services) APPROVE (24-1955)  
Sole Source Training Contracts  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Director of Mental Health to  
execute a new sole source contract with PracticeWise, LLC, (PracticeWise), to  
fund the Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP) Training Program, effective  
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026, with three annual extension options, for a  
total contract amount (TCA) of $696,832, $483,802 for Fiscal Year (FY)  
2024-25, and $213,030 for FY 2025-26, fully funded by Mental Health Services  
Act-Prevention and Early Intervention (MHSA-PEI) revenue; execute a new sole  
source contract with Interpersonal Psychotherapy Institute, LLC (IPT Institute),  
to fund the interpersonal psychotherapy continuing education training program,  
effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026, with three annual extension  
options, for $484,800, $242,400 for FY 2024-25 and $242,400 for FY 2025-26,  
fully funded by MHSA-PEI revenue; and authorize the Director to take the  
following actions: (Department of Mental Health) APPROVE  
Execute future amendments to the sole source contracts to revise the  
contract language; revise and/or replace the fiscal provisions and the  
TCA; rollover unspent funds; use other funding sources if necessary;  
add, delete, modify, or replace the statement of work; and/or reflect  
Federal, State and County regulatory and/or policy changes, provided  
that the TCA will not exceed an increase of 10% from the Board  
approved TCA, sufficient funds are available; and terminate the contracts  
in accordance with the termination provisions, including termination for  
convenience, if necessary. (24-2047)  
Pharmacy Benefit Management Services Sole Source Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Director of Mental Health to  
execute an amendment to extend the existing contract with Magellan Pharmacy  
Solutions, LLC, for the continued provision of pharmacy benefit management  
(PBM) services, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, with no total  
contract amount for this contract, as PBM services are paid on a  
fee-for-service basis, with an estimated annual amount for the management of  
the Department’s prescription drug program of $7,172,541, fully funded by  
State Mental Health Services Act and 2011 Sales Tax Realignment revenues;  
execute future amendments to the contract to revise contract language, revise  
the estimated annual amount, add, delete, modify, or replace the statement of  
work, and/or reflect Federal, State, and County regulation and/or policy  
changes, provided that the increase will not exceed 10% of the estimated  
annual amount, and sufficient funds are available; and terminate the contract in  
accordance with the termination provisions, including termination for  
convenience, if necessary. (Department of Mental Health) APPROVE  
Healthy Families America and Parents as Teachers Home Visiting  
Programs Sole Source Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Director of Public Health to  
execute nine Healthy Families America contracts and seven Parents As  
Teachers contracts for the provision of Home Visiting Program services with  
qualified agencies selected under a competitive solicitation process, effective  
July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026, for a total maximum obligation not to  
exceed $46,865,967, 100% funded by the Department of Public Social  
Services, partially comprised of Federal funds, Assistance Listing number  
93.558, through the California Department of Social Services, Department of  
Children and Family Services, and the California Department of Public Health  
California Home Visiting Program; and authorize the Director of Public Health to  
take the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE  
Execute future amendments to the contracts that extend the term through  
December 31, 2030, at amounts to be determined by the Director,  
contingent upon the contractor's performance, and availability of State  
funding that is currently targeted for proposed cuts in the State budget,  
allow the rollover of unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor,  
provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 50% above or below  
the annual base maximum obligation, effective upon amendment  
execution, or beginning of applicable contract term, update the statement  
of work and/or scope of work, as necessary and/or correct errors in the  
contract's terms and conditions;  
Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to  
the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work  
and/or scope of work, that are within the same scope of services, as  
necessary, changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and  
Immediately suspend or terminate any contract, upon issuing a written  
notice to contractors who fail to fully comply with program requirements,  
and to terminate contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar  
day advance written notice to contractors, if necessary. (24-2067)  
Los Angeles County Pedestrian Plans for Unincorporated Communities  
Recommendation: Authorize and instruct the Director of Public Health to  
execute a new contract with City Fabrick, selected under a competitive  
solicitation process, for the Los Angeles County Pedestrian Plans for  
Unincorporated Communities (ATP 6) Project (1 and 2), for a 36-month term  
effective upon execution, for a total amount of $397,000, 100% funded by  
California Department of Transportation Active Transportation Program funds;  
and authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public  
Health) APPROVE  
Execute amendments to contracts that extend the term up to two  
additional one-year periods at amounts to be determined by the Director,  
contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance;  
allow the rollover of unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor;  
provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below  
the annual base maximum obligation, update the statement of work and/or  
Activity Reimbursement Plan as a result of such increase or decrease in  
funding, effective upon execution, and/or correct errors in the contract’s  
terms and conditions;  
Execute change notices to the contract that authorize modifications to the  
and corresponding modifications to the statement of work, that are within  
the same scope of services, as necessary, and/or changes to hours of  
operation and/or service locations; and  
Immediately suspend or terminate the contract upon issuing a written  
notice to the contractor if the contractor fails to fully comply with  
contractual requirements and terminate the contracts for convenience by  
providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to the contractor, if  
necessary. (24-1991)  
Spending Plans Electronic Cigarette Manufacturer Settlement  
Recommendation: Approve the recommended spending plan authorizing the  
utilization of approximately $3,400,000 in annual funding under the State of  
California’s settlement with the electronic cigarette manufacturer JUUL Labs,  
Inc. (JUUL), for the next eight fiscal years beginning in Fiscal Year (FY)  
2024-25; authorize the Director of Public Health to amend and/or adjust the  
spending plan amounts for all JUUL settlement abatement funds through FY  
2031-32, based on needs, available funding, and allowable uses; and authorize  
the Director to enter new contracts, amend or terminate such contracts, and/or  
amend existing contracts to implement JUUL settlement-related programming.  
