seven years, beginning on July 1, 2025 and expiring on June 30, 2032,
with 12 month-to-month extension options, for a maximum potential
contract term of eight years, with an initial monthly rate per customer for
Task 1 of $41.84, Task 2 will be for an initial annual contract amount not
to exceed $720,777, and a potential contract amount of $8,259,330 for
the maximum term of the contract;
South San Gabriel/Whittier Narrows to Ware Disposal, Inc., for a period
of four years, beginning on July 1, 2025 and expiring on June 30, 2029,
with 12 month-to-month extension options, for a maximum potential
contract term of five years, with an initial monthly rate per customer for
Task 1 of $36.15, Task 2 will be for an initial annual contract amount not
to exceed $502,809, and a potential contract amount of $3,334,002 for
the maximum term of the contract;
Bassett/Valinda/San Jose Hills/West Puente Valley to Valley Vista
Services, Inc., for a period of four years, beginning on October 1, 2025
and expiring on September 30, 2029, with 12 month-to-month extension
options, for a maximum potential contract term of five years, with an
initial monthly rate per customer for Task 1 of $36.71, Task 2 will be for
an initial annual contract amount not to exceed $506,244, and a potential
contract amount of $3,356,780 for the maximum term of the contract; and
Charter Oak/Covina to Athens Services, for a period of four years,
beginning on November 1, 2025 and expiring on October 31, 2029, with
12 month-to-month extension options, for a maximum potential contract
term of five years, with an initial monthly rate per customer for Task 1 of
$36.72, Task 2 will be for an initial annual contract amount not to exceed
$610,092, and a potential contract amount of $4,045,374 for the
maximum term of the contract;
Authorize the Director of Public Works to adjust the monthly rate for basic
services billed directly to the customers, the monthly rates as billed by the
contractor for additional customer services, such as more containers or
collection at a higher frequency billed directly to the customers, the monthly
rate billed to the County by the contractor for County Services, and the contract
amount, if applicable, by up to 10% of the previous year's rate for unforeseen,
additional work within the scope of the contract, by up to 10% of the previous
year's rate for applicable changes in law, and by up to 5% of the previous
year's rate to allow for changes affecting the solid waste industry, including
prices for labor, fuel, and the processing of various types of commodities;
Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the contracts, take all the
necessary and appropriate steps to carry out the contracts, renew the contracts
using any extension option if, in the opinion of the Director, the contractor has