TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024, 9:30 A.M.  
Lindsey P. Horvath  
Third District  
Hilda L. Solis  
Holly J. Mitchell  
First District  
Second District  
Janice Hahn  
Fourth District  
Kathryn Barger  
Chair Pro Tem  
Fifth District  
Executive Officer  
Edward Yen  
AGENDA POSTED: June 18, 2024  
MEETING TELEVISED: Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. KLCS  
Assistive listening devices, agenda in Braille and/or alternate formats are available upon request.  
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, other auxiliary aids and services, or reasonable  
modifications to Board meeting policies and/or procedures, such as to assist members of the  
disability community who would like to request a disability-related accommodation in addressing  
the Board, are available if requested at least three business days prior to the Board meeting.  
Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Please telephone the Executive  
Office of the Board at (213) 974-1426 (voice) or (213) 974-1707 (TTY), from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00  
p.m., Monday through Friday.  
Supporting documentation is available at the Executive Office of the Board located at the Kenneth  
Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Room 383, Los Angeles, California 90012,  
Máquinas de traducción disponibles a petición. Si necesita intérprete para las juntas de los  
Supervisores del Condado de Los Angeles, por favor llame (213) 974-1426 entre las horas de  
8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., lunes a viernes, con tres días de anticipación.  
Invocation led by Pastor Jeremy Mayol, Lead Pastor of The Highlands, Palmdale (5).  
Pledge of Allegiance led by Danielle Romero, Former Army Specialist, Montebello (1).  
All matters are approved by one motion unless held.  
Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts  
Recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for  
Commissions/Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments):  
Documents on file in the Executive Office.  
Supervisor Hilda L. Solis  
Teresa Dreyfuss+, Quality and Productivity Commission  
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell  
Lee Wax+, Fish and Wildlife Commission, also waive limitation of  
length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section  
Stanley L. Johnson, Jr.+, Los Angeles County Board of Education  
Ma. Pilar D. Chayachinda, West Carson Public Financing Authority  
Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath  
Stephen J. Sass+, Los Angeles County Historical Landmarks and  
Records Commission  
Supervisor Janice Hahn  
Dolores Irene Nason+, Access Services Incorporated  
Naomi Rainey-Pierson+, Board of Governors, Department of  
Museum of Natural History  
Jesse Enriquez, Los Angeles Harbor Area Cemetery District  
Supervisor Kathryn Barger  
Amanda Hernandez+, Los Angeles County Youth Commission  
Commission on HIV  
Dahlia Ale-Ferlito, Erika Davies+, William David Hardy, M.D.  
(Alternate)+, Commission on HIV  
William D. King, M.D.+, Commission on HIV, also waive limitation of  
length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section  
3.29.050C (24-0102)  
Understanding and Addressing Origin and Obstacles: Ending  
Intergenerational Homelessness and Housing Insecurity,  
Incarceration, and Systems Involvement and Ensuring Generational  
and Life-Long Success for Transition Age Youth  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath: Direct  
the Los Angeles County Children’s System of Care, the Prevention and  
Promotion Systems Governing Committee, and the Director of Children and  
Family Services, to report back to the Board in writing in 180 days, in  
collaboration with the Directors of Public Social Services and Mental Health,  
the Chief Probation Officer, and other relevant Department Heads and  
stakeholders, such as the Executive Director of the Youth Commission,  
including young people with lived experience, that support Transitional Age  
Youth (TAY) in the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), on  
a comprehensive approach for the coordination of resources, opportunities,  
and care for TAY that will prevent negative outcomes and promote their  
success and ability to thrive in life, including addressing permanency for  
system-impacted children and youth, where the approach should:  
Prioritize prevention, permanency, and center around at-risk and  
systems-impacted DCFS TAY;  
Facilitate and sustain strategic alignment among County and  
non-County partners to ensure quality service delivery and support;  
Identify systems-level barriers and gaps, mission and scope drift, and  
opportunities for reduction of duplication, redundancy, and  
Build on existing, promising efforts to meet the needs of DCFS TAY  
more comprehensively;  
Include robust and consistent assessments for the creation of tailored  
success planning and comprehensive and frequent independent  
evaluations and audits of the DCFS TAY-oriented services,  
programs, and service providers including, but not limited to, services  
that promote stable housing, educational achievement, workforce  
development, life skills training, health and behavioral health  
supports, and mentoring, to ensure efficacy; and  
Outreach successes and opportunities for improvement, including  
review of language inclusivity and cultural competency;  
Instruct the Director of Children and Family Services, in partnership with the  
Chief Executive Officer, and any other relevant partners, to report back to  
the Board in writing in 120 days with a detailed description of the planned  
specialized TAY section within DCFS, including the following:  
Proposed organizational structure, roles and responsibilities, and a  
proposed staffing plan;  
Opportunities for collaboration and partnership between the TAY  
section, existing DCFS programs and units, and County partner  
Departments in the provision of services to TAY; and  
Creating a dynamic, public database, in consultation and partnership  
with the Acting Chief Information Officer, that shows, at minimum, the  
number of TAY in County care, the demographic breakdown of TAY,  
including sexual orientation, gender identification, the number of TAY  
who have a history of homelessness and housing insecurity,  
incarceration and correctional supervision, and child welfare, and the  
number and type of services TAY is receiving. (24-2472)  
Preserving Military History: Bob Hope Patriotic Hall National Register  
of Historic Places and County Landmark Nominations  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath: Instruct  
the Director of Military and Veterans Affairs to nominate Bob Hope Patriotic  
Hall, located at 1816 South Figueroa Street in the City of Los Angeles, for  
listing on the National Register of Historic Places; and adopt a resolution  
nominating Bob Hope Patriotic Hall as a Los Angeles County Historic  
Landmark, effective October 1, 2024, to allow for the use of information  
from the National Register of Historic Places designation process to inform  
the County landmarking process. (24-2482)  
Dignity and Health for People who are Incarcerated: Ensuring  
Accessibility to Menstrual Products in the Los Angeles County Jails,  
Probation Detention Facilities, Patrol Lockups, and Court Holding  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Hahn: Request  
the Sheriff and instruct the Inspector General, Sybil Brand Commission  
(SBC), and the Executive Director of the Sheriff Civilian Oversight  
Commission to:  
Review existing Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD)  
policies to ensure compliance and alignment with Assembly Bill (AB)  
732 (2020) (Bonta), the Reproductive Dignity for Incarcerated People  
Act, availability and accessibility of menstrual products, security  
search concerns, ensuring all barriers to the products are removed,  
including asking staff for products, and, in collaboration with the  
Director of Correction Health Services, Department of Health  
Services, develop a policy that would ensure accessibility and  
availability of menstrual products for people with mental health  
Ensure all staff are following AB 732 (2020) and custody  
management and leadership are making sure policies related to the  
availability and accessibility of menstrual products are followed,  
through training and oversight;  
Request the Sheriff to provide the Inspector General, SBC, and the  
Executive Director of the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission, with  
a report back in writing in 60 days on the above;  
Instruct the Inspector General, SBC, and the Executive Director of  
the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission, to review the Sheriff’s  
report, and report back to the Board in writing in 60 days with  
recommendations, including areas of improvement;  
Request the Sheriff and instruct the Inspector General, SBC, and the  
Executive Director of the Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission, to  
provide presentations on the report back at the Sheriff Civilian  
Oversight Commission and Sybil Brand Commission meetings,  
following each of the reports requested above; and  
Instruct the Inspector General to include status on the availability and  
accessibility of menstrual products and any relevant updates, in its  
quarterly report to the Board, until further notice;  
Instruct the Chief Probation Officer, the Inspector General, and the  
Executive Director of the Probation Oversight Commission to:  
Review existing Probation Department policies to ensure compliance  
and alignment with AB 732 (2020), availability and accessibility of  
menstrual products; security search concerns, and ensuring all  
barriers to the products are removed, including asking staff for  
Ensure all staff are following AB 732 (2020) and custody  
management and leadership are making sure policies related to the  
availability and accessibility of menstrual products are followed,  
through training and oversight;  
Instruct the Chief Probation Officer to provide the Inspector General  
and the Executive Director of the Probation Oversight Commission,  
with a report back in writing in 60 days, on the above;  
Instruct the Inspector General and the Executive Director of the  
Probation Oversight Commission to review the Chief Probation  
Officer’s report and report back to the Board in writing in 60 days,  
with recommendations, including areas of improvement;  
Instruct the Chief Probation Officer, the Inspector General, and the  
Executive Director of the Probation Oversight Commission to provide  
presentations on the report at the Probation Oversight Commission,  
following each of the reports directed above; and  
Instruct the Inspector General to include status on the availability and  
accessibility of menstrual products and any relevant updates, in its  
quarterly report to the Board, until further notice;  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with the Sheriff and the  
Chief Probation Officer, to identify a funding plan to make menstrual  
products, including tampons, free to incarcerated youth and adults, and  
report back to the Board in writing during the Supplemental Budget Phase;  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and  
Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to send a five-signature letter to  
support AB 1810 (Bryan), legislation that would require the person [who is  
incarcerated] to have ready access to menstrual products without having to  
ask [custody staff], and other similar measures that would expand access  
and increase accessibility to menstrual care and products for incarcerated  
people. (24-2478)  
Financial Literacy for Youth in Los Angeles County Care and  
Accountability of Los Angeles County Probation Department’s  
Unclaimed Juvenile Funds and Property  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Hahn: Instruct the  
Chief Probation Officer and the Executive Director of the Probation  
Oversight Commission, with support from the Chief Executive Officer, to  
develop an outreach plan to identify and return the current, unclaimed funds  
and property, in 180 days, to the appropriate youth and family, provide the  
Board with an implementation plan, in collaboration with formerly  
incarcerated youth, on how unclaimed juvenile funds and property, after  
numerous and reasonable attempts to contact the youth, should be  
processed or utilized, as legally allowed, and develop a comprehensive,  
consistent, and clear process and policy, in which funds and property taken  
from youth upon intake, are immediately provided to them upon release,  
including review of providing the funds in either the original form, an  
electronic form, or one that is applicable to the youth’s financial status; and  
take the following actions:  
Instruct the Chief Probation Officer and the Executive Director of the  
Probation Oversight Commission to report back to the Board monthly  
in writing, with a status on the unclaimed funds and property and  
provide verbal updates at the Probation Oversight Commission  
meetings until all means have been exhausted or funds and property  
have been returned;  
Instruct the Chief Probation Officer, the Directors of Children and  
Family Services, Youth Development, and Public Social Services, the  