(Department of Public Health) APPROVE (24-2051)  
High Impact HIV Prevention and STD Community Engagement Services  
Sole Source Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute  
sole source contract amendments to nine High Impact HIV Prevention (HIHP)  
and STD Community Engagement (STD CE) services contract providers, to  
extend the term through June 30, 2025, at a total maximum obligation of  
$2,439,170, 100% funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  
(CDC) funds, Non-Drug Medi-Cal Realignment (NDMR) funds, and existing  
Departmental resources; and net County costs (NCC); and authorize the  
Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health)  
Execute amendments to contracts that extend the term through  
December 31, 2025, at amounts to be determined by the Director,  
contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance;  
allow the rollover of unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor;  
provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below  
the annual base maximum obligation, effective upon amendment  
execution, or at the beginning of the applicable contract period; correct  
errors in the contracts' terms and conditions; and/or update the statement  
of work and/or scope of work, as necessary;  
Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications with  
corresponding modifications to the statement of work and/or scope of  
work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary, and  
changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and  
Immediately suspend or terminate the services contracts upon issuing a  
written notice to HIHP and/or STD CE services contractors who fail to  
perform and/or fully comply with contract requirements and terminate the  
contracts for convenience by providing a 30-calendar day advance  
written notice to contractors, if necessary. (24-1979)  
High Impact HIV Prevention Services Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to execute  
sole source contract amendments to two Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc. (TTC)  
High Impact HIV Prevention services contracts, to extend the term through June  
30, 2025, for a total maximum obligation of $309,600 100% funded by Centers  
for Disease Control and Prevention funds, Non-Drug Medi-Cal Realignment  
funds, and existing Departmental resources; and authorize the Director to take  
the following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE  
Execute amendments to the contracts that extend the term through  
December 31, 2025, at amounts to be determined by the Director,  
contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance,  
allow the rollover of unspent contract funds, if allowable by the grantor,  
provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or below  
the annual base maximum obligation, effective upon amendment  
execution, or at the beginning of the applicable contract period, correct  
errors in the contracts’ terms and conditions, and/or update the  
statement of work and/or scope of work, as necessary;  
Execute change notices to the contracts that authorize modifications to  
the budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of work  
and/or scope of work, that are within the same scope of services, as  
necessary and/or changes to hours of operation and/or service  
locations; and  
Immediately suspend or terminate the contracts upon issuing a written  
notice if TTC fails to perform and/or fully comply with contract  
requirements, and terminate the contracts for convenience by providing  
a 30-calendar day advance written notice to TTC, if necessary.  
Laboratory and Clinic Equipment and Medical Device Maintenance,  
Calibration, and Repair Services Sole Source Contract Amendment  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Director of Public Health to  
execute a sole source amendment to a contract with Superior Scientific, Inc.,  
for the continued provision of laboratory and clinic equipment and medical  
device maintenance, calibration, and repair services, to extend the term through  
December 31, 2024, in the amount of $64,105, 100% funded by existing  
Departmental resources; and authorize the Director to take the following  
actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE  
Execute amendments to the contract that extend the term for an  
additional six months through June 30, 2025, in the amount of $64,105,  
contingent upon the availability of funds and contractor performance,  
allow the rollover of unspent contract funds, provide an increase or  
decrease in funding up to 10% above or below the annual base maximum  
contract amount, add, replace, or delete laboratory and clinic equipment  
and medical devices, update the statement of work, as necessary, and/or  
correct errors in the contract’s terms and conditions;  
Execute change notices to the contract that authorize revisions to the list  
of equipment and/or medical devices that do not change the maximum  
obligation, and changes to the frequency, hours, and/or service locations  
of scheduled services; and  
Immediately suspend or terminate the contract upon issuing a written  
notice if Superior Scientific, Inc. fails to perform and/or fully comply with  
contract requirements, and terminate the contract for convenience by  
providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to the contractor, if  
necessary. (24-2054)  
Comprehensive Tobacco Control Services Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize and instruct the Director of Public Health to  
execute amendments to six Comprehensive Tobacco Control Services  
contracts, with Los Angeles County - University of Southern California Medical  
Center Foundation, the Youth Leadership Institute, Institute for Public  
Strategies, National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse,  
Behavioral Health Services and Day One, to increase the total maximum  
obligation by $800,000 to $1,600,000, effective upon execution, for the period  
of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, and increasing the total annual  
maximum obligation per funding category per contract by $100,000, 100%  
funded with the California Department of Public Health/California Tobacco  
Control Program California Healthcare, Research, and Prevention Tax funds;  
and execute amendments to the contracts that provide an increase of decrease  
in funding up to 100% above or below each contract’s annual base maximum  
obligation, effective upon amendment execution, or at the beginning of the  
applicable contract term and make any corresponding service adjustments, as  
necessary. (Department of Public Health) APPROVE (24-1992)  
