judgment and analysis as to the environmental consequences of the SBAP
Project; (B) Determining that, where significant adverse environmental effects
of the SBAP Project, as described in the Final PEIR, have not been reduced to
a level of less than significant, the benefits of the SBAP and SBAP Ordinance
outweigh the environmental effects of the SBAP Project, as stated in the
Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the SBAP
Project; (C) Adopting the MMRP for the SBAP Project, finding that the MMRP is
adequately designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during
SBAP Project implementation; (D) Finding the SBAP, the accompanying LUP
Map, zone changes, SBAP Ordinance, and West Carson TOD Specific Plan
compatible with, and supportive of the goals and policies of the General Plan; in
the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare; in conformity with
good zoning practice; and consistent with other applicable provisions of Title 22;
and (E) Adopting General Plan Amendment No. RPPL2023-004724-(2 and 4),
Advance Planning No. RPPL2022014508-(2 and 4), Advance Planning No.
RPPL2022014509-(2 and 4), and Zone Change No. RPPL2023004725-(2 and
4), amending the General Plan to establish the SBAP with the updated LUP Map
for the eight unincorporated communities of the South Bay Planning Area, and
amending Title 22 to establish the SBAP Ordinance and updated zone changes,
including the West Carson TOD Specific Plan, and finding they are consistent
with the General Plan. (On January 28, 2025, the Board indicated its intent to
approve the SBAP); and
(3) WESTSIDE AREA PLAN (WSAP) project (WSAP Project): (A) Certifying
the Final PEIR, Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2023002449-(2 and 3), by
finding, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15090, that the Final PEIR has
been completed in compliance with CEQA; certifying it independently reviewed
and considered the Final PEIR; and the Final PEIR reflects the County’s
independent judgment and analysis; (B) Adopting the CEQA Findings of Fact
that have been prepared, pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 21081
and 21081.5, and CEQA Guidelines Section 15091; (C) Adopting the MMRP for
the WSAP Project, finding the MMRP is adequately designed to ensure
compliance with the mitigation measures during WSAP Project implementation;
(D) Adopting the Statement of Overriding Considerations prepared, pursuant to
Public Resources Code Section 21081(b) and CEQA Guidelines section 15093;
and determining the WSAP Project’s significant and unavoidable impacts are
outweighed by specific social, economic, legal, technological, or other
considerations; and (E) Adopting WSAP Project No. PRJ2023-001700-(2 and
3), Advance Planning Project No. RPPL2023002448-(2 and 3), General Plan
Amendment No. RPPL2023002433-(2 and 3), and Zone Change No.
RPPL2023002450-(2 and 3), the accompanying LUP Map, and zone changes;
and finds the WSAP Ordinance, as amended, compatible with, and supportive
of the goals and policies of the General Plan; in the interest of public health,
safety, and general welfare; in conformity with good zoning practice; and
consistent with other applicable provisions of Title 22. (On January 28, 2025,