TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2024, 9:30 A.M.  
Lindsey P. Horvath  
Third District  
Hilda L. Solis  
Holly J. Mitchell  
First District  
Second District  
Janice Hahn  
Fourth District  
Kathryn Barger  
Chair Pro Tem  
Fifth District  
Executive Officer  
Edward Yen  
AGENDA POSTED: July 18, 2024  
MEETING TELEVISED: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. on KLCS  
Assistive listening devices, agenda in Braille and/or alternate formats are available upon request.  
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, other auxiliary aids and services, or reasonable  
modifications to Board meeting policies and/or procedures, such as to assist members of the disability  
community who would like to request a disability-related accommodation in addressing the Board, are  
available if requested at least three business days prior to the Board meeting. Later requests will be  
accommodated to the extent feasible. Please telephone the Executive Office of the Board at (213)  
974-1426 (voice) or (213) 974-1707 (TTY), from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  
Supporting documentation is available at the Executive Office of the Board located at the Kenneth Hahn  
Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Room 383, Los Angeles, California 90012, and is also  
Máquinas de traducción disponibles a petición. Si necesita intérprete para las juntas de los  
Supervisores del Condado de Los Angeles, por favor llame (213) 974-1426 entre las horas de 8:00  
a.m. a 5:00 p.m., lunes a viernes, con tres días de anticipación.  
Invocation led by Pastor Sonja Peay, Praise Sanctuary Ministries, Los Angeles (2).  
Pledge of Allegiance led by Tomas Diaz, former E-4 Specialist, United States Army, Sylmar (3).  
All matters are approved by one motion unless held.  
Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts  
Recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for  
Commissions/Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments):  
Documents on file in the Executive Office.  
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell  
Carlene Davis+ and Wayne Powell, Los Angeles County Commission for  
Older Adults  
Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath  
Marc Carrel, Community Prevention and Population Health Task Force  
Jennifer Sudarsky, MD, Hospitals and Health Care Delivery Commission  
James Grasso, Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee Proposition E  
Special Tax  
Patricia Giggans+, Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission, also waive  
limitation of length of service requirement pursuant to County Code  
Section 3.100.030A  
Supervisor Janice Hahn  
Oscar Flores, Measure A: Citizens Oversight Advisory Board  
Director, Department of Public Social Services  
Lyn Goldfarb, Personal Assistance Services Council (24-0104)  
Report on Initiatives to Protect Los Angeles County Residents from  
Extreme Heat  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Solis: Instruct the  
Directors of Public Health and the Office of Emergency Management, and the  
Chief Sustainability Officer, to provide a verbal report back to the Board at the  
July 30, 2024 Policy Presentation Board Meeting to discuss the health risks of  
climate-exacerbated extreme heat in the County, resources and communication  
strategies to protect vulnerable communities, including people experiencing  
homelessness, and planned initiatives underway, including the Los Angeles  
County’s Heat Action Plan. (24-2956)  
Gender-Based Violence Prevention Initiative  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Instruct the Director of  
Public Health, through its Office of Violence Prevention, in collaboration with the  
Executive Officer of the Board, and County Departments Heads, to adopt the  
recommendations outlined in the Chief Executive Officer’s July 1, 2024 report,  
entitled “Establishing a Gender-Based Violence Work Group,” including the  
Continuing to engage and consult with the Los Angeles County  
Domestic Violence Council, the Los Angeles County Office of  
Women’s Health, the Los Angeles County Sexual Assault Council, the  
Los Angeles County LGBTQ+ Commission, survivors, and nonprofit,  
legal, community, and academic experts;  
Revising the Gender Based Violence (GBV) definition to “violent acts  
or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation, and intimidation  
or other abuses that are used to harm, punish, or frighten due to a  
person’s identified or perceived gender or sexual identity, GBV  
includes, but is not limited to, psychological, emotional and/or  
financial abuse, domestic violence, intimate partner violence,  
gendered cyber abuses, sexual harassment, sexual assault and  
exploitation, trafficking, homophobic and transphobic abuses;”  
Revising the Primary Prevention definition to “providing whole  
population support and resources to everyone, regardless of level of  