Executive Director of the Youth Commission, and any relevant  
Department Heads that provide services or interface with youth, with  
support from the Auditor-Controller, to report back to the Board in  
writing in 90 days with a comprehensive implementation and  
outreach plan on the following:  
Providing financial literacy classes, programs, and services to  
youth in the care of, or interface with, County Departments,  
such as the Probation Department and Department of Youth  
Development; and  
Expanding the current partnership with SCE Credit Union and  
finding other opportunities with banking institutions to allow  
youth in the care of the County to open their own bank  
accounts with limited or no barriers; and  
Instruct the Chief Probation Officer to provide monthly verbal  
updates, until notice, to the Probation Oversight Commission at their  
public meetings on the status of bringing in a financial literacy  
program and ability for youth incarcerated in the Probation camps  
and halls to open their own banking accounts and providing other  
financial tools. (24-2480)  
Authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to Take the Necessary  
and Appropriate Actions to Reopen and Operate the Whittier Narrows  
Recreation Area Bicycle Moto-Cross (BMX) Facility  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Authorize the Director  
of Parks and Recreation to execute an affiliation and sanction agreement  
with the American Bicycle Association (USA BMX) to offer organized  
Bicycle Moto-Cross (BMX) races and practices sanctioned by USA BMX;  
pursuant to Government Code Section No. 50402, adopt a resolution to  
establish use and service charges for use of the BMX Facility in the  
amounts provided in the resolution; find that the proposed action to develop  
a fee structure is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act  
(CEQA); and find that the proposed action to execute an affiliation and  
sanction agreement is not a project under CEQA. (24-2474)  
Addressing Hepatitis C in LA County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Director of  
Public Health to work with the Director of Health Services, and all relevant  
Department Heads to provide Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) testing to patients in  
primary care settings according to current clinical standards, including  
pregnant people, and other individuals at high risk of HCV, require that all  
County clinical care sites performing HCV testing report all cases of HCV to  
the Department of Public Health (DPH), work with other health systems,  
health plans, and organizations, particularly those working with individuals  
at higher risk, to coordinate HCV screening and linkage to treatment,  
coordinate treatment of HCV among relevant County Departments and  
facilities through improved data exchange upon entering and exiting  
services including, but not limited to, housing, substance use disorder  
treatment, and jails, and report back to the Board in writing in 60 days on  
the outcomes; and direct the Chief Executive Officer and the relevant  
Department Heads, to assess feasibility of increasing positions in DPH that  
can coordinate with health systems, and provide data system management  
of the HCV registry, work with the Department of Health Services’  
Correctional Health Services to develop refined cost estimates for testing  
and treatment of HCV, and determine the feasibility of providing full funding  
to do so, and report back to the Board in writing in 60 days on the  
outcomes. (24-2473)  
Gloria Molina Grand Park + The Music Center’s 4th of July Block Party  
2024 Fee Waiver  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Promote the 4th of July  
Block Party by encouraging all County Departments, including Countywide  
Communications, to include information on social media, newsletters, and  
other communication platforms; and waive the following parking fees,  
excluding the cost of liability insurance, for the Annual 4th of July Block  
Party, hosted by the Gloria Molina Grand Park and The Music Center:  
$6,390 in parking fees for 639 vehicles for the use of Lot 10 on July  
4, 2024 for 24 hours;  
$240 in parking fees for 6 vehicles for the full use of Lot 11A from  
July 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. to July 4, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.;  
$0 for 150 vehicles for the partial use of Lot 18 on July 4, 2024 for 24  
$2,500 in parking fees for 250 vehicles for the partial use of Lot 16 on  
July 4, 2024 for 24 hours;  
$1,500 in parking fees for 150 vehicles for the partial use of Lot 14 on  
July 4, 2024 for 24 hours; and  
$1,125 in parking fees for 125 vehicles for the use of Lot 26 from July  
4, 2024 for 24 hours. (24-2481)  
2024 LAUSD Superintendent’s Opening of Schools Address Fee  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Waive $20,000 in  
parking fees for 1,000 vehicles, excluding the cost of liability insurance, at  
Lot 16, for attendees of the Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified  
School District’s Opening of Schools Address, to be held on July 23, 2024.  
Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness and Making Strides Against  
Breast Cancer of Los Angeles Event  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and Hahn: Proclaim  
the month of October 2024 as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” to  
encourage prevention and early detection of breast cancer, as well as  
support for breast cancer patients and survivors; and take the following  
Instruct County Departments to support the Making Strides Against  
Breast Cancer Los Angeles event to be held on Saturday, October  
19, 2024, by registering to participate in support of fundraising  
Instruct the Directors of Public Health and Mental Health to promote  
the event on social media and develop easy-to-understand graphics  
and guidance on preventive screenings, noting the change in  
screening guidelines to increase mammography uptake among  
younger women;  
Instruct the Director of Mental Health to share and highlight online  
tools, such as the American Cancer Society’s “Reach to Recovery”  
website and app to provide mental health support to women  
diagnosed with breast cancer;  
Instruct the County Department Public Information Officers to  
promote and distribute materials related to the Making Strides  
Against Breast Cancer Los Angeles event; promote the American  
Cancer Society’s “I Love You Get Screened” campaign to improve  
screening for all communities; and promote the American Cancer  
Society’s 24/7 Cancer Helpline, at 1-800-227-2345; and  
Instruct all County Departments’ Wellness Coordinators to promote  
the 2024 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Los Angeles event  
and encourage colleagues to participate in support of the event.  
Improving Efficiencies and Lowering Costs for Smaller Health-Related  
Capital Projects  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Direct the Chief  
Executive Officer, through the Capital Programs Division, in collaboration  
with the Directors of Public Works, Internal Services, and Health Services,  
and County Counsel, to report back to the Board in writing within 90 days  
on the feasibility of delegating Job Order Contract (JOC) authority to the  
Director of Health Services, and identifying the additional staffing that would  
be needed for the Department of Health Services (DHS) to procure,  
implement and manage a JOC Program of at least $25,000,000 annually in  
a way that would, over time, realize ongoing net savings and efficiencies for  
the County; and take the following actions:  
Instruct the Director of Health Services to report back to the Board in  
writing within 90 days, with an analysis of the utilization and  
productivity of their current construction trade team in order to identify  
existing labor efficiencies;  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and  
Intergovernmental Relations Branch, in coordination with County  
Counsel, as needed, to advocate in support of proposals that would  
amend and increase the monetary limits set forth in the Public  
Contract Code applicable to alteration and repair work on  
health-related and other construction to, at minimum, fully account for  
inflation, since the code was initially put into effect; and advocate in  
support of amending applicable laws and authorities including, but  
not limited to, the Public Contract Code and other statutes,  
regulations, and County policies, related to delivery of clinical  
equipment-type projects, including potentially through purchase  
orders, whose total project cost is less than $2,000,000, including the  
design, procurement of both equipment and services, installation of  
the equipment, and performance of related construction activities;  
Instruct the Director of Health Services to report back to the Board in  
writing within 90 days on how DHS would ensure that any expanded  
authority, as set forth in the directives above, would be used in a way  
that promotes equity goals in County contracting, especially with  
smaller businesses and in furtherance of local economic growth, and  
how capital cost savings would be invested to further promote equity  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in coordination with the Directors  
of Public Works and Internal Services, to report back to the Board in  
writing within 120 days with an evaluation of the commissioning  
process including, but not limited to, the current process for  
establishing and verifying client Departments’ needs throughout  
construction, and in preparation for commissioning;  
recommendations to update procedures to ensure a building or  
equipment is functioning as intended according to design criteria and  
that a project’s requirements are met before the building or  
equipment is turned over to another Department for completion,  
delivery or operationalization; and recommendations for improving  
the commissioning process; and  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in coordination with the Directors  
of Public Works and Internal Services, to report back to the Board in  
writing within 120 days with a comparative analysis of the cost  
efficiency, based on metrics to include, but not be limited to, cost per  
square foot, of County capital projects delivered by the Department of  
Public Works or Internal Services Department, that compares costs  
to external public sector and private sector capital projects, including  
breaking out soft costs, analyzes both health-related County capital  
projects and other County capital projects, and takes into account  
both the size/nature of the capital project and the size/capability of  
the client Department. (24-2485)  
Celebrating “Fatherhood Well-Being Month” in Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Celebrate June  
2024 as “Fatherhood Well-Being Month” throughout Los Angeles County;  
direct the Chief Executive Officer, the Directors of Public Social Services,  
Child Support Services, Children and Family Services, Mental Health,  
Public Health, Economic Opportunity and Youth Development, the  
Executive Director of Racial Equity, the Chief Probation Officer and the  
Public Defender, to promote father well-being resources and outreach  
events and activities through targeted outreach to underserved populations,  
public messaging efforts and social media, and add fathers as a  
subpopulation to each of the County’s prevention and promotion initiative’s  
focus areas and that focus area subcommittees work to further guide the  
implementation of the County’s recommendations and explore options to  
ensure that fathers have efficient access to accurate information and  
essential resources needed, as recommended in the Chief Executive  
Officer’s March 6, 2024 Workgroup Report; and take the following actions:  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with the Directors  
of Public Social Services, Children and Family Services, Mental  
Health, Public Health and Child Support Services, and the Chief  
Probation Officer, to report back to the Board in writing in 90 days on  
steps that the Departments have taken to adopt and implement the  
recommended changes from the Workgroup Report, prioritizing those  
that are cost neutral (e.g. hosting “brown bag” lunches with judges to  
address bias and racial equity, including disproportionality and  
ongoing disparities);  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer to work with the Departments listed  
above, including the Chief Executive Officer’s Anti-Racism, Diversity,  
& Inclusion Initiative and the Center for Strategic Partnerships, to  
identify resources needed to carry out the directives, and report back  
to the Board in writing in 30 days; and  
Instruct the Director of Public Health to work with individuals with  
lived experience to design education and awareness efforts that are  
dad-affirming and incorporate common health issues affecting men,  
with services and partnerships to include the following:  
Free health screenings for men, including blood pressure,  
cholesterol, blood glucose, and prostate exams;  
Collaboration with community-based organizations for care  
coordination to connect men with healthcare providers and  
resources in the community;  