Community Services  
Weed Abatement Service Agreements  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Chair to sign the weed abatement  
service renewal agreements with the City of Arcadia (5) for the Department of  
Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures to provide weed abatement  
services for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029, at no Net County  
Cost; and authorize the Agricultural Commissioner/Director of Weights and  
Measures to terminate the agreement pursuant to the terms of the agreement, if  
necessary. (Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and  
Measures) APPROVE (24-2016)  
Pest Control Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Agricultural Commissioner/Director  
of Weights and Measures to execute an agreement with Los Angeles World  
Airports (LAWA), to provide pest control services on property owned or  
managed by LAWA including Los Angeles and Van Nuys airports (2 and 3), for  
the period of January 16, 2024 through August 31, 2027, in the amount of  
$1,300,000, at no Net County Cost; execute amendments to the agreement  
which increase the agreement amount not to exceed $2,800,000, or which  
extend the term for a period up to five years beyond the original expiration date;  
and provide additional pest control services customarily rendered by the  
Department that are not currently part of this agreement in the areas of  
vertebrate, vegetation, and insect pest management. (Department of  
Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures) APPROVE (24-2015)  
2024-25 Action Plan and Loan Approval for Permanent Local Housing  
Recommendation: Approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Action Plan (Action  
Plan), which will enable the Los Angeles Urban County to receive and  
administer a total of $34,147,038 in FY 2024-25 funding, comprised of  
$19,864,304 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for the  
County and the City of Cerritos, which is a joint applicant, $3,500,000 in future  
CDBG program income, $7,514,365 in HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)  
Program funds, $1,500,000 in future HOME program income, and $1,768,369  
in Federal Emergency Solutions Grant funds from the United States Department  
of Housing and Urban Development for housing and community development  
activities in the 47 participating cities and the unincorporated areas of the Los  
Angeles Urban County; designate the Executive Director of the Los Angeles  
County Development Authority to serve as the agent of the County for  
administration of the Action Plan, and the allocated funds described herein, and  
authorize the transfer of these allocated funds to the Los Angeles County  
Development Authority; and find that the approval of the Action Plan is not  
subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. (Los Angeles County  
Development Authority) APPROVE (Relates to Agenda No. 3-D) (24-2052)  
Minor Leases, Licenses, and Permits for Recreational or Park Use  
Recommendation: Find that the following uses of County Parks are necessary  
to meet and provide a public benefit to the County; authorize the Director of  
Parks and Recreation, to approve and execute, reduced rent or gratis,  
excluding cost of liability insurance, site maintenance, and/or site  
improvements, minor leases, licenses, and permits otherwise consistent with  
Los Angeles County Code, Sections 2.26.120 (Minor Leases) and 2.26.140  
(Licenses and Permits) for community-based organizations use, including but  
not limited to, community gardens, community compost centers, farmers  
markets, demonstration gardens, and mobility hubs; find that the proposed  
actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act; and  
authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Parks and  
Recreation) APPROVE (Continued from the meeting of 5-7-24)  
Post a Notice of Intention to consummate these leases, licenses, and  
permits in a public place for five working days prior to execution of the  
minor leases, pursuant to Government Code Section 25350.51 the notice  
shall describe the property proposed to be leased or licensed, the terms  
of the lease or license, and any County officer authorized to execute the  
lease or license; and  
Provide the appropriate Board Office with written notice, including a brief  
explanation and justification of the gratis or reduced rent lease, license,  
or permit five days prior to the execution of any reduced-rent or gratis  
lease, license, or permit, and to maintain a list of all minor agreements  
approved under this delegated authority. (24-1590)  
Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Automatic Transfer Switches  
Modernization and Manual Transfer Switches Retrofit Project Contract  
Recommendation: Establish and approve the Olive View-UCLA Medical Center  
Automatic Transfer Switches Modernization and Manual Transfer Switches  
Retrofit Project, Capital Project No. 8A040 (Project) (3), with a total project  
budget of $12,066,000; approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 appropriation  
adjustment to allocate $645,000 from the Department of Health Services'  
Enterprise Fund-Committed for the Department of Health Services to fund the  
projected FY 2023-24 expenditures for the Project; authorize the Director of  
Public Works to use Board-approved Job Order Contracts for the construction  
of the Project; and find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
4-VOTES (24-1983)  
Brackett Field Airport Sewer Pump and Main Replacement Project  
Recommendation: Approve a revised project budget of $1,660,000, an increase  
of $1,030,000 from the previous Board-approved amount of $630,000, for the  
Brackett Field Airport Sewer Pump and Main Replacement Project, Capital  
Project No. 89121 (Project) (1); Project; approve an appropriation adjustment to  
transfer $1,030,000 from the Department of Public Works Aviation Enterprise  
Fund to the Project; and find that the recommended actions are within the  
scope of the previous exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES (24-1988)  
Acton and Agua Dulce Shuttle Services Contract  
Recommendation: Find that the shuttle services can be more economically  
performed by an independent contractor; award and instruct the Chair to sign a  
contract with Transit Systems Unlimited, Inc., a Community Business  
Enterprise, to provide fixed-route/paratransit shuttle services to residents in the  
unincorporated communities of Acton and Agua Dulce (5), for a period of one  
year, with four one-year and six month-to-month extension options, for a  
maximum potential contract term of 66 months and a maximum potential  