risk, that aims in order to prevent unhealthy or unsafe behaviors  
before they occur.”; and  
Convening the monthly Gender-Based Violence deputy meetings to  
be coordinated by the Office of Violence Prevention, with the  
Executive Officer’s support, upon the hiring of the GBV staff; and  
Instruct the Director of Public Health, through its Office of Violence Prevention,  
to report back to the Board in writing bi-annually on the status of the GBV work,  
including accomplishments, challenges, opportunities and additional resource  
and funding needs, as applicable. (24-2942)  
A Comprehensive Approach to Reducing Single-Use Plastic in Los  
Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Instruct the Chief  
Sustainability Officer, with the assistance of the Director of Public Works and  
County Counsel, to report back to the Board in writing within 90 days on the  
following directives:  
Review the City of Los Angeles’s Programmatic Environmental Impact  
Report (PEIR) for the Comprehensive Plastics Reduction Program and  
present recommendations to the Board on the applicability to the County  
of the PEIR and on recommendations for further regulatory actions to  
reduce single-use plastic waste in Los Angeles County;  
Report on the County’s Zero Waste Plan, status of implementation, and a  
strategy to require that all County Departments implement Zero Waste  
Plan principles at County facilities;  
Report on the implementation of the County’s Zero Waste Events Policy  
for County events and facilities and provide recommendations on  
improvements, and how the Policy may be expanded to require  
compliance from third party events held at County facilities; and  
Report on the County Single-Use Plastic Food Service Ware Ordinance,  
status of implementation, estimated effectiveness, and any recommended  
implementation improvements. (24-2941)  
2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games Promotion and Educational  
Partnerships with LA County Library  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Authorize the County  
Librarian and County Counsel to negotiate specific terms, execute, and if  
necessary, amend or terminate agreements to partner with the Los Angeles  
Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2028, and other  
public or private entities, for the promotion and educational programming  
associated with the Olympic and Paralympic Games, including for the use of  
the LA County Library and County logos, seals and marks for promotion and  
cobranding. (24-2944)  
12135 Victory Boulevard Acquisition for Interim Housing for the  
Transgender/Nonbinary Community in North Hollywood  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Order the purchase of  
the property located at 12135 Victory Boulevard, North Hollywood (Property), in  
accordance with Government Code Section 26227; authorize the Chief  
Executive Officer to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement to purchase the  
property for $3,515,000 plus approximately $15,000 in title and escrow fees,  
and take all further actions necessary and appropriate to complete the  
transaction, including opening and management of escrow, any administrative  
adjustments to the transfer documents, execution of all the requisite  
documentation for the completion of the transfer and acceptance of the deed  
conveying title to the Property to the County; find that the proposed acquisition,  
leasing to LAFHBUILDS, Inc., renovation, and operation of the 12135 Victory  
Boulevard Interim Housing Project are exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act; and take the following actions:  
Instruct the Assessor to place the property under complete ownership of  
the County and remove the Property from the tax roll effective upon the  
transfer of title to the County;  
Find that the Property, once acquired by the County, will not be needed  
for other County purposes and that the leasing of the property on a gratis  
basis to LAFHBUILDS, Inc. for the renovation of the Property to  
accommodate approximately 30 interim housing beds for  
transgender/non-binary individuals experiencing homelessness will meet  
the social needs of the population of the County and serve public  
purposes pursuant to Government Code Section 26227;  
Authorize the issuance of warrants, as directed by the Chief Executive  
Office, for the purchase and any other related due diligence and  
transactional costs; and  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to enter into a gratis lease with  
LAFHBUILDS, Inc. (24-2962)  
Ocean Front Walk Safety Ambassador Parking Fee Waiver 2024  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Waive $2,574 in parking  
fees for two spaces, excluding the cost of liability insurance, at the parking lot  
located at 2100 Ocean Front Walk in Venice, for staff of the Safety  
Ambassadors program, from July 23, 2024 through December 31, 2024.  
