Hearing on Project No. PRJ2023-003193-(All Districts) Amending County
Code, Title 2 - Administration and Title 22 - Planning and Zoning for the
Tune Up Series 003 Ordinance
Hearing on Project No. PRJ2023-003193-(All Districts) and Advance Planning
Case No. RPPL2023004662, amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration
and Title 22 - Planning and Zoning with the Title 22 Tune Up Series 003
Ordinance (Ordinance), to make modifications where necessary to correct
discrepancies, typographical errors and outdated and redundant provisions
including, but not limited to, removing outdated language regarding Regional
Planning Commission advisory membership (Chapter 2.108 - Regional Planning
Commission); clarifying definitions (Section 22.14.160 - P) and provisions
(Section 22.246.090) of the Public Art in Private Development Program;
illustrating provisions for Fences and Walls (Section 22.110.070); correcting
procedures for modifying or removing required fences and walls for Outdoor
Storage (Section 22.140.430); correcting Commercial Zone Accessory Use
code references (Section 22.20.030 - Land Use Regulations for Zones C-H,
C-1, C-2, C-3, C-M, C-MJ, and C-R) for Home-Based Occupations (Section
22.140.290); correcting typographical errors (Sections 22.20.050 -
Development Standards for Zones C-H, C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-M; 22.166.050 -
Discretionary Housing Permit; 22.196.010 - Applicability (Yard Modifications);
22.312.080 - Area-Specific Development Standards (Castaic Area Community
Standards District); and Chapter 22.140 - Standards for Specific Uses);
correcting outdated names of County offices (Sections 22.22.080 -
Development Standards for Zone M-2.5; 22.124.090 - Process for Designation
of a Landmark; 22.124.100 - Process for Designation of a Historic District;
22.222.290 - Bonds and Insurance; 22.240.050 - Fee for Appeals; 22.250.010
- Filing Fees and Deposits; and 22.250.040 - eRecordation Fee); correcting the
qualifying zones for Parking as a Transitional Use (Section 22.140.440);
clarifying Procedures for Appeals and Calls for Review (Section 22.240.060);
clarifying the Director’s authority to withdraw or revise interpretations (Section
22.234.020); streamlining the administration of a Supplemental Fee Agreement
(Section 22.262.040); administratively re-formatting Community Standards
Districts to conform with the Planning Areas Framework of the General Plan
(Division 10 - Planning Area and Community Standards Districts); clarifying the
prohibition of incidental walkways in landscaped buffers in the Altadena
Community Standards District (22.306.070 - Zone-Specific Development
Standards); and correcting errors in the Florence-Firestone Transit-Oriented
District Specific Plan Zones and Development Standards (Chapter 22.418);
additionally, find that the adoption of this Ordinance is exempt from the
California Environmental Quality Act (Class 5 and Section 15061(b)(3)). (The
Regional Planning Commission recommended approval of this project.)
(Department of Regional Planning) (Continued from the meeting of 12-10-24