A public health awareness campaign focused on men’s health  
and well-being; and  
Creation of a toolkit for fathers to support them in supporting  
their own and their family’s health. (24-2467)  
Report on Conditions at Men’s Central Jail, Reaffirm the County’s  
Commitment to Care, and Respond to Support Those in Our Care  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Solis: Request  
the Sheriff to report back to the Board in writing in 30 days, with a detailed  
description of the following:  
Systemic or strategic changes the Sheriff’s Department is  
implementing to ensure appropriate care for those in segregated  
housing, serving discipline for misconduct, and other specialized  
populations where individuals may be at higher risk for self-injurious  
behavior or other crisis-type incidents;  
Actions taken to support staff in their commitment to respond to crisis  
situations, including responding to, addressing, and understanding  
signs of suicidal ideations and other medical crisis situations; and  
The Sheriff’s Department’s evaluation of opportunities to address  
ongoing challenges to providing better care for those in custody,  
while simultaneously providing staff with sufficient resources, and  
collaboration from other Departments, to appropriately respond to the  
wide array of crisis situations confronted in custody on a regular  
basis; and  
Instruct the Sybil Brand Commission, the Executive Director of the Sheriff  
Civilian Oversight Commission, the Jail Closure Implementation Team, the  
Chief DOJ Compliance Officer, the Director of Correctional Health Services,  
Department of Health Services, the Director of Justice, Care and  
Opportunities, and any other relevant Department Heads, and request the  
Sheriff, to provide a verbal report back to the Board at the July 30, 2024,  
Policy Presentations and Closed Session Board meeting, with the following:  
Ongoing conditions in Men’s Central Jail, including the availability of  
mental health care for crisis needs and regularly scheduled  
The availability of programming for mental health, recreational, and  
other resources designed to improve the mental health care and  
well-being of those in custody at Men’s Central Jail; and  
Efforts underway to expand mental health treatment and improve  
medical crisis responses, including those related to suicidal ideation;  
Request the Sheriff to report back to the Board in writing in 30 days on  
disciplinary consequences to staff for the types of conduct observed by the  
Sybil Brand Commissioners, if confirmed, including watching sexually  
explicit or other non-work-related videos in the workplace, failing to promptly  
and appropriately respond to suicidal ideation, and/or failing to notify a  
supervisor, as appropriate; and report back to the Board in writing in 30  
days and explain its current policies on political, cultural, and other types of  
politicking, promotion, or marketing in work locations, and what the  
Department is doing to ensure staff comply with those policies. (24-2484)  
In Recognition of the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and  
Recreation's 80th Anniversary and the Celebration of the Outdoor  
Children’s Bill of Rights  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Solis:  
Commend the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation  
and its staff for 80 years of public service to the community and continuous  
commitment to providing stewardship of parklands and open spaces, quality  
recreational programs for all to enjoy, and the strengthening of community  
cohesion and connection to the outdoors; adopt a resolution declaring the  
County of Los Angeles Outdoor Children’s Bill of Rights; instruct and  
authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to offer free programming  
during the month of July as part of the “Let’s Play Outside” campaign; and  
find that the proposed actions are exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act. (24-2469)  
LA County Resources and Support for Equitable Building  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Mitchell:  
Instruct the Director of Internal Services to send a five-signature letter in  
support of the County’s $488,000,000 grant application to the California  
Energy Commission’s Equitable Building Decarbonization Program, before  
the June 28th submission deadline. (24-2471)  
Exploring Voluntary Animal Companion Insurance Benefits for Los  
Angeles County Employees  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Direct the Chief  
Executive Officer to work with the Director of Personnel and report back to  
the Board in writing in 60 days on the feasibility and associated costs to add  
animal companion insurance as a voluntary benefit for County employees,  
including options similar to existing governmental programs. (24-2466)  
Support for Assembly Bill 2115 (Haney): Expanding Access for  
Treatment of Opioid Addiction  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Direct the Chief  
Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental  
Relations Branch, to express support for Assembly Bill 2115 (Haney),  
legislation which will allow clinics to dispense 72 hours of methadone while  
referring a person to a methadone clinic. (24-2465)  
Support for Assembly Bill 3031 (Lee and Low): Creation of a Statewide  
LGBTQ+ Commission  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Direct the Chief  
Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental  
Relations Branch, to express support for Assembly Bill 3031 (Lee and Low),  
legislation which establishes in State government, the LGBTQ+  
Commission, to advise the State Legislature and the Governor on policy  
matters, fact find and collect data, review and assess programs, and  
provide recommendations that respond to the needs of the LGBTQ+  
community. (24-2486)  
Addressing Brokering of Golf Tee Times at County of Los Angeles  
Golf Courses  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Adopt a resolution  
approving the Department of Parks and Recreation’s establishment of a  
new golf tee time non-refundable Reservation Deposit and Cancellation  
Fee, effective August 1, 2024; authorize the Director of Parks and  
Recreation to execute any amendments to golf operation agreements, if  
necessary, to implement the Reservation Deposit and Cancellation Fee and  
allocate revenue generated from the Reservation Deposit and Cancellation  
Fee to fund the County's Junior Golf Program; and find that the proposed  
actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act.  
One Book, One County Culmination Event Parking Fee Waiver 2024  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Waive the $10 per  
vehicle parking fee for 600 vehicles, for a total amount of $6,000, excluding  
the cost of liability insurance, at the Music Center Garage, for attendees of  
the One Book, One County event, hosted by the LA County Library, to be  
held on July 27, 2024. (24-2459)  
Pilot Program to Eliminate Medical Debt in Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Mitchell:  
Authorize the Director of Public Health to enter into a sole source  
agreement with Undue Medical Debt (formerly RIP Medical Debt), in the  
amount of $5,000,000, effective the date of execution through Dec 31,  
2027, to execute a pilot medical debt program targeting the County’s lowest  
income residents; direct the Chief Executive Officer to authorize the  
Director of Public Health to allocate carryover funding from Fiscal Year  
2023-24 for the costs of the proposed medical debt pilot program; and  
authorize the Director of Public Health to take the following actions:  
Execute amendments to the agreement for necessary administrative  
changes, or to increase or decrease the total maximum obligation  
during the term of the agreement, provided sufficient funding is  
available for any such increases;  
Terminate the agreement for contractor’s default, County's  
convenience, or if contractor initiates termination for convenience;  
Evaluate the impact of the medical debt relief pilot and report back to  
the Board in writing within 120 days of completing the debt relief pilot  
on its effectiveness and potential scalability. (24-2468)  
Southeast Los Angeles Cultural Center State Funding  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Adopt a resolution with  
the California Department of Parks and Recreation's Office of Grants and  
Local Services, which approves the filing of project application(s) for  
specified grant project(s), certifies that said applicant has or will have  
available, prior to commencement of a project, work utilizing specified grant  
funds, sufficient funds, including those provided by this grant, to complete  
the project, certifies that the applicant has reviewed, understands, and  
agrees to the general provisions contained in the contract as, “Procedural  
Guide,” authorizes the Director of Arts and Culture to conduct all  
negotiations, sign and submit all documents including, but not limited to,  
applications, agreements, amendments, and payment requests, which may  
be necessary for the completion of the project scope(s), and agrees to  
comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules,  
regulations and guidelines; and authorize the Director of Arts and Culture to  
execute the grant contract with the California Department of Parks and  
Recreation's Office of Grants and Local Services, to transfer $5,000,000 for  
the Southeast Los Angeles County arts and culture grant program and  
development of a temporary Southeast Los Angeles Cultural Arts Center.  
Reestablish the Reward Offer in the Investigation of the Murder of  
Deputy Juan Escalante  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Barger and Solis:  
Reestablish the $20,000 reward offered in exchange for information leading  
to the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons responsible for  
the heinous murder of Sheriff's Deputy Juan Escalante, who was fatally  
shot in front of his mother's house in the Cypress Park area, on Saturday,  
August 2, 2008, at approximately 5:40 a.m. (08-1905)  
Effectuate the Transfer of the Chief of Protocol  
Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve an ordinance for  
introduction to effectuate the transfer of the Chief of Protocol duties and  
responsibilities from the Chief Executive Office to the Board of Supervisors  
Executive Office, and modernize the language in County Code, Title 2 -  
Administration, Chapter 2.36; and authorize the Executive Officer of the  
Board to adopt the Office of Protocol Donation and Expenditure Policy  
Guidelines, similar to the currently existing guidelines, to make  
expenditures from donated funds only, as needed for its hospitality events  
related to the Consular Corps and to foreign dignitary visits. (Relates to  
Agenda No. 98) (24-2444)  
Allocation of Reward Funds Relating to Juan Manuel Vidal  
Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve the  
recommendation of the Reward Committee to distribute reward funds in the  
amount of $20,000 to be paid from the Board’s discretionary funds to two  
Claimants, in the amount of $10,000 each, who provided information to law  
enforcement that led to the apprehension and conviction of Louie Francisco  
Herrera, who was convicted for the heinous murder of Juan Manuel Vidal.  
Allocation of Reward Funds Relating to Ricardo Trujillo Ramirez  
Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve the  
recommendation of the Reward Committee to distribute reward funds in the  
amount of $20,000 to be paid from the Board’s discretionary funds to the  
individual who provided information to law enforcement that led to the  
apprehension and conviction of a juvenile suspect, who was convicted for  
the heinous murder of Ricardo Trujillo Ramirez. (24-2446)  
Conflict of Interest Codes  
Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve the Conflict of  
Interest Codes for the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District,  
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, and Hawthorne School District  
to be effective the day following the Board’s approval. (24-2303)  
Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes for April 2024  
Executive Officer of the Board's recommendation: Approve minutes for the  
April 2024 meetings of the Board of Supervisors and Special Districts for  
which the Board is the governing body. NOTE: The minutes for the month  
of April 2024 can be found online at: (24-2293)  
Chief Executive Office  
Bargaining Units Represented by the Union of American Physicians  
and Dentists Memoranda of Understanding  
Recommendation: Approve two successor Memoranda of Understanding  
(MOUs) for a five-year term from October 1, 2022 through September 30,  
2027, for Bargaining Units (BUs) 324 - Physicians and Veterinarians, and  
BU 325 - Mental Health Psychiatrists and Dental Professionals; authorize  
the Chief Executive Officer to execute the two MOUs on behalf of the  
County; and instruct the Auditor-Controller to make all the necessary payroll  
system changes to implement the recommendations. 4-VOTES (24-2426)  
Report on the State of Black Los Angeles County  
Report by the Chief Executive Officer on the findings of the State of Black  
Los Angeles County, as requested at the Board meeting of July 21, 2020.  