contract amount of $2,094,803; authorize the Director of Public Works to  
exercise the extension options if, in the opinion of the Director, Transit Systems  
Unlimited, Inc., has successfully performed during the previous contract period,  
and the services are still required, approve and execute amendments to  
incorporate necessary changes within the scope of work, and to suspend work  
if, it is in the best interest of the County to do so; annually increase the contract  
amount up to an additional 10% of the annual contract amount, which is  
included in the maximum potential contract amount for unforeseen additional  
work within the scope of the contract if required; and find that the contract work  
is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public  
Works) APPROVE (24-1984)  
Broadway and Walnut Grove Avenue Improvement Project Cooperative  
Recommendation: Approve the pavement rehabilitation project on Broadway  
from Walnut Grove Avenue to Acacia Street and Walnut Grove Avenue from  
Las Tunas Drive to 200 ft South of Clanton Street (Project), and instruct the  
Chair to sign a cooperative agreement between the City of San Gabriel (1) and  
the County, for financing and delegation of responsibilities for the Project;  
authorize the Director of Public Works to approve the County’s estimated  
jurisdictional share up to an amount of $590,000 for the Project, approve up to  
10% of the County's estimate jurisdictional share equal to $59,000 for any  
unforeseen expenses that may occur, thereby increasing the maximum  
contribution from $590,000 to $649,000 for the Project, execute amendments  
and modifications of a nonmaterial nature to the cooperative agreements to  
incorporate necessary nonmaterial programmatic and administrative changes;  
and find that the proposed actions are not a project under the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, Road Maintenance and  
Rehabilitation Account Project List  
Recommendation: Approve the list of proposed road improvement projects to be  
financed in-part or solely with State of California Road Repair and  
Accountability Act of 2017 funds, for submission to the California  
Transportation Commission in Fiscal Year 2024-25 under the Road  
Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to enable the Department of Public  
Works to receive funds for the projects; and find that the proposed action is not  
a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of  
Public Works) APPROVE (24-2003)  
On-Call Water Conservation Best Management Practices Services  
Recommendation: Acting as the governing body of the Los Angeles County  
Waterworks District (District), award and authorize the Director of Public  
Works to execute a contract with WaterWise Consulting, Inc., a Community  
Business Enterprise, to assist the District and Marina del Rey Water System in  
implementing on-call water conservation best management practices, required  
by the California Urban Water Conservation Council for urban water  
conservation in California throughout various areas within the County, for a  
period of one year with four one-year and six month-to-month extension options  
for a maximum potential contract term of 66 months and a maximum potential  
contract amount of $753,225; find that the contract is exempt from the  
California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director to take the  
following actions: (Department Public Works) APPROVE  
Exercise the extension options if, in the opinion of the Director,  
WaterWise, Consulting, Inc. has successfully performed during the  
previous contract period, and the services are still required, execute  
amendments to incorporate necessary changes within the scope of work,  
and suspend and/or terminate the contract for convenience if it is in the  
best interest of the County to do so; and  
Annually increase the contract amount up to an additional 10% of the  
annual contract amount, which is included in the maximum potential  
contract amount for unforeseen additional work within the scope of the  
contract, if required, and to adjust the annual contract amount for each  
option year over the term of the contract to allow for an annual cost of  
living adjustment in accordance with County policy. (24-1993)  
Coastline Drive 12-Inch Waterline Improvements Project  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County Waterworks  
District No. 29, Malibu, approve the proposed Coastline Drive 12-inch Waterline  
Improvements Project (Project), in the unincorporated community of Sunset  
Mesa (3) and adopt the plans and specifications at an estimated contract  
amount between $2,300,000 and $3,400,000; advertise for bids to be received  
before 11:00 a.m. on July 9, 2024; determine that the recommended actions  
are within the scope of the Project impacts analyzed in the Environmental  
Impact Report previously certified by the Board; find pursuant to State Public  
Contract Code, Section 3400 (c) (1-4), that it is necessary to specify  
designated items by specific brand name in order to match other products in  
use on a particular public improvement either completed or in the course of  
completion; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following  
actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT  
Determine whether the bid of the apparent responsible contractor with  
the lowest apparent responsive bid is, in fact, responsive and, if not  
responsive, to determine which apparent responsible contractor  
submitted the lowest responsive bid;  
Award and execute a construction contract for the Project with the  
responsible contractor with the lowest responsive bid within or less than  
the estimated cost range of $2,300,000 and $3,400,000, or that exceeds  
the estimated cost range by no more than 15%, if additional funds have  
been identified; and  
Extend the date and time for the receipt of bids, allow substitution of  
subcontractors and relief of bidders, execute change orders within the  
same monetary limits delegated to the Director of Public Works, accept  
the Project upon its final completion, and release retention money  
withheld. (24-1994)  
Public Safety  
Tissue Collection Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Medical Examiner to execute an  
agreement with One Legacy for Tissue Collection Services to occur Countywide  
at both the Department of Medical Examiner and the Department of Health  
Services’ facilities, at no Net County Cost; and exercise the three one-year  
renewal options, with up to an additional six month-to-month extension options,  
and to execute amendments that adjust the level of reimbursable County costs.  
