Rancho Los Amigos South Campus County Office Building Project
Construction Contract
Recommendation: Find that the recommended actions, including authorization
to execute a contract amendment with Sundt Construction, Inc., for Phase 2 of
the previously approved Rancho Los Amigos South Campus County Office
Building Project, Capital Project No. 67959 (Project) located at 7601 East
Imperial Highway in the City of Downey (4), were previously analyzed in the
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Project, which the Board,
acting as lead agency, certified on June 23, 2020, in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act and that there have been no changes to
the previously approved Project or the circumstances under which it will be
undertaken that will result in any new significant effects not discussed in the
FEIR, or any significant environmental effects that would be more severe than
shown in the FEIR, further find that the previously adopted Mitigation Monitoring
and Reporting Program, approved Findings of Fact, and Statement of
Overriding Consideration, approved by the Board at the time of Project
approval, continue to apply to the currently proposed actions; approve the
Project with a total Project budget of $479,689,000; authorize the issuance of
short-term lease revenue commercial paper notes through the Los Angeles
County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation Lease Revenue Note Program and/or
long-term bonds to finance the remaining estimated Project costs and any
Project costs initially funded through the lease revenue commercial paper notes
proceeds in an amount up to $446,674,000; approve an appropriation
adjustment to increase appropriation and revenue by $27,000,000 in the Lease
Revenue Obligation Notes - General Facilities Capital Improvement Fund for the
Project, to fully fund the estimated Fiscal Year 2024-25 project expenditures;
and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions:
(Department of Public Works) 4-VOTES
Execute an amendment to the design build contract to Sundt
Construction, Inc., for Phase 2 of the Project (design completion and
construction) with a contract amount of $373,300,000 and a maximum
contract amount of $407,400,000 for the Project, which will include a
design completion allowance of $16,500,000, a utility connection fee
allowance of $1,600,000, and a furniture, fixtures, equipment, securities,
and audio/visual allowance of $16,000,000, subject to receipt by the
County of acceptable Faithful Performance and Payment for Labor and
Materials Bonds and evidence of required contract insurance filed by the
design-build entity; establish the effective date of the contract upon
receipt of acceptable performance, payment bonds, and evidence of
required insurance; and take all actions necessary and appropriate to
fully deliver the Project;