RECEIVE AND FILE (22-2217)  
Department of Mental Health Sublease Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed sublease with the Children’s Bureau of Southern California, a  
California nonprofit public benefit corporation (Landlord), for the use of  
approximately 5,644 sq ft of office space, and 18 on-site parking spaces,  
located at 525 West Avenue P-4 in the City of Palmdale (5) (Premises), to  
be occupied by the Department of Mental Health (DMH), for the Antelope  
Valley Kidz Connect program, for a term of ten years, with the estimated  
maximum first-year base rental amount of $163,000, and the estimated total  
proposed sublease amount, including tenant improvements (TIs), of  
$3,098,000 over the ten-year term, with rental costs to be 100% funded by  
State and Federal funds that will be included in DMH’s Operating budget,  
and DMH will not be requesting additional Net County Cost for this action;  
authorize the Chief Executive Officer to reimburse the Landlord up to  
$960,783 for the County’s TI contribution, if paid in lump sum, or  
$1,169,000 if amortized over five years at 8% interest per annum; direct the  
Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation  
necessary to effectuate the terms of the proposed sublease, and to take  
actions necessary and appropriate to implement the proposed sublease,  
including, without limitation, exercising any early termination rights, option  
to extend the lease by an additional three years, and executing a  
Non-disturbance and Attornment Agreement with Children's Bureau  
Palmdale, the prime landlord who leases the Premises to the Landlord; and  
find that the proposed sublease is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (24-2302)  
Department of Health Services Lease Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed lease with ELITE-TRC Alhambra Community LLC, a Delaware  
limited liability company (Landlord), for the use of approximately 22,682 sq  
ft of office space and 68 on-site parking spaces, located at 1000 South  
Fremont Avenue in the City of Alhambra (1) (Premises), to be occupied by  
the Department of Health Services’ (DHS) Health Services Administration,  
with the estimated maximum first-year base rental amount of $722,000, but  
with a three-month rent abatement of $180,322, an additional rent credit of  
$4,000, and parking costs of $61,200, will be approximately $599,000, and  
with the estimated total proposed lease cost, including costs for Tenant  
Improvement (TI) and Low-Voltage Items, of $14,025,000 over the  
nine-year term, with the rental costs to be funded by DHS’ existing  
resources that is already included in DHS’ existing budget, and DHS will not  
be requesting additional Net County Cost for this action; authorize the Chief  
Executive Officer to reimburse the Landlord up to $2,835,250 for the  
County’s TI contribution, paid in lump sum; authorize the Director of Health  
Services to contract with the Director of Internal Services, in coordination  
with the Chief Executive Officer, for the acquisition and installation of  
telephone, data, and low-voltage systems and vendor installation  
(Low-Voltage Items), at a total amount not to exceed $2,926,000, if paid in  
a lump sum or $3,048,000 if amortized over five years at 8% interest per  
annum, the costs for the Low-Voltage Items is in addition to the rental costs  
and the County’s TI contribution payable to the Landlord; authorize the  
Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation  
necessary to effectuate the terms of the proposed lease, and take actions  
necessary and appropriate to implement the proposed lease including,  
without limitation, exercising any early termination rights; and find that the  
proposed lease is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
City of Lakewood Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District  
Recommendation: Adopt a resolution to express the County’s intent to  
participate in the proposed City of Lakewood Enhanced Infrastructure  
Financing District and newly formed Public Financing Authority if the Board  
approves the Infrastructure Financing Plan at a later date; affirm that as a  
potential participating taxing entity, the County will have membership in the  
newly formed Public Financing Authority; and find that the proposed  
resolution is not subject to the provisions of the California Environmental  
Quality Act. (24-2308)  
Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution  
Recommendation: Adopt a joint resolution between the Board, as the  
Governing Body of the County, Consolidated Fire Protection District, and  
the County Flood Control District, the City Councils of the City of Monrovia  
and the City of Arcadia (5), the Board of Directors of the County Sanitation  
District No. 15 of the County and the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal  
Water District, based on the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue  
resulting from proposed Reorganization No. 2023-02, which is the proposed  
detachment and annexation of approximately 0.46± acres of uninhabited  
territory located in the City of Arcadia, at the terminus of El Norte Avenue  
and 10th Avenue, to the City of Monrovia. (24-2310)  
Department of Mental Health Lease Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed lease amendment with Hong Kong Garden, Inc., a California  
corporation, for the Department of Mental Health's (DMH's) Harbor  
Wellness Center and Tele-Mental Health and Transcranial Magnetic  
Stimulation Hub programs continued use of approximately 10,212 sq ft of  
office and clinic space, and 34 on-site parking spaces, located at 21730  
South Vermont Avenue, Suite 122 and 21732 South Vermont Avenue, Suite  
210 in the City of Torrance (2) (Premises), with the estimated maximum  
first-year base rental amount of $360,000, and the estimated total proposed  
lease amendment amount, including electricity and janitorial costs of  
$4,300,000 over the eight-year term, with the rental costs to be funded by  
Mental Health Services Act and other State and Federal funds that are  
already included in DMH’s existing budget, and DMH will not be requesting  
additional Net County Cost for this action; authorize the Chief Executive  
Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation necessary to  
effectuate the proposed lease amendment, and to take actions necessary  
and appropriate to implement the proposed lease amendment including  
without limitation, exercising any early termination rights; and find that the  
proposed lease amendment is exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act. (24-2339)  
District Attorney, Internal Services Department, Executive Office of the  
Board of Supervisors Lease Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed lease with CTC OFFICE 2 LP, a Delaware limited partnership, for  
the continued use of approximately 20,187 sq ft of office space and 81  
on-site parking spaces, located at 12750 Center Court Drive, Suite 500, in  
the City of Cerritos (4), to be occupied by the District Attorney (DA), Internal  
Services Department (ISD), and Executive Office of the Board (EO-BOS)  
providing support for the County’s Information Systems Advisory Board, the  
estimated maximum first-year base rental amount of $691,000, but with a  
one-month rent abatement of $57,533, will equal approximately $634,000,  
with an the estimated total proposed lease amount, including five months of  
rent abatement, is $3,369,000 over the five-year term, and the rental costs  
to be funded 100% by Net County Cost (NCC) that is already included in  
the DA’s, ISD’s, and EO-BOS’ existing budget, and the DA, ISD, and  
EO-BOS will not be requesting additional NCC for this action; authorize the  
Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation  
necessary to effectuate the proposed lease, and take actions necessary  
and appropriate to implement the proposed lease including, without  
limitation, exercising any option to extend and early termination rights; and  
find that the proposed lease is exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act. (24-2341)  
County Operations  
Los Angeles County General Plan Amendment  
Recommendation: Adopt a resolution adopting the Negative Declaration  
along with the required findings of fact for the Multi-Family Residential  
Parking Ordinance (Ordinance), pursuant to State and local California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and determine the Ordinance  
will not have a significant impact upon the environment; determining the  
General Plan amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the  
General Plan in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare  
and consistent with other applicable provisions of County Code, Title 22 -  
Planning and Zoning; approve Advance Planning Case No.  
RPPL2023004576-(All Districts); certifying the final Program Environmental  
Impact Report (PEIR) for the 2045 Climate Action Plan (2045 CAP),  
Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2019003635-(All Districts), by finding,  
pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15090, the final PEIR has been  
completed in compliance with CEQA, the final PEIR was presented to and  
reviewed and considered by the Board prior to approving the 2045 CAP,  
and the final PEIR reflects the County's independent judgment and  
analysis; adopting the proposed CEQA Findings of Fact prepared pursuant  
to Public Resources Code Sections 21081 and 21081.5, and CEQA  
Guidelines Section15091; adopting the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting  
Program; determining the 2045 CAP's significant and unavoidable impacts  
are outweighed by specific social, economic, legal, technological, or other  
considerations through adopting the proposed Statement of Overriding  
Considerations prepared pursuant to Public Resources Code Section  
21081(b) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15093; adopting Advance Planning  
No.RPPL2019003630-(All Districts), amending the General Plan with the  
updated Air Quality Element and implementation program amendments;  
adopting the 2045 CAP, and determining the Air Quality Element, as  
proposed to be amended, is consistent with and supports the goals and  
policies of the General Plan. (On April 16, 2024, the Board indicated its  
intent to approve the 2045 CAP.) (County Counsel) (Relates to Agenda  
No. 78) (24-0833)  

Medical Examiner X-Ray Room Refurbishment Capital Project  
Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Medical Examiner  
X-ray Room Refurbishment Project, Capital Project No. 8A050 (Project) (1),  
with a total budget of $758,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to  
transfer $440,000 from the Department of Medical Examiner’s Operating  
Budget and $318,000 from the Extraordinary Maintenance budget, for a  
total combined amount of $758,000, to the Project; authorize the Director of  
Internal Services to deliver the Project using a Board-approved Job Order  
Contract; and find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Internal Services Department) APPROVE  
Voting Solutions for All People 4.0 Software Development and Support  
Services Sole Source Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to  
execute a sole source contract with Digital Foundry, LLC., for the provision  
of Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) 4.0 software development and  
support services to the VSAP 3.0 Tally System (Tally) Version 3.0.20 and  
VSAP Ballot Layout (VBL) Application Version 2.0.21 to be deployed in all  
County elections starting with the June 2, 2026 Gubernatorial Primary  
election, effective July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025, for an amount  
of $15,000,000; and authorize the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to take  
the following actions: (Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk) APPROVE  
(Note: The Acting Chief Information Officer recommends approval of this  
Execute future amendments that extend the contract for up to two  
one-year and six month-to-month renewal options, from January 1,  
2026 through June 30, 2028, to comply with any new and unforeseen  
Federal and/or California election laws or regulations that may  
require major enhancements to the VBL and/or Tally, with the  
extension amount over the extension term of $27,315,000, and a total  
maximum contract amount over the term and extensions of  
$42,315,000 (total contract amount);  
Negotiate and execute amendments to make changes to the  
statement of work as operationally necessary, make as-needed  
changes to reflect new California and/or Federal election laws and  
regulations, and make any other necessary changes which do not  
materially alter any term or condition of the contract;  
Increase the total contract amount by no more than 10% for any  
unforeseen circumstances provided; and  
Immediately terminate the contract for convenience, if necessary.  
Homelessness Services and Affordable Housing Transactions and  
Use Tax Ordinance Initiative Petition  
Recommendation: As certified by the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk on  
June 18, 2024, consider options for the “Homelessness Services and  
Affordable Housing Transactions and Use Tax Ordinance” initiative petition  
to adopt the ordinance without alteration or submit the ordinance without  
alteration to the voters at the next Statewide Election, to be held November  
5, 2024. (Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk) APPROVE (24-2483)  
Municipal Advisory Services Master Agreement  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Treasurer and Tax Collector  
to execute Master Agreements (MAs) for the Municipal Advisory Services  
(MAS) Pool with CSG Advisors, Inc., Public Resources Advisory Group,  
Inc., Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates, Inc., Omnicap Group, LLC., Montague  
DeRose and Associates, LLC., PFM Financial Advisory LLC., and KNN  
Public Finance, LLC., which will collectively comprise the County Pool  
commencing on July 16, 2024, or upon Board approval, whichever is later,  
for a three-year term, with an annual amount not to exceed $500,000,  
adjusted annually as needed under the delegated authority requested  
below; and authorize the Treasurer and Tax Collector to take the following  
actions: (Treasurer and Tax Collector) APPROVE  
Execute additional MAs with additional qualified firms that submit a  
Statement of Qualification (SOQ), which meets all the requirements  
as outlined in the Request for SOQ;  
Execute amendments to the MA to exercise the three one-year  
and/or six month-to-month extension options, and add, delete, and/or  
revise certain terms and conditions as required under Federal or  
State law or regulation, policies of the County and/or Board, which  
are not part of the Statement of Work (SOW);  
Modify the terms that affect the SOW, but do not materially alter the  
MA, as required by the Board;  
Execute amendments increasing the annual MA amount up to an  
additional 10% based on an increase in assignments and/or special  
projects; and  
Execute applicable MA amendments in the event an entity acquires  
the original contracting entity, the original contracting entity merges,  
or otherwise undergoes a corporate action. (24-2425)  
Special Tax Levy for Community Facilities Districts  
Recommendation: Adopt resolutions to levy the 2024-25 special taxes for  
each Community Facilities District (CFD) under the control of the Board,  
including CFD No. 3 Improvement Areas B and C, CFD No. 7, CFD No.  