(Department of Medical Examiner) APPROVE (24-1986)  
As-Needed Diesel Exhaust System Repair and Replacement Services  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), authorize the Fire Chief to execute a contract  
between the District and Air Exchange, Inc., to provide diesel exhaust system  
repair and replacement services on an as-needed and intermittent basis;  
authorize the maximum contract amount of $2,500,000, for an initial term of  
three years, and two one-year extension options, with a maximum contract  
amount comprised of annual expenditures not to exceed a total of $500,000 per  
contract year, effective July 1, 2024; authorize the Fire Chief, to execute  
amendments, suspensions, or termination if deemed necessary, including any  
extensions options, and in accordance with the approved contract terms and  
conditions, provided the amounts payable under such amendments do not  
exceed the annual budget of $500,000; and find that the contract is exempt from  
the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE  
Maintenance and Repair Services Contract  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), authorize the Fire Chief to sign a contract between  
the District and The BoatYard, to provide maintenance and repair services for  
the District’s rescue vehicles including fireboats, lifeguard rescue boats,  
watercraft and all-terrain/utility vehicles, on an as needed intermittent basis for  
an initial term of three years and with up to two one-year and twelve  
month-to-month extension options, for a maximum contract term of six years,  
effective July 1, 2024; authorize the maximum contract amount of $1,800,000 in  
aggregate, including the initial contract term and extension options, with a  
maximum contract amount comprised of annual expenditures not to exceed a  
total of $300,000 per contract year; authorize the Fire Chief to execute  
amendments, suspensions, or termination if deemed necessary, including the  
extension options, and in accordance with the approved contract terms and  
conditions, provided the amounts payable under such amendments do not  
exceed the $300,000 annual budget; and find that the contract is exempt from  
the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE  
California Coverdell Program for Fiscal Year 2023  
Recommendation: Instruct the Chair to sign the Certification of Assurance of  
Compliance form required by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency  
Services (Cal OES) for the 2023 California Coverdell Program (Program) as  
part of the grant application process; and authorize the Sheriff to take the  
following actions: (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE  
Sign and accept the grant award, subsequent to execution by Cal OES  
for the Program in the amount of $163,997 for the grant period from  
April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025, with no match requirement for the  
Execute and submit all required grant documents including, but not  
limited to, agreements, modifications, extensions, and payment requests  
that may be necessary for the completion of the Program; and  
Apply and submit a grant application to Cal OES for the Program in  
future fiscal years, and execute all required grant application documents,  
including assurances and certifications, when and if such future funding  
becomes available. (24-1947)  
Ordinance for Adoption  
Los Angeles County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation Leaseback  
Ordinance for adoption authorizing a public leaseback of certain real property  
owned by the County to the Los Angeles County Capital Asset Leasing  
Corporation (LACCAL), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation,  
pursuant to the requirements of California Government Code Section 54241, the  
public leaseback will secure the payment of the LACCAL Lease Revenue  
Commercial Paper Notes issued from time to time for, among other purposes,  
the financing and refinancing of County capital projects. ADOPT (24-1800)  
Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Amir Rofougaran, et al. v. Department of  
Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles, et al.  
Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of the  
matter entitled, Amir Rofougaran, et al. v. Department of Water and Power of the  
City of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 21STCV28730, in  
the amount of $250,000, and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to  
implement this settlement from the Department of Public Works' budget.  
This inverse condemnation lawsuit against the Department of Public Works alleged  
that a storm drain rupture caused flooding and property damage. (24-1969)  
City of Alhambra Election  
Request from the City of Alhambra: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS. (24-1926)  
Azusa Unified School District Election  
Request from the Azusa Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Baldwin Park Unified School District Election  
Request from the Baldwin Park Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
Centinela Valley Union High School District Election  
Request from the Centinela Valley Union High School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
Duarte Unified School District Election  
Request from the Duarte Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Election  
Request from the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
Los Nietos School District Election  
Request from the Los Nietos School District: Render specified services relating  
to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
Palmdale School District Election  
Request from the Palmdale School District: Render specified services relating  
to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Election  
Request from the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
Walnut Valley Water District Election  
Request from the Walnut Valley Water District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Castaic Union School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Castaic Union School District (District): Adopt a resolution  
authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal  
of, and interest on, the District’s 2012 Election General Obligation Bonds,  
Series 2024 (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed  
$6,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2024-25 tax roll,  
and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt  
service schedule for the Bonds, that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by  
the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT (24-1977)  
Rowland Unified School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Rowland Unified School District (District): Adopt a resolution  
authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal  
of, and interest on, the District’s 2012 Election General Obligation Bonds,  
Series C (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,800,000;  
and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2024-25 tax roll, and all  
subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt  
service schedule for the Bonds, that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by  
the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT (24-1972)  
