Hearing on Ordinance for Introduction Amending County Code, Title 8
- Consumer Protection, Business and Wage Regulations and Title 11 -
Health and Safety Code, Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations
Hearing on ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 8 -
Consumer Protection, Wage and Business Regulations and Title 11 -
Health and Safety, to regulate Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations
(MEHKO) and Cottage Food Operations, the ordinance authorizes the
permitting of MEHKO in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the
County except within the Cities of Long Beach, Pasadena, and Vernon,
pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 114367; authorizes
the Department of Public Health to administer the MEHKO Ordinance;
defines a MEHKO as a home-based food business that allows approved
individuals to prepare and sell meals onsite and directly to a consumer as
further described in California Health and Safety Code Section 113825;
provides for an application and permitting process, including an initial home
evaluation, to ensure the home kitchen can support the proposed food
operation; allows for determination of a permitted area for the MEHKO,
which may include the home kitchen, onsite consumer eating areas, food
and other storage, equipment, toilet rooms, janitor and cleaning facilities,
and refuse areas as authorized by California Health and Safety Code
Section 114367.2 and the Department of Public Health; establishes an
initial application fee and an annual permit fee required to operate a
MEHKO; allows for MEHKOs to serve as a commissary for up to two
Compact Mobile Food Operations, as long as they are owned by the same
permitholder; if approved to serve as a commissary, the number of meals
that a MEHKO can prepare in a week and the gross sales per year limit is
expanded; adds requirements for a Cottage Food Operation to align with
the California Health and Safety Code and clarifies the potable water
requirements for these operations; requires the Department of Public Health
to provide notice to cities of any approved MEHKOs in their jurisdiction
along with any permit revocation or suspensions; and update its website
within 15 days of issuance of a permit (All Districts). (Department of Public
Health) (24-1607)