Addressing Accessibility and Inclusion at Los Angeles County Parks  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Barger: Instruct the  
Director of Parks and Recreation to partner with the Director of Aging and  
Disabilities and the Los Angeles County Commission on Disabilities, to develop  
universal design guidelines for the Department of Parks and Recreation’s  
(DPR’s) Project Design Guidelines to include accessible design  
recommendations for future projects, including new parks and existing park  
renovations; establish a temporary Parks Accessibility Task Force for the  
period of one year and hold meetings once every two months to work with DPR  
and the Department of Aging and Disabilities staff to develop guidelines and  
recommendations, with the Task Force to be comprised of one appointed  
Commissioner from each Supervisorial District from the Los Angeles County  
Commission on Disabilities and two Commissioners from the Los Angeles  
County Parks Commission; partner with the Director of Aging and Disabilities,  
create a joint Management Appraisal and Performance Plan Goal to develop  
and adopt the Universal Design Guidelines for Parks; upon the completion of  
the Universal Design Guidelines for Parks, DPR will present the Universal  
Design Guidelines for Parks to the Park and Recreation Directors in the  
County; and partner with the Board to identify funding opportunities to establish  
one gym in each Supervisorial District, with inclusive programming, providing  
adaptive equipment for “Inclusive Gym Time”. (24-2965)  
Accountability for Programming at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Instruct the  
Auditor-Controller, in collaboration with the Chief Probation Officer, the Director  
of Youth Development, and other relevant County Departments and partners, to  
evaluate the Probation Department’s processes and controls for overseeing,  
monitoring, and reporting on calendared youth programs and activities at Los  
Padrinos Juvenile Hall, and report back to the Board in writing in 60 days,  
including an interim report in 30 days, with the evaluation and recommendations  
including, but not be limited to the following:  
A review and analysis of the process/procedure for documenting when  
program facilitators enter the facility;  
A review and analysis of the process/procedure for documenting youth  
who participate in programs within the facility at the start of each  
program, including scheduled programs provided by the Probation  
Department and the Department of Mental Health;  
A review and analysis of the Probation Department’s internal monitoring  
system and management controls to ensure that programs are being  
delivered in alignment with the calendar and applicable laws, policies,  
and agreements, and that program attendance, length, and outcomes are  
accurately reported to oversight entities;  
A review and analysis of the calendar creation process/procedure,  
including how the Probation Department collaborates and communicates  
with service providers, including County partners and contracted  
community-based organizations;  
A review and analysis of the Probation Department’s training procedures  
for current and new employees to ensure programs are being properly  
administered, supervised, and documented;  
A review and analysis of the Corrective Action Plan being submitted by  
the Probation Department to the Board of State and Community  
Corrections (BSCC) in response to the BSCC notice of noncompliance  
submitted to the Probation Department on June 28, 2024; and  
Recommendations on how to streamline and improve program  
coordination, delivery, and monitoring so that program delivery is  
consistent with the scheduled calendar, with the recommendations to  
consider recent changes and improvements made at Barry J. Nidorf  
Secure Youth Treatment Facility to improve programming fidelity; and  
Instruct the Auditor-Controller to conduct a follow-up review at Los Padrinos  
Juvenile Hall four months after publishing the aforementioned report, to examine  
how the Probation Department has considered and applied the  
Auditor-Controller’s recommendations, and report back to the Board in writing  
on the results of their changes. (24-2959)  
Supporting Breast/Chestfeeding in Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Proclaim the month of  
August 2024 as “National Breastfeeding Month,” the week of August 1 through  
7, 2024 as “World Breastfeeding Week,” the week of August 8 through 14,  
2024 as “Indigenous Milk Medicine Week,” the week of August 15 through 21,  
2024 as “Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI)  
Breastfeeding Week,” the week of August 25 through 31, 2024 as “Black  
Breastfeeding Week,” the week of September 1 through 7, 2024 as “Workplace  
Lactation Week,” and the week of September 3 through 9, 2024 as “Semana de  