Miscellaneous Additions  
Items not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred to  
staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board, or  
matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or  
where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board  
subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (5) (12-9996)  
Recommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or otherwise  
modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes, consistent with the Los  
Angeles County Code. (12-9997)  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration Amendment  
Recommendation: Approve an ordinance for introduction amending County  
Code, Title 2 - Administration, to establish the Office of the County Hearing  
Officer to conduct administrative hearings and appeals as provided under State  
law or the Los Angeles County Code, and sets forth the authority, duties, and  
qualifications of the County Hearing Officers. (County Counsel) INTRODUCE,  
County Code, Title 6 - Salaries Amendment  
Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries, by adding  
and establishing the salary of one new unclassified classification; and adding,  
deleting, and/or changing certain employee classifications and number of  
ordinance positions in the Departments of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights  
and Measures, Aging and Disabilities, Alternate Public Defender, Animal Care  
and Control, Arts and Culture, Assessor, Auditor-Controller, Board of  
Supervisors, Chief Executive Officer, Children and Family Services, Consumer  
and Business Affairs, County Counsel, District Attorney, Economic  
Opportunity, Fire, Health Services, Internal Services, Justice, Care and  
Opportunities, Medical Examiner, Mental Health, Military and Veterans Affairs,  
Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History, Parks and Recreation, Public  
Defender, Public Health, Public Social Services, Public Works, Regional  
Planning, Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, Sheriff, Treasurer and Tax  
Collector, and Youth Development. INTRODUCE, WAIVE READING AND  
PLACE ON THE AGENDA FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 31)  
Los Angeles County Facilities 2 Inc. Public Leaseback Ordinance  
Ordinance for introduction authorizing a public leaseback, pursuant to  
California Government Code Section 54241 of certain real property in the City  
of Los Angeles, within the County of Los Angeles, the addresses of which are  
550 South Vermont Avenue and 3175 West 6th Street, and improvements,  
furniture, fixtures and equipment on such property consisting of approximately  
154,793 gross square feet of existing space renovated to Class A office space,  
including two ground floor retail spaces of approximately 1,000 square feet  
each; an extension of the existing building floor plates to include an additional  
approximately 88,340 gross square feet of new Class A office space, for a total  
of approximately 243,133 gross square feet of Class A office space;  
approximately 12,050 gross square feet of renovated subterranean  
back-of-house support space; an elevated pedestrian walkway connecting the  
existing office building to the terrace level of the neighboring office building  
commonly known as 510 South Vermont Avenue; and approximately ten surface  
parking spots and landscaping, all to serve as office space and related ancillary  
facilities for various County Departments, commissions, and staff.  
ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 90) (24-2060)  
Vermont Corridor Site 2 Renovation Project  
Recommendation: Certify that the Addendum to the previously certified Final  
Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the adopted Vermont Corridor Project  
has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act  
and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the County; find that the  
Board has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Addendum  
together with the previously certified FEIR, prior to authorizing the Project  
described herein and authorize the Addendum; authorize the Site 2 Project and  
establish the Vermont Corridor Site 2 Renovation, Capital Project No. 87802  
(CP No. 87802) (Project) (2), to fund Project costs that are directly funded by  
the County, for owner's representative/project management services, legal  
services, and potential soil remediation activities; authorize the execution of the  
proposed Ground Lease and Facilities Lease Agreements for the Project,  
pursuant to which the County will lease and leaseback properties located at 550  
South Vermont Avenue and 3175 West 6th Street, for the financing and  
renovation of an approximately 243,000 sq ft office building to serve as a  
County administration office building, public serving uses and ancillary retail;  
authorize the Chief Executive Officer, to execute the proposed Lease  
Agreements for the Project between the County and Los Angeles County  
Facilities 2 Inc. (LACF2), including any ancillary documents, execute any  
future amendments to the agreements thereto that may be necessary to  
implement the terms set forth therein; approve an ordinance for introduction  
amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries, to add and establish the salary for  
one new unclassified classification and to add, delete, and/or change certain  
employee classifications and number of ordinance positions in various  
departments as a result of the budget process for Fiscal Year 2024-25;  
authorize an appropriation adjustment transferring $500,000 from the completed  
Vermont Corridor County Administration Building, CP No. 69950, and  
$2,500,000 from the Various Refurbishment Mitigation/Remediation, CP No.  
86612, to the Project, representative/project management services, legal  
services, and potential soil remediation activities; adopt a resolution authorizing  
the financing plan for the proposed Project and the issuance and sale of bonds  
by LACF2 on tax-exempt and taxable basis on behalf of the County to finance  
the proposed Project cost with a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $210,000,000,  
plus capitalized interest and costs of issuance for the transaction in an  
aggregate principal amount not to exceed $260,000,000, authorize the County  
to accept title to Site 2 and any improvements thereon upon payment or  
defeasance in full of such bonds and to execute and deliver various legal  
documents relating to the issuance of the Bonds, and related actions;  
authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute any additional transactional  
documents and take any other actions and execute any other documents  
consistent with, and/or necessary for the implementation of the foregoing  
recommended actions; determine at the Board’s discretion, that the Project  
shall be deemed a “Covered Project” to which the County’s current Community  
Workforce Agreement (CWA) shall apply; and authorize TCLA Development,  
Inc. to perform all administrative duties of the County that are required to be  
performed by the CWA. (Chief Executive Office) 4-VOTES (Relates to  
Agenda No. 89) (24-2106)  
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2024  
9:30 A.M.  