2021-01 (Valencia-Facilities) Improvement Area Nos. 1, 2, 3, and CFD No.  
2021-02 (Valencia-Services) (5); instruct the Treasurer and Tax Collector to  
implement the levy and collection of the 2024-25 special taxes; and instruct  
the Auditor-Controller to place the special taxes on the 2024-25 secured  
property tax roll. (Treasurer and Tax Collector) ADOPT (24-2342)  
Family and Social Services  
Adult Protective Services Home Safe Program Subaward for Fiscal  
Year 2024-25  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Aging and Disabilities to extend  
the current subaward with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority for  
an initial term of 11 months effective July 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025,  
with a one-year extension option from June 1, 2025 through May 31, 2026,  
for an extended maximum period of up to two years, and an annual  
estimated amount of $12,000,000 in Adult Protective Services (APS) Home  
Safe grant funds, contingent upon the availability of funding; approve and  
execute amendments with the subrecipient, which serves the best interests  
of the County, during the subaward terms to add new, relevant, or updated  
State, and/or County subaward terms and conditions, increase or decrease  
the subaward amounts including, but not limited to, baseline funds,  
one-time only funds, and/or supplemental monies, which may exceed 10%  
of the maximum subaward amount, in response to the availability of funding  
and/or based on subrecipient’s performance, provided that the total  
allocation does not exceed funding availability; and terminate the subaward  
with the subrecipient upon their request, upon closure or default of their  
subaward requirement, or for the convenience of the County, if necessary.  
(Aging and Disabilities Department) APPROVE (24-2309)  
County General Hospital West Campus: Centennial Development  
Project Agreement Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity to  
modify the term of the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) to be  
executed with Centennial Partners for the potential development of  
County-owned lands and assets, commonly known as the General Hospital  
Reuse/West campus, in the City of Los Angeles (1), from 18 to 36 months  
with two 180-day extension options; authorize payment in an amount not to  
exceed $2,688,000 to Centennial Partners to facilitate initial studies,  
analysis, and project management activities pursuant to the terms outlined  
in the ENA and approve the Fiscal Year 2023-24 appropriation adjustment  
to increase appropriation in the amount of $2,688,000, offset with State  
Housing and Community Development Grant revenue held in a County  
Trust Account, to the General Hospital West Campus Project, Capital  
Project No. 87883, to fund the ENA; and find that the approval of the  
actions are not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Economic Opportunity) APPROVE 4-VOTES (24-2332)  
Outside the Wire Transition Assistance Program Sole Source Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Military Veterans Affairs to  
accept grant funds from the California Department of Veterans Affairs  
(CDVA) in the amount of $400,000 for the administration and provision of  
the Outside the Wire - Transition Assistance (OTW-TA) Program, which  
provides mental health outreach and support services, which grant covers  
the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026; and authorize the Director  
to take the following actions: (Department of Military and Veterans  
Affairs) APPROVE  
Execute any agreements necessary to accept the CDVA grant funds  
and any future amendments needed to meet the conditions of the  
grant, including to add any new or updated CDVA grant terms or  
Enter into a sole source contract with United States Veteran Initiative  
(U.S. VETS) in the amount of $132,000 per year for two years, for a  
maximum contract amount of $264,000, for the provision of the  
OTW-TA Program to veterans within the County; and  
Execute amendments to the sole source contract with U.S. VETS as  
needed to complete the work as described in the grant, to add any  
new or updated CDVA grant terms or conditions, and decrease or  
increase the annual maximum contract amount by up to 10% if  
deemed necessary. (24-2422)  
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Outcomes and  
Accountability Review System Improvement Plan Report  
Recommendation: Approve the Department of Public Social Services’  
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)  
Outcomes and Accountability Review, CalWORKs System Improvement  
Plan report, which outlines how the Department plans to increase  
participation of CalWORKs recipients in Welfare-To-Work activities.  
(Department of Public Social Services) APPROVE (24-2331)  
Health and Mental Health Services  
Report on the Financial Status of the Department of Health Services  
Health Department Budget Committee of the Whole/Joint Meeting of the  
Board of Supervisors: RECEIVE AND FILE  
Report by the Director of Health Services on the financial status of  
the Department, to include a regular report on the status of the  
Department’s planning activities. (08-1665)  
Hospital Preparedness Program Federal Funding Agreements and  
Recommendation: Authorize and instruct the Director of Health Services to  
accept a forthcoming Notice of Award (NOA) from the United States  
Department of Health and Human Services' (USDHHS) Administration for  
Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), for the Hospital  
Preparedness Program (HPP), for the term July 1, 2024 through June 30,  
2025, for the first year of a five-year grant cycle, in an estimated amount of  
$9,100,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-25, and sign all other necessary  
documents to accept the award; and execute necessary documents to  
accept the award; and authorize the Director to take the following actions:  
(Department of Health Services) APPROVE  
Sign all necessary documents to accept future NOAs and NOA  
amendments during the five-year grant cycle, from July 1, 2024  
through June 30, 2029, that are consistent with the requirements of  
the NOA to extend the grant term, increase or decrease funding for  
each grant term in amounts prescribed by the respective NOA, reflect  
non-material and/or ministerial revisions to the grant's terms and  
conditions, allow for the rollover of unspent funds and/or redirection  
of funds, and further extend the term up to and through June 30,  
2030, if the grant cycle is extended by USDHHS;  
Execute agreements with qualified vendors including, but not limited  
to, consultants and other non-hospital related providers needed to  
implement the HPP grant objectives, effective upon execution  
through the end of the then present grant term, with options to extend  
the term annually up to and including June 30, 2029, and execute  
amendments to such agreement to exercise the options, allow for the  
rollover of unspent funds, adjust funding for each year the  
Department of Health Services accepts a USDHHS grant award, and  
make necessary corresponding service adjustments, add, delete  
and/or change non-substantive terms and conditions or make other  
changes as required by the Board, or to comply with Federal and  
State law or regulation, or further extend the term up to and through  
June 30, 2030, if the grant period is extended by USDHHS;  
Execute amendments to the existing HPP Specialty Care Center  
Designation Master Agreements with the 80 acute care hospitals and  
the Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County to allow for  
the rollover of unspent funds, adjust funding for each year an  
USDHHS grant award is accepted, and make corresponding service  
adjustments, as necessary, further extend the term up to and through  
June 30, 2030, if the grant cycle is extended by USDHHS, or add,  
delete and/or change non-substantive terms and conditions or make  
other changes as required by the Board, or to comply with Federal  
and State law or regulation;  
Execute a sole source amendment or successor agreement for Long  
Term Care Facilities Disaster Preparedness Project (Agreement) with  
the California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF) to extend the  
contracting relationship through June 30, 2025 and increase the  
County’s maximum obligation amount by $90,000, and execute future  
sole source amendments to the CAHF Agreement to extend the term  
up to and including June 30, 2029, allow for the rollover of unspent  
contract funds, increase or decrease the funding for each year an  
award is accepted and make necessary service adjustments, extend  
the term through June 30, 2030, if the grant cycle/term is extended by  
USDHHS, and add, delete, and/or change non-substantive terms and  
conditions or make other changes as required by the Board, or to  
comply with Federal and State law or regulation; and  
Terminate any of the agreements in accordance with the termination  
provisions in each Agreement, if necessary. (24-2312)  
Compromise Offers of Settlement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Health Services to accept  
compromise offers of settlement for patients who received medical care at  
the following County Facilities under the Trauma Center Service  
Agreement: (Department of Health Services) APPROVE  
LA General Medical Center  
Account No. 102768154 in the amount of $5,000;  
Account No. 101733945 in the amount of $3,000;  
Account No. 101753903 in the amount of $15,738.70; and  
Harbor UCLA Medical Center  
Account No. 102509566 in the amount of $500;  
Account No. 102395345 in the amount of $3,000. (24-2311)  
Tuberculosis Control Branch for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control  
Services Award Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Health to accept and  
implement a forthcoming award from the California Department of Public  
Health - Tuberculosis Control Branch (CDPH-TBCB), to support  
Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Services for the period of July 1, 2024  
through June 30, 2025, at an estimated amount of $1,749,756, consisting of  
an estimated base award of $1,535,761 and an allotment of up to $213,995  
for food, shelter, incentives, and enablers, with the forthcoming award to  
include provisions requiring the County to indemnify the State for all claims  
and losses related to the agreement; and authorize the Director to take the  
following actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE  
Accept future awards and/or amendments that are consistent with the  
requirements of the forthcoming CDPH-TBCB award that extend the  
term at amounts to be determined by CDPH-TBCB, and/or provide an  
increase or decrease in funding; and  
Accept future amendments that are consistent with the CDPH-TBCB  
award that reflect non-material and/or ministerial revisions to the  
terms and conditions and allow for the rollover of unspent funds  
and/or redirection of funds. (24-2301)  
Community Services  
Landscape Services Agreements  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the County Librarian to execute  
five-year agreements with the Cities of Hermosa Beach, Rosemead and  
Temple City (1, 2 and 5) for landscape and grounds maintenance services  
as detailed below, with total amounts that include 20% for unanticipated  
work, effective upon execution by the respective Cities and Libraries;  
authorize the County Librarian to negotiate, execute and, if necessary,  
amend or terminate the agreements; and find that the recommended  
actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act:  
(LA County Library) APPROVE  
City of Hermosa Beach for the Hermosa Beach Library, for a total  
amount of $38,458.80,  
City of Rosemead for the Rosemead Library, at a total amount of  
$55,176, and  
Temple City for the Temple City Library, at a total amount of $33,102.  
