Hearing on Project No. PRJ2022-004615-(2 and 4), South Bay Area Plan
Hearing on the South Bay Area Plan (SBAP) Project No. PRJ2022-004615-(2
and 4), Advance Planning Case No. RPPL2022014508, Advance Planning
Case No. RPPL2022014509, General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023004724,
Zone Change No. RPPL2023004725, Environmental Assessment No.
RPPL2022014512, and the associated amendments to the General Plan and its
accompanying Land Use Policy Map, County Code, Title 22 - Planning Zoning,
including the zoning map, and the West Carson Transit Oriented District (TOD)
Specific Plan, collectively known as the Project, the SBAP is a component of
the General Plan that guides development in the eight unincorporated
communities within the South Bay Planning Area (Planning Area) over the next
20 years, including Alondra Park/El Camino Village, Del Aire, Hawthorne
Island, La Rambla, Lennox, West Carson, Westfield/Academy Hills, and
Wiseburn; the associated amendments to the General Plan, County Code Title
22 and West Carson TOD Specific Plan implement the goals and policies in the
SBAP and maintain consistency between the General Plan, the SBAP, and the
SBAP’s implementing documents, the proposed General Plan Land Use Policy
Map amendments will establish the long-range vision for the general intended
uses within the Planning Area, as well as development density, the proposed
Zoning Map amendments implement that vision on a parcel-level through zoning
that regulates specific allowable uses and development standards, State law
requires that the Zoning Map be consistent with the Land Use Policy Map, the
Project proposes land use and zoning changes in the following categories:
Housing Element land use and zoning changes, technical changes, and
Opportunity Areas; the Housing Element identifies a list of sites in the South
Bay Planning Area that must be redesignated by 2025 in accordance with the
County’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation shortfall, total of 94 properties are
proposed to be redesignated to accommodate 5,361 potential units, technical
changes are proposed for 2,511 properties in the Planning Area to fix
inconsistencies between land use and zoning designations, reflect existing
conditions on the ground, and ensure consistency with the General Plan Land
Use Policy legend, opportunity Areas implement the SBAP’s and General Plan’s
goals to increase housing opportunities, focus growth in areas near transit, and
transition underutilized sites to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses and
reflect changing development patterns, the northeastern portion of the Del Aire
community is identified as an opportunity area in the General Plan and as such,
a total of 283 properties in the community of Del Aire are selected for land use
and zoning changes because of their proximity to high quality transit, land use
and zoning changes are proposed for an additional 13 properties identified as
opportunity areas in the Planning Area as they are vacant, underutilized, and/or
incompatible with adjacent established uses, these changes will facilitate the
transition of these sites to uses that reflect surrounding development patterns,
the Project also amends County Code, Title 22 to establish the South Bay