County Sanitation District No. 27 and Newhall Ranch Sanitation District  
Recommendations and Approval of Minutes  
1. Recommendation: Approve minutes of the regular meeting held  
March 6, 2024 (both Districts);  
2. Recommendation: Approve December 2023, and January, February and  
March 2024 expenses in total amounts of $148,079 (County Sanitation  
District No. 27) (3) and $154,861 (Newhall Ranch Sanitation District) (5);  
3. Recommendation: Adopt amended Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Code  
(both Districts)  
4. Adopt Investment Policy (both Districts)  
5. Recommendation: Establish by resolution appropriation limit of $1,173,994,  
as required by Government Code Section 7910 (3);  
6. Recommendation: Adopt operating fund budget and adopt resolution request  
tax levy of $505,000 (3);  
7. Recommendation: Authorize appropriations per budget (3);  
8. Recommendation: Adopt operating fund (5); and  
9. Recommendation: Authorize appropriations per budget (5). (24-1957)  
TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2024  
9:30 A.M.  
Exclusive Negotiating Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity, on behalf of  
the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) to extend the term of  
the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) among Compton Unified School  
District (CUSD), LACDA, and Charles Drew University/Martin Luther King  
Wellness Collaborative, LLC through June 30, 2025, in order to negotiate the  
potential development of properties located along 117th Street (LACDA  
property) and 1667 East 118th Street (CUSD property) in unincorporated  
Willowbrook (2); execute the term of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  
between LACDA and CUSD to extend the term through June 30, 2025, extend  
the term of the ENA and MOU for an additional 180 days, if needed, execute  
any and all related or ancillary documents or amendments to the ENA and MOU  
necessary to effectuate the action authorized hereby, collect deposits and fees  
in connection with the terms of the amended ENA and MOU, and to administer  
the expenses and accounting associated with the amended ENA and MOU; and  
find that the recommended actions are not a project under the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Economic Opportunity and Los  
Angeles County Development Authority) APPROVE (Relates to Agenda No.  
39) (24-1966)  
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget of the Los Angeles County Development  
Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign a resolution approving  
the $1,095,380,200 Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Budget of the Los Angeles  
County Development Authority (LACDA) and to sign a Public Housing Agency  
Board Resolution approving the operating budget and certifying submission of  
LACDA’s FY 2024-25 Budget to the United States Department of Housing and  
Urban Development; adopt and instruct the Chair to sign the Public Housing  
Agency Board Resolution approving the operating budget and certifying  
submission of the LACDA’s FY 2024-25 Budget to the United States  
Department of Housing and Urban Development; authorize the Executive  
Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority to implement the FY  
2024-25 Budget and take all related actions for this purpose, including  
execution of all required documents; find that the approval of the Budget is not  
subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Executive  
Director to take the following actions: ADOPT  
Execute funding agreements or amendments to any existing funding  
agreements with the County and all required documents necessary to  
accept $475,000 for the Cooperative Extension Program, $1,007,000 for  
the Community Policing Program, $425,000 for South County Public  
Housing Scattered Sites, $11,043,000 for Measure H (Homeless  
Prevention Initiative), and $216,000 for the Homeless Coordinator and  
ancillary services; and  
Execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and any necessary  
amendments to the MOU, with the County and all required documents  
necessary to accept $661,064 for the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention  
Act. (24-2055)  
2024-25 Action Plan and Loan Approval for the Permanent Local Housing  
Allocation Funds  
Recommendation: Designate the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County  
Development Authority (LACDA) to serve as the agent of the County for the  
administration of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Action Plan (Action Plan) for the  
County, and accept $34,147,038 in FY 2024-25 funding from the County,  
comprised of $19,864,304 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)  
grant funds for the County and the City of Cerritos, which is a joint applicant,  
$3,500,000 in future CDBG program income, $7,514,365 in HOME Investment  
Partnerships (HOME) Program funds, $1,500,000 in future HOME program  
income; and $1,768,369 in Federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds,  
which will be included in LACDA’s FY 2024-25 budget through the annual  
budget approval process, all subject to final notification of approval by the  
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; designate the  
Executive Director as the official responsible for completing all required actions  
to be taken by LACDA for administration of the Action Plan, and the allocated  
funds described within; find that approval of the FY 2024-25 Action Plan is not  
subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Executive  
Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority to take the following  
actions: APPROVE (Relates to Agenda No. 57)  
Execute CDBG Reimbursable and Advance Contracts to provide a total of  
$1,793,561 in CDBG funds for 18 projects with 16 community-based  
organizations and other public agencies described in the Action Plan,  
effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025;  
Execute CDBG Reimbursable Contracts with 47 participating cities to  
provide a total of $7,670,299 in CDBG funding for eligible activities,  
effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025;  
Execute a CDBG Reimbursable Contract with the City of Covina for the  
purpose of repaying a Section 108 Loan previously approved by the  
Board, and set aside approximately $179,065.10 of the City of Covina's  
FY 2024-25 CDBG allocation for repayment of the Section 108 loan;  
Approve the use of Federal ESG funds in the amount of approximately  
Execute agreements with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority  
to fund programs that assist persons who are unhoused, as described in  
the Action Plan;  
Accept and incorporate additional FY 2024-25 CDBG, HOME, or ESG  
funding, into the Action Plan and LACDA budget, in the event that HUD  
makes changes to the allocations that result in additional funding for the  
Los Angeles Urban County Program, and if necessary, reprogram such  
funds, whether unexpended, disallowed, or recovered, in order to fully  
expend the grants for the purposes described in the Action Plan, within  
the limits prescribed by HUD;  
Modify funding at the project level, as needed, to incorporate and utilize  