Weather-Based Irrigation Smart Controllers Subscription Services  
Sole Source Contract Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to  
execute an amendment to a sole source contract with HydroPoint Data  
Systems, Inc., to further extend the subscription services for the  
weather-based irrigation controllers for a period of six months, with an  
additional six month-to-month extension options, for a total extension period  
not to exceed 12 months, at a total annual amount of $73,938.60; increase  
the contract amount by up to 10% of $73,938.60 during the 12-month  
extension period, for any unforeseen services within the scope of the  
contract; and find that the proposed actions are not a project under the  
California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Parks and  
Recreation) APPROVE (24-2347)  
Water Production Agreement Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to  
execute an amendment to a water production agreement at Whittier  
Narrows Recreation Area's Legg Lakes in the City of South El Monte (1)  
with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and the Main  
San Gabriel Basin Watermaster, to extend the agreement for an additional  
one-year term and 12 month-to-month options, for a maximum extension  
period not to exceed 24 months, for the sole purpose of negotiating a new  
long-term agreement; and find that the proposed approval of the  
amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Parks and Recreation) APPROVE (24-2344)  
Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Core Laboratory Remodel Project  
Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Olive View-UCLA  
Medical Center Core Laboratory Remodel Project, Capital Project No.  
8A043, (Project) (3), with a total Project budget of $9,355,000; approve a  
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 appropriation adjustment to allocate $234,000  
from the Department of Health Services' Enterprise Fund-Committed for the  
Department of Health Services to fund the estimated FY 2023-24  
expenditures for the proposed Project; authorize the Director of Public  
Works to deliver the Project using a Board-approved Job Order Contract;  
and find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
4-VOTES (24-2388)  
Los Angeles General Medical Center Radiography and Fluoroscopy  
Equipment Replacement and Room Remodel Project  
Recommendation: Establish and approve the Los Angeles General Medical  
Center Radiography and Fluoroscopy Equipment Replacement and Room  
Remodel Project, Capital Project (CP) No. 8A036 Project (1), with a total  
Project budget of $5,701,000; approve a Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24  
appropriation adjustment to reallocate $203,000 from the Various  
Refurbishments Project, CP No. 86937 from the Department of Health  
Services' (DHS') annual revolving fund for the Radiology Program is  
budgeted with $203,000 as the remaining balance and allocate $3,484,000  
from Enterprise Fund-Committed for DHS to fund the projected FY 2023-24  
expenditures for the proposed Project; authorize the Director of Public  
Works to deliver the Project using a Board-approved Job Order Contract;  
and find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
4-VOTES (24-2356)  
Air Compressor Replacement and Boiler Installation Projects  
Construction Contracts  
Recommendation: Establish and approve the Los Angeles General Medical  
Center Air Compressor Replacement Project, Capital Project (CP) No.  
8A038, with a total project budget of $2,151,000, and the Los Angeles  
General Medical Center Boiler Installation Project, CP No. 8A039,  
(Projects) (1), with a total project budget of $1,907,000; approve a Fiscal  
Year (FY) 2023-24 appropriation adjustment of $2,890,000 to allocate  
$1,438,000 and $1,452,000 from the Department of Health Services'  
Enterprise Fund-Committed for Department of Health Services to fund the  
estimated FY 2023-24 expenditures for CP Nos. 8A038 and 8A039,  
respectively; authorize the Director of Public Works to deliver the proposed  
Projects using Board-approved Job Order Contracts; and find that the  
proposed Projects are exempt from the California Environmental Quality  
Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES (24-2352)  
On-Call Materials Testing, Pavement Mix Design, and Inspection  
Services for Federal and Non-Federal Funded Projects Award  
Consultant Services Agreements  
Recommendation: Award and authorize the Director of Public Works to  
execute consultant services agreements with AESCO, Inc., G3 Quality, Inc.,  
Koury Engineering & Testing, Inc., RMA Group, S2 Engineering,  
Incorporated, Sierra Geotech DBE Inc., and Smith Emery Laboratories,  
Inc., to provide on-call materials testing, pavement mix design, and  
inspection services for Federal and non-Federal funded projects, for an  
initial three-year term, with two one-year extension options, for a total  
maximum contract term of five years, and a total aggregate not-to-exceed  
program amount of $7,500,000 across all seven agreements for the  
maximum five-year term, with funding for the contracts included in various  
Public Works funds in the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budgets; authorize the  
Director to administer each of the agreements and exercise the extension  
options based upon project demands and the level of satisfaction with the  
services provided with no change to the initial not-to-exceed agreement  
amount, and suspend and/or terminate the agreements for convenience, if it  
is in the best interest of the County; and find that the proposed actions are  
not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department  
of Public Works) APPROVE (24-2399)  
On-Call Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Testing and  
Certification Services Contract  
Recommendation: Award a contract to SunWest Engineering Constructors,  
Inc., a Community Business Enterprise, for on-call underground and  
aboveground storage tank testing and certification services, for a one-year  
period, with four one-year and six month-to-month extension options, for a  
maximum potential contract term of 66 months and a maximum potential  
contract amount of $2,076,911, with funding for these services included in  
the Internal Services Fund, which will be reimbursed by various funds  
through the fuel handling rate, and Public Works Aviation Enterprise Fund,  
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budgets; find that the contract work is exempt from the  
California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director of Public  
Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works)  
Execute the contract and exercise the extension options if, in the  
opinion of the Director, the contractor as successfully performed  
during the previous contract period and the services are still required,  
approve and execute amendments to incorporate necessary changes  
within the scope of work, and suspend and/or terminate the contract  
for convenience, if it is in the best interest of the County; and  
Annually increase the contract amount up to an additional 10% of the  
annual contract amount, which is included in the maximum potential  
contract amount, for unforeseen additional work within the scope of  
the contract if required, and adjust the annual contract amount for  
each extension option to allow for an annual Cost of Living  
Adjustment in accordance with County policy and the terms of the  
contract. (24-2337)  
Bouquet Canyon Road - 638 Feet North of Mile Marker 16.43 to 1,145  
Feet North of Mile Marker 3.52 Project Construction Contract  
Recommendation: Approve the Bouquet Canyon Road - 638 Feet North of  
Mile Marker 16.43 to 1,145 Feet North of Mile Marker 3.52 Project (Project)  
(5), at an estimated construction contract amount between $450,000 and  
$675,000, and adopt the plans and specifications that are on file; advertise  
for bids to be to be received before 11:00 a.m. on July 30, 2024, in  
accordance with the Notice Inviting Bids; find that the proposed Project is  
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the  
Director of Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of  
Public Works) ADOPT  
Determine whether the bid of the apparent responsible contractor  
with the lowest apparent responsive bid is, in fact, responsive and, if  
not responsive, determine which apparent responsible contractor  
submitted the lowest responsive bid;  
Award and execute a construction contract for the Project with the  
responsible contractor with the lowest responsive bid within or less  
than the estimated cost range, or that exceeds the estimated cost  
range, by no more than 15 percent, if additional and appropriate  
funds have been identified; and  
Extend the date and time for the receipt of bids, allow substitution of  
subcontractors and relief of bidders, approve and execute change  
orders within the same monetary limits, delegated to the Director,  
accept the project upon its final completion and release retention  
money withheld. (24-2381)  
Public Defender Hall of Records 2nd Floor Refurbishment Project  
Construction Contract  
Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Public Defender  
Hall of Records 2nd Floor Refurbishment Project, Capital Project (CP) No.  
87994 Project (1), with a total Project budget of $2,500,000; approve an  
appropriation adjustment to transfer $563,000 from the completed Public  
Defender Hall of Records 6th Floor Refurbishment Project, CP No. 87734,  
and $1,937,000 from the Public Defender operating budget, as follows:  
$1,000,000 from Services and Supplies, and $937,000 from identified  
savings in Salaries and Employee Benefits to the Project, to fully fund the  
proposed Project; authorize the Director of Public Works to deliver the  
proposed Project using a Board-approved Job Order Contract; and find that  
the proposed Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality  
Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-2338)  
Annual Assessments for Various Drainage Benefit Assessment Areas  
in the Unincorporated Community of Quartz Hill  
Recommendation: Instruct the Executive Officer to file the Engineer's  
Report prepared by the Director of Public Works for Drainage Benefit  
Assessment Area (DBBA) Nos. 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22, 23, 25, 26, and 28 in  
the Unincorporated Community of Quartz Hill (5), describing the services  
provided to the affected parcels, the cost of the services, and the  
assessment amounts; adopt resolutions authorizing and directing the  
collection of the annual assessments for DBBA Nos. 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22,  
23, 25, 26, and 28 for Fiscal Year 2024-25; and find that the adoption of the  
resolutions is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Public Works) ADOPT (24-2412)  
Sponsor Activities, Events and Publications with Various Associations  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works to sponsor  
various activities, events, and publications with various organizations that  
address initiatives related to Transportation, Small Business Outreach,  
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics Outreach,  
Sustainability, Environmental Services, and Water Resources, at a total  
annual amount of no more than $50,000 for three years, and negotiate and  
execute any agreements necessary to carry out such sponsorships; and  
find that the proposed actions are not a project under the California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);  
Acting as the Governing Body of the County Flood Control District (District),  
authorize the Chief Engineer of the District to sponsor various activities,  
events, and publications on initiatives related to regional water supply, flood  
protection, water conservation, urban runoff management, water quality,  
and funding for water infrastructure projects at a total annual amount of no  
more than $40,000 for three years, and negotiate and execute any  
agreements necessary to carry out such sponsorships; and find that the  
proposed actions are not a project under CEQA; and  
Also, acting as the Governing Body of the County Waterworks Districts  
(Waterworks Districts), authorize the District Engineer of the Waterworks  
Districts to sponsor various activities, events, and publications on initiatives  
related to regional water supply, water conservation, water quality, and  
funding for water infrastructure projects at a total annual amount of no more  
than $10,000 for three years, and negotiate and execute any agreements  
necessary to carry out such sponsorships; and find that the proposed  
actions are not a project under CEQA. (Department of Public Works)  
APPROVE (24-2340)  
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Replacement Program  
Recommendation: Approve a revised project budget of $1,755,000,000, an  
increase of $60,000,000, from the previous Board-approved amount of  
$1,695,000,000, for the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Replacement  
Program, Capital Project No. 67965 (2); and find that the recommended  
action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-2386)  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration Ordinance Amendment  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County and all  
other agencies and authorities for which the Board so acts, approve an  
ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration,  
Sections 2.18.015 and 2.18.025, to extend through July 31, 2029,  
authorizing the Director of Public Works to issue permits and enter into  
agreements for the use of real property and improvements to real property  
under the administrative control of the Director, and to acquire real property  
for use by the County Flood Control District, in accordance with specified  
criteria; and clarifying the Director's authority to take specified actions  
comply with the California Environment Quality Act (CEQA) in connection  
with the delegated authority to acquire real property; and find that the  
introduction and adoption of the proposed ordinance is not a project under  
CEQA. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE (Relates to Agenda No.  