la Lactancia Latina Week,” with the goals of advancing breast/chestfeeding as  
part of good nutrition, health protection, food security, and poverty reduction;  
and take the following actions:  
Instruct the Directors of Public Health, Health Services, and other  
relevant County Department Heads, to implement feasible County and  
public educational activities, in collaboration with community partners that  
promote the value and importance of breast/chestfeeding, including for  
those with developmental and physical disabilities, as well as  
recommended strategies for those who require medications to manage  
Encourage all County Departments, especially managers and  
supervisors, to actively foster and maintain environments that support the  
needs of lactating parents, including the availability of appropriate spaces  
and break times dedicated to lactation; and all Departments must  
collaborate with the Department of Human Resources’ Countywide  
Lactation Program to ensure that every County facility, whether owned or  
leased, is fully compliant with the existing County policy; and  
Encourage all County Department Heads, Chief Deputies, Administrative  
Deputies, and Departmental Human Resources Managers, to attend the  
Department of Human Resources’ 2024 Countywide Lactation Program  
Forum in August 2024 to learn more about their obligations under County  
policy and State law. (24-2836)  
Establishing an Independent Ethics Commission  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Barger and Horvath: Instruct  
County Counsel to report back to the Board in writing in 30 days on the  
creation of a proposed Independent Ethics Commission, Office of Ethics  
Compliance, and the position of Ethics Compliance Officer, with the report to  
include a review of other jurisdictions in the areas described below, but not be  
limited to, membership, subject-matter expertise, subject areas of review, and  
funding of the Ethics Commission, Office of Ethics Compliance, and Ethics  
Compliance Officer:  
A proposed Independent Ethics Commission containing five members  
comprised of subject matter experts appointed by neutral appointing  
authorities (e.g., the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, current  
members of academia - government ethics experts, and campaign  
finance legal experts), with the Commission to have oversight authority  
over ethical conduct by County officials, financial disclosures, conflicts  
of interest, post-government employment, government contracts,  
lobbying, land use developer conflicts, and campaign finance laws  
(including Senate Bill 1439 compliance), and should also be tasked with  
regularly reviewing the County Code and provide ongoing  
recommendations to the Board on updates and enhancements to  
maintain ethical integrity throughout the County; and  
A proposed Office of Ethics Compliance to support the work of the Ethics  
Commission and guide ethical compliance throughout the County,  
ensuring that all relevant policies and best practices are appropriately  
communicated and followed, the Office of Ethics Compliance shall also  
be tasked with overseeing a publicly available data portal related to  
governmental ethics, including lobbying information and campaign  
contributions and expenditures, including the position of an Ethics  
Compliance Officer selected by a majority of the members of the Ethics  
Commission and be provided adequate staffing and resources based on  
similar compliance offices in other jurisdictions; and  
Instruct County Counsel to revise County Code, Title 2 - Administration, Section  
2.175.030, to increase the cooling off period for County officials to lobby the  
County from one year to two years after leaving County service, and place on  
the Board’s agenda for introduction at the Board meeting of September 10,  
2024. (24-2963)  
Developing a Countywide Strategy for Addressing Encampments After  
Grants Pass  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath: Instruct the  
Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief Executive Office, in  
collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Homeless  
Services Authority and the Sheriff, to take the following actions:  
Affirm the County’s Care First approach to encampment resolution;  
Clarify that the County jails will not be used to hold people arrested due to  
enforcement of anti-camping ordinances;  
Circulate the County’s encampment resolution guidelines, including the  
role of each agency involved, to cities, Councils of Governments, and  
other local jurisdiction partners throughout the County;  
Work in partnership with the Los Angeles County Executive Committee  
for Regional Homeless Alignment to lead a convening of cities with the  
goal of minimizing disparate impact of the City of Grants Pass v.  