all FY 2024-25 CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds allocated by HUD;  
Amend the Action Plan from time to time, as necessary, to address the  
cancellation and/or inclusion of off-cycle projects, as well as any  
necessary non-monetary and monetary amendments up to $200,000, to  
projects being undertaken by the County, participating cities, and  
recipient agencies during FY 2024-25, and include Federal regulatory  
changes and new HUD directives;  
Terminate CDBG Reimbursable and Advance Contracts utilizing FY  
2024-25 or prior year funds, when the operating agencies fail to address  
administrative deficiencies, CDBG Program compliance issues, or other  
contract obligations;  
Execute agreements with Los Angeles Urban County participating cities,  
or other entitlement cities, to provide administrative and construction  
management and oversight of their CDBG and HOME Programs,  
including procurement, contracting for, and carrying out construction  
projects within these jurisdictions;  
Administer and execute agreements with participating cities for the  
CDBG Revolving Grant Fund, comprised of funding reallocated by  
participating cities, to sign agreements with cities that would utilize such  
funds for specific CDBG-eligible activities upon application by  
jurisdictions that participate in the Los Angeles Urban County Program;  
Execute any necessary non-monetary, as well as monetary amendments,  
up to $200,000;  
Execute a loan agreement and any related documents with SEED LA  
Facilities, LLC., or its LACDA-approved assignees, to provide a  
$500,000 five-year loan using the Economic Development Act Revolving  
Loan Fund at a 3.25% interest rate to finance the development of the  
SEED LA school;  
Execute any future amendments to the loan documents and related  
documents, including taking all required actions to modify loan conditions  
and terms, that are consistent with conditions and terms identified in this  
Allocate Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds in any fiscal  
year in the form of low-interest, deferred loans to housing sponsors of  
affordable rental housing developments;  
Execute loan agreements, promissory notes secured by deeds of trust,  
and any related documents with housing sponsors, to allocate PLHA  
funds in any fiscal year, to restrict occupancy and rents of the projects;  
Execute any future amendments to the loan documents and related  
documents, including taking all required actions to modify loan conditions  
and terms, that are consistent with conditions and terms identified in this  
letter. (24-2053)  
Microsoft Enterprise Server and Cloud Azure Services Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Executive Director of the Los  
Angeles County Development Authority to execute, amend, and if necessary,  
terminate a three-year contract and all related documents with Insight Public  
Sector, Inc., for Microsoft Enterprise Server and Cloud Azure Services, in the  
amount of $1,200,000, plus up to $120,000 (10%) in pool dollars for unforeseen  
costs for a total maximum amount of $1,320,000; upon his determination and as  
necessary and appropriate under terms of the contract, execute amendments to  
the contract to add or delete services utilizing pool dollars, and if necessary, to  
terminate for convenience; and find that approval of the contract is not subject  
to the California Environmental Quality Act. APPROVE (NOTE: The Acting  
Chief Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) (24-2050)  
Laserfiche Software Support Plan Services Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Executive Director of the Los  
Angeles County Development Authority to execute, amend, and if necessary,  
terminate a five-year contract and all related documents with Laserfiche for  
Laserfiche Software Support Plan services, in the amount of $504,708.15, plus  
up to $50,470.82 in pool dollars for unforeseen costs for a total maximum  
amount of up to $555,178.97; execute amendments to the contract to add or  
delete services, utilizing pool dollars, and if necessary, to terminate for  
convenience; and find that approval of the contract is not subject to the  
California Environmental Quality Act. APPROVE (NOTE: The Acting Chief  
Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) (24-2057)  
Continue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an  
infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of  
extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and  
pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified by  
the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of  
persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms beginning  
January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed  
on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January 17, 2023; (d)  
Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property on  
the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23, 2023 affecting the  
areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on March 1, 2023 and  
ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the arrival, presence, and  
impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los Angeles County beginning  
August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20, 2023 and ratified by the Board  
on August 22, 2023; and (f) Conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property exist on the basis of winter storms in the County  
beginning February 1, 2024, as proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by  
the Board on February 6, 2024. (A-1)  
(Government Code Section 54957)  
Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency  
services representatives. (A-2)  
Discussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and any  
other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County  
associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to  
coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at the  
meeting of January 12, 2016. (A-10)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s  
homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and  
proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023. (A-11)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of issues  
related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016. (A-12)  
Discussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal and/or  
State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the meeting of January  
17, 2017. (A-13)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action taken  
by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as requested by  
Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17, 2017 and revised  
by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017. (A-14)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board meeting of  
February 21, 2017. (A-15)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and  
Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017. (A-16)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared  
outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board meeting of  
April 30, 2019. (A-18)  