99) (24-2353)  
Landscaping and Lighting Act Annual Assessment for Fiscal Year  
Recommendation: Approve and file the Engineer's Report for the proposed  
annual levying of assessments for County Landscaping and Lighting Act  
Districts (CLLADs) 1, 2, and 4 and zones therein for Fiscal Year (FY)  
2024-25; adopt a resolution of intention to order the annual levy and  
collection of assessments CLLADs 1, 2, and 4 and zones therein (1, 3 and  
5) for FY 2024-25; advertise and set July 16, 2024 for public hearing on the  
proposed annual levy and collection of assessments for CLLADs 1, 2, and 4  
and zones therein for FY 2024-25; and find that the action is exempt from  
the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works)  
ADOPT (24-2414)  
Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County, the  
Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the County Waterworks District  
No. 40, Antelope Valley (5), adopt a Negotiated Property Tax Exchange  
Joint Resolution (Resolution) approving and accepting the negotiated  
exchange of property tax revenue resulting from Annexation 40-161  
(4-217), Local Agency Formation Commission Designation 2023-06, on  
behalf of the County, the Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the  
County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley; find that the district  
resulting from the annexation may be more efficiently and economically  
operated than if a separate district were formed; authorize the Director of  
Public Works and the Chief of the Consolidated Fire Protection District, on  
behalf of the County, the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope  
Valley, and the Consolidated Fire Protection District, to take all actions  
necessary to effectuate the Resolution; and find that the proposed activities  
are either not a project, or are exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) ADOPT (24-2415)  
Fire Command and Control Facility Fire Suppression Project  
Construction Contract  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District, approve the Fire Command and Control Facility Fire  
Suppression Project, Capital Project No. 89053 (Project), located at 1320  
Eastern Avenue in Los Angeles (1), with a total Project budget of  
$1,220,000; authorize the Director of Public Works to deliver the Project  
using a Board-approved Job Order Contract; and find that the proposed  
Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-2402)  
Universal Studios Specific Plan Sound Monitoring Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Regional Planning  
to execute an amendment with CSDA Design Group, to increase the  
maximum contract amount by $269,488, from $1,077,022 to $1,346,510,  
effective the day following Board approval, for the provision of consulting  
services for the Universal Studios Specific Plan Sound Monitoring Project  
(5); and find that the amendment is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Regional Planning)  
APPROVE (24-2327)  
Los Angeles County Oil Well Amortization Study Contract Amendment  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Regional Planning  
to execute an amendment with CJM Petroleum Consulting Inc. for the Los  
Angeles County Oil Well Amortization Study, to extend the base term of the  
contract for three years, with one six-month extension option, at a maximum  
contract amount of $892,980 including $81,180 (10%) contingency,  
effective the day following Board approval; and find that the amendment is  
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of  
Regional Planning) APPROVE (24-2328)  

Public Safety  
Additional Data with Storage and Upgrades to the Enterprise Case  
Management System Contract Amendment  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Chair to sign an amendment to  
agreement VertiQ Software, to increase the maximum contract amount by  
$412,000, for a total maximum contract amount not to exceed $1,617,815,  
to enhance the Department of Medical Examiner's software to allow for  
critical upgrades to the MOON Enterprise Case Management System; and  
authorize the Chief Medical Examiner to execute the remainder of the  
contract to include the modified statement of work. (Department of  
Medical Examiner) APPROVE (NOTE: The Acting Chief Information  
Officer recommends approval of this item.) (24-2384)  
Armed and Unarmed Security Services Contract  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), find that armed and unarmed security services  
can be performed more economically by an independent contractor, and  
that the proposed contract meets all the mandatory prerequisites of Section  
2.121.30 of the County Code; approve and instruct the Chair to sign a  
contract between the District and Absolute International Security (AIS) for  
security services at the District's headquarters, Pacoima facility, and Del  
Valle Regional Training Center, with an initial contract term of three years,  
with two one-year extension options, for a maximum contract term of five  
years, effective July 1, 2024; authorize the Maximum Contract Amount  
(MCA) of $7,633,097.48, including the initial contract term of three years  
and extension options, the MCA represents the total contract amount based  
on the price submitted in AIS's cost proposal, plus a 10% annual  
contingency as needed for any additional unforeseen emergent  
circumstances, the MCA is comprised of the five-year base contract  
aggregate amount of $6,939,179.52, and 10% annual contingency  
aggregate amount of $693,917.96, with contract expenditures as follows:  
Year 1 at $1,297,703.68 plus a 10% contingency of $129,770.37, Year 2 at  
$1,343,130.99 plus a 10% contingency of $134,313.09, Year 3 at  
$1,430,374.40 plus a 10% contingency of $139,234.37, Year 4 option at  
$1,430,374.40 plus a 10% contingency of $143,037.44, and Year 5 option  
at $1,475,626.88 plus a 10% contingency of $147,562.99, with sufficient  
funding available in the District’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget, and with the  
District to continue to allocate the necessary funds throughout the duration  
of the contract; authorize the Fire Chief to execute amendments and minor  
modifications, including the extensions and contingencies, respectively, in  
accordance with the approved contract terms and conditions, provided the  
amounts payable under such amendments do not exceed the annual  
budget, and in the event of poor contractor performance and as a last  
resort, terminate the contract and award services to the next highest-ranked  
proposer, provided that any reassignment does not exceed 10% of the total  
MCA or exceed available funding; and find that this contract is exempt from  
the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE  
Report by the Inspector General on Reforms and Oversight Efforts  
Report by the Inspector General on reforms and oversight efforts with  
regard to the Sheriff’s Department, as requested at the Board meeting of  
October 9, 2012, and updated on May 31, 2016. RECEIVE AND FILE  
Municipal Law Enforcement Services Agreements  
Recommendation: Approve a boilerplate Municipal Law Enforcement  
Services (Services) Agreement for the provision of Services by the Sheriff’s  
Department and 42 contract cities (Contract Cities), for the period from July  
1, 2024 through June 30, 2029; authorize the Sheriff to execute individual  
agreements with each of the Contract Cities for the period from July 1, 2024  
through June 30, 2029; and authorize the Sheriff to publish the annual  
billing rates and execute amendments and/or supplemental agreements,  
including amendments that modify the Service levels as requested by the  
Contract Cities and agreed to by the Department. (Sheriff’s Department)  
APPROVE (24-2351)  
Special Appropriation Fund Transfer  
Recommendation: Approve the transfer of funds from services and supplies  
to reimburse the Sheriff’s Special Appropriation Fund in the amount of  
$44,995.35. (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE (24-2350)  
Ordinances for Adoption  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration, to  
establish the Office of the County Hearing Officer to conduct administrative  
hearings and appeals as provided under State law or the Los Angeles  
County Code, and sets forth the authority, duties, and qualifications of the  
County Hearing Officers. ADOPT (24-2043)  
County Code, Title 6 - Salaries Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries, by  
adding and establishing the salary of one new unclassified classification;  
and adding, deleting, and/or changing certain employee classifications and  
number of ordinance positions in the Departments of Agricultural  
Commissioner/Weights and Measures, Aging and Disabilities, Alternate  
Public Defender, Animal Care and Control, Arts and Culture, Assessor,  
Auditor-Controller, Board of Supervisors, Chief Executive Officer, Children  
and Family Services, Consumer and Business Affairs, County Counsel,  
District Attorney, Economic Opportunity, Fire, Health Services, Internal  
Services, Justice, Care and Opportunities, Medical Examiner, Mental  
Health, Military and Veterans Affairs, Museum of Art, Museum of Natural  
History, Parks and Recreation, Public Defender, Public Health, Public  
Social Services, Public Works, Regional Planning,  
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, Sheriff, Treasurer and Tax Collector, and  
Youth Development. ADOPT (24-2064)  
County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business and Wage  
Regulations Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 8 - Consumer  
Protection, Business and Wage Regulations, Chapter 8.52 - Rent  
Stabilization and Tenant Protections, by extending the rental increase cap  
of 4% through December 31, 2024. ADOPT (24-1934)  
County Code, Title 22 - Planning and Zoning Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 22 - Planning and  
Zoning, to revise parking standards for multi-family residential development  
to remove barriers to construction of affordable multi-family housing in the  
unincorporated areas and improve access to a multi-modal transportation  
network for Los Angeles County residents. (On April 16, 2024, the Board  
indicated its intent to approve the ordinance.) (County Counsel) ADOPT  
(Relates to Agenda No. 37) (24-2383)  
Los Angeles County Facilities 2 Inc. Public Leaseback Ordinance  
Ordinance for adoption authorizing a public leaseback, pursuant to  
California Government Code Section 54241 of certain real property in the  
City of Los Angeles, within the County of Los Angeles, the addresses of  
which are 550 South Vermont Avenue and 3175 West 6th Street, and  
improvements, furniture, fixtures and equipment on such property  
consisting of approximately 154,793 gross square feet of existing space  
renovated to Class A office space, including two ground floor retail spaces  
of approximately 1,000 square feet each; an extension of the existing  
building floor plates to include an additional approximately 88,340 gross  
square feet of new Class A office space, for a total of approximately  
243,133 gross square feet of Class A office space; approximately 12,050  
gross square feet of renovated subterranean back-of-house support space;  
an elevated pedestrian walkway connecting the existing office building to  
the terrace level of the neighboring office building commonly known as 510  
South Vermont Avenue; and approximately ten surface parking spots and  
landscaping, all to serve as office space and related ancillary facilities for  
various County Departments, commissions, and staff. ADOPT (24-2060)  
Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Jairo Diaz v. Jaime Le Clercq, et al.  
Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement  
of the matter entitled, Jairo Diaz v. Jaime Le Clercq, et al. Los Angeles  
Superior Court Case No. 21STCV10920, in the amount of $225,000, and  
instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this  
settlement from the Fire Department's budget.  
This lawsuit arises from alleged injuries sustained by a pedestrian struck by  
a fire truck while crossing an intersection. (24-2330)  
El Monte Union High School District Election  
Request from the El Monte Union High School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election, to  
be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT THE  
Lowell Joint School District Election  
Request from the Lowell Joint School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of the Governing Board Member Election and  
Specifications of the Election Order, consolidate with the Statewide General  
Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT THE  
Lynwood Unified School District Election  
Request from the Lynwood Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
Pomona Unified School District Election  
Request from the Pomona Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
San Gabriel Unified School District Election  
Request from the San Gabriel Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
South Whittier School District Election  
Request from the South Whittier School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
West Basin Municipal Water District Election  
Request from the West Basin Municipal Water District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a General District Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
West Covina Unified School District Election  
Request from the West Covina Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
Wiseburn Unified School District Election  
Request from the Wiseburn Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
La Cañada Unified School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the La Cañada Unified School District (District): Adopt a  
resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to  
pay the principal of, and interest on, the District’s Election of 2017 General  
Obligation Bonds, Series D (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not  
to exceed $8,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the  
2024-25 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the  
requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds, that will be  
provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the  
Bonds. ADOPT (24-2306)  
Las Virgenes Unified School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Las Virgenes Unified School District (District): Adopt a  
resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to  
pay the principal of, and interest on, the District’s 2024 General Obligation  
Refunding Bonds (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed  
$18,800,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to maintain on the 2024-25  
tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the  
requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds, that will be  
provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the  
Bonds. ADOPT (24-2307)  
Little Lake City School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Little Lake City School District (District): Adopt a  
resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to  
pay the principal of, and interest on, the District’s Election of 2022 General  
Obligation Bonds, Series B (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not  
to exceed $11,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the  
2024-25 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the  
requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds, that will be  
provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the  
Bonds. ADOPT (24-2349)  
Los Angeles Community College District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Los Angeles Community College District (District): Adopt  
a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to  
pay the principal of, and interest on, the District’s 2024 General Obligation  
Refunding Bonds (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed  
$1,700,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to maintain on the  
2024-25 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the  
requirements of the debt service schedule for the Refunding Bonds, that will  
be provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the  
Bonds. ADOPT (24-2304)  
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (District):  
Adopt a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount  
sufficient to pay the principal of, and interest on, the General Obligation  
Bonds of School Facilities Improvement District No. 2 of the District Election  
of 2018, Series C (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed  
$ $80,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2024-25 tax  
roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the  
principal of and interest on the Bonds, according to the debt service  
schedule to be provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following  
the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT (24-2313)  
Miscellaneous Additions  
Items not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred  
to staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board,  
or matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or  
where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board  
subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (1)  
Recommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or  
otherwise modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes,  
consistent with the Los Angeles County Code. (12-9997)  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration,  
that effectuates the transfer of the Chief of Protocol duties and  
responsibilities from the Department of the Chief Executive Officer to the  
Board of Supervisors Executive Office and modernizes the language in  
FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 24) (24-2445)  
County, Code Title 2 - Administration Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 2 - Administration,  
Section 2.18.015, concerning the delegated authority of the Director of  
Public Works to issue permits or enter into agreements for the use of real  
property under the Director's administrative control, and it extends that  
delegated authority through and including July 31, 2029; and amending  
County Code, Title 2 - Administration, Section 2.18.025 to clarify the  
Director's authority to take specified actions to comply with the California  
Environmental Quality Act in connection with exercising the Director's  
delegated authority to acquire real property for use by the County and other  
special districts for which the Board is the ex officio governing body, and to  
extend that delegated authority through and including July 31, 2029.  
ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 64) (24-2367)  
Department of Mental Health Lease  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed lease with Omninet Pioneer, LP (Landlord), for approximately  
15,233 sq ft of office space, and 61 on-site parking spaces, located at  
10330 Pioneer Boulevard in the City of Santa Fe Springs (Premises) (4), to  
be occupied by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) American Indian  
Counseling Center, for a term of 10 years, with an estimated maximum  
first-year base rental amount of $503,000, with an estimated total proposed  
lease amount, including Tenant Improvements (TIs) and low-voltage items,  
of $9,132,000 over the ten-year term, and with rental costs to be fully  
funded by the Mental Health Services Act and other State and Federal  
funds that are already included in DMH’s existing budget, and DMH will not  
be requesting additional Net County Cost for this action; find that the  
proposed lease is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act  
(CEQA); find that the issuance of taxable commercial paper notes (Notes)  
through the County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation Lease Revenue  
Note Program (Note Program) to finance TI costs is not subject to CEQA;  
and take the following actions: (Chief Executive Office)  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to reimburse the Landlord up to  
$1,905,000 for the County’s TI contribution;  
To finance the County’s TI contribution, establish TI Project Nos.  
98704 and 58704 for the proposed lease at the Premises;  
Authorize the issuance of Notes through the Note Program in an  
amount not to exceed $1,905,000, for the County’s TI contribution,  
and approve an amount not to exceed $191,000, to be funded by the  
benefiting department, for interest due to the Landlord until the  
County payment is received;  
Authorize the Director of Mental Health to contract with, and instruct  
the Director of Internal Services, in coordination with the Chief  
Executive Officer, for the acquisition and installation of telephone,  
data, and low-voltage systems and vendor installation (Low-Voltage  
Items) at a total amount not to exceed $1,460,000 paid in a lump  
sum, with the cost for the Low-Voltage Items to be in addition to the  
rental costs and the County’s TI contribution payable to the Landlord;  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary  
documentation necessary to effectuate the terms of the proposed  
lease and take actions necessary and appropriate to implement the  
terms of the proposed lease, including, without limitation, exercising  
any early termination rights. (24-2366)  
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024  
9:30 A.M.  
Newhall Ranch Sanitation District of Los Angeles County Agreement  
Recommendation: Approve and order executed the First Amendment to  
Joint Sewerage Services Agreement with Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation  
District regarding the Newhall Ranch Specific Plan (5). (24-2382)  
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024  
9:30 A.M.  
Oracle Peoplesoft Technical Support and Professional Services  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Executive Director of the Los  
Angeles County Development Authority to execute, amend, and if  
necessary, terminate a five-year contract and all related documents with  
Mythics, LLC, for the provision of Oracle PeopleSoft Technical Support and  
Contractor’s Professional Services, in the amount of $2,574,727.28, plus up  
to $1,760,000 in pool dollars for as-needed professional services and  
software licenses, for a total maximum contract amount for all five years not  
to exceed $4,334,727.28; authorize the Executive Director, upon his  
determination and as necessary and appropriate under the terms of the  
contract, to amend the contract to add or delete services, and utilize pool  
dollars, and if necessary, to terminate for convenience; and find that  
approval of the contract is not subject to the California Environmental  
Quality Act. APPROVE (NOTE: The Acting Chief Information Officer  
recommends approval of this item.) (24-2325)  
Landscaping Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director of the Los Angeles  
County Development Authority to execute a one-year contract with Stay  
Green, Inc., for the provision of landscaping services, and all related  
documents, in the amount of $2,000,000, using program funds included in  
the Los Angeles County Development Authority’s (LACDA’s) approved  
Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget, effective July 1, 2024, following execution by  
all parties; find that the approval of the contract is exempt from the  
California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Executive Director  
to take the following actions: APPROVE  
Execute amendments to the contract extend the term for a maximum  
of four additional years, in one-year increments, with an annual  
compensation of $2,000,000, using funds to be requested through  
LACDA’s annual budget approval process;  
Amend the contract to add or delete sites, modify the scope of work,  
and increase the annual compensation by up to 10% as needed for  
unforeseen costs;  
Increase the annual compensation by the amount of the LACDA  
Living Wage Program rate increase, in addition to all other  
authorizations; and  
Upon determination, and as necessary and appropriate under the  
terms of the contract, terminate the contract for convenience.  
Annual Re-Examination Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director of the Los Angeles  
County Development Authority to execute a one-year contract with Quadel  
Consulting and Training LLC, for the provision of annual re-examination  
services, using up to $800,000 in program funds included in the Los  
Angeles County Development Authority’s (LACDA’s) Fiscal Year (FY)  
2023-24 approved budget and FY 2024-25 proposed budget, effective  
following execution by all parties; find that approval of the contracts is not  
subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the  
Executive Director to take the following actions: APPROVE  
Execute amendments to the contract to extend the term for an  
additional four years, in one-year increments, with an annual  
compensation of $800,000, using funds to be included in LACDA’s  
annual budget approval process;  
Amend the contract to modify the statement of work, add services as  
needed for unforeseen needs, and update provisions of the contract;  
Upon determination and as necessary and appropriate under the  
terms of the contract, terminate the contract for convenience.  
Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning Maintenance and Repair  
Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director of the Los Angeles  
County Development Authority to execute, amend, and if necessary,  
terminate a one-year contract with ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc. for the  
provision of heating, venting, and air conditioning maintenance and repair  
services, with an annual compensation of up to $600,000, in program funds  
included in the Los Angeles County Development Authority’s (LACDA’s)  
approved Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 budget and proposed FY 2024-25  
budget, effective following execution by all parties; find that approval of the  
contract is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and  
authorize the Executive Director to take the following actions: APPROVE  
Execute amendments to the contract to extend the term for an  
additional four years, in one-year increments, with an annual shared  
compensation of $600,000 using funds to be included in LACDA’s  
annual budget approval process;  
Amend the contract to modify the statement of work to add or delete  
sites, and services, and increase the compensation by up to $60,000  
(10%) per year, as needed for unforeseen costs; and  
Upon determination and as necessary and appropriate under the  
terms of the contracts, terminate the contract for convenience.  
Managed Print Services Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Executive Director of the Los  
Angeles County Development Authority to execute, amend, and if  
necessary, terminate a five-year contract and all related documents, with  
Toshiba Business Solutions for the provision of leased copier equipment  
and managed print services, in the amount of $500,000, plus up to $50,000  
(10%) in pool dollars for unforeseen costs, the total maximum contract  
amount for all five years will not exceed $550,000; authorize the Executive  
Director, upon his determination and as necessary and appropriate under  
the terms of the contract, to amend the contract to add or delete services,  
and utilize pool dollars, and if necessary, terminate for convenience; and  
find that approval of the contract is not subject to the California  
Environmental Quality Act. APPROVE (NOTE: The Acting Chief Information  
Officer recommends approval of this item.) (24-2326)  
Los Angeles County Development Authority Meeting Minutes for April  
Recommendation: Approve minutes of the meeting of the Los Angeles  
County Development Authority for the month of April 2024. NOTE: The  
minutes for the month of April 2024 can be found online at:  
Continue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an  
infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of  
extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and  
pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified  
by the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms  
beginning January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County,  
as proclaimed on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January  
17, 2023; (d) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons  
and property on the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23,  
2023 affecting the areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on  
March 1, 2023 and ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of  
extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the  
arrival, presence, and impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los  
Angeles County beginning August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20,  
2023 and ratified by the Board on August 22, 2023; and (f) Conditions of  
disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on  
the basis of winter storms in the County beginning February 1, 2024, as  
proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by the Board on February 6,  
2024. (A-1)  
(Government Code Section 54957)  
Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency  
services representatives. (A-2)  
Discussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and  
any other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County  
associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to  
coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at  
the meeting of January 12, 2016. (A-10)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s  
homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and  
proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023. (A-11)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of  
issues related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016.  
Discussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal  
and/or State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on  
Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the  
meeting of January 17, 2017. (A-13)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action  
taken by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as  
requested by Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17,  
2017 and revised by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017.  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los  
Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board  
meeting of February 21, 2017. (A-15)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas  
and Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017. (A-16)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared  
outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los  
Angeles County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board  
meeting of April 30, 2019. (A-18)