Johnson ruling across all the jurisdictions in the County;  
Identify opportunities to expand the County’s partnerships with cities to  
address encampments through shelter, resources, and regional  
Monitor data from the HEARS system and from the Los Angeles  
Homeless Services Authority and the Homeless Outreach Sheriff Team to  
determine any impact to the number of encampments in unincorporated  
areas of the County; and  
Report back to the Board in 120 days at a future Board meeting during a  
“Report on the County’s Implementation of the People Experiencing  
Homelessness Missions” homelessness emergency update on the  
outcomes of the above and any recommendations to better address  
encampments, cross-jurisdictional coordination, and policy alignment  
across the County. (24-2835)  
Moving Forward: Removal of Barriers to Family Reunification in Los  
Angeles County and Providing Family Reunification and Maintenance  
Services and Programs in the Los Angeles County Jails for Incarcerated  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Director of  
Children and Family Services to move forward with the recommendations listed  
in the Director of Children and Family Services’ April 25, 2024 report entitled,  
“Report Back to the September 26, 2023 Board Motion (Item No. 63-G)  
Regarding Mitigating Financial Barriers to Family Reunification in Los Angeles  
County,” and report back to the Board in writing quarterly on the status of the  
below, until completed or further notice:  
Issue guidance to staff regarding implementation of Assembly Bill 954  
that includes a process for submitting emergency funding requests for  
services that are not funded through existing resources; and once that  
guidance is issued, the Department of Children and Family Services  
(DCFS) will analyze all emergency funding requests to identify service  
access gaps so that those areas can be prioritized as ongoing funding is  
established for Family Reunification (FR) and Family Maintenance (FM)  
Conduct internal focus groups to identify services and resources that  
staff are successfully accessing for families on their caseloads, as well  
as which services staff are having difficulty accessing;  
Determine if collaboration with the Director of Justice, Care, and  
Opportunities will provide a solution to DCFS’ digital platform needs, or if  
a solicitation will be required for access to a digital platform; and  
Finalize engagement of a consultant and begin work on improving  
Medi-Cal utilization; and  
Instruct the Director of Children and Family Services, in collaboration with the  
Sheriff, to report back to the Board in writing in 90 days, containing the  
following, at a minimum:  
Data and information on how many incarcerated parents are in the  
County jails; how many incarcerated parents are pre-trial; what  
reunification, visitation, and FR legal aid programs and services are  
available; how many incarcerated parents are supposed to receive  
court-ordered visitation, but are not able to, and why; how many  
incarcerated parents are not able to complete court mandated FR  
programs due to the unavailability of programs in the County jails and the  
impact; and what financial barriers supports are available for them to be  
able to participate in FR and FM programs and whether it is provided;  
Assessment of incarcerated parents’ need for FR and FM programs and  
services, including those mandated by the Court;  
Implementation plan on providing the mandated and needed FR and FM  
services, classes, and programs for incarcerated parents to reunify with  
their children, including a funding plan for those parents who are unable  
to pay for services; and  
Identification of partnerships and working with community-based  
providers to provide services, programs, and resources for incarcerated  
parents so that they are able to reunify with their children or maintain  
relationships with and rights to their children. (24-2966)  
Heat Education and Alerts for TK-12 Schools, Early Care and Education  
Settings and Summer Camps  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Director of  
Public Health to collaborate with the Superintendent of Schools of the Los  
Angeles County Office of Education, the Chief Sustainability Officer, the  
Director of Parks and Recreation, and the Director of the Office of Emergency  
Management, Chief Executive Office, to take the following actions:  
Establish and implement a heat alert system to communicate heat alerts  
ahead of high heat days to TK-12 schools, early care and education  
settings and seasonal summer camps, with general recommendations of  
actions to take, and release the alerts with the previously prepared school  
heat toolkit to TK-12 schools and summer camps;  
Develop a health education presentation regarding extreme heat that is  
available in multiple languages for TK-12 school personnel and parents  
that will provide information on early symptoms of heat illness and types  
of heatstroke, first aid actions to address heat illness symptoms, impact  
of heat on children in TK-12 schools, including school aged children with  
underlying health conditions, and should include information about the  
heat alert system;  
Develop a health education presentation that is available in multiple  
languages and is specific to early care and education (ECE) settings  
regarding heat to disseminate to caregivers, parents, and educators of  
infants and young children on the risks and steps to take to protect them  
from extreme heat;  
Outreach to TK-12 schools and parks hosting seasonal summer camps to  
engage regarding the school heat toolkit and implementation of heat  
alerts, outreach regarding the heat presentation for both TK-12 and ECE  
settings, existing resources to assist schools, and the available guidance  
to support schools with their own heat action plan development; and  
Report back to the Board in writing in 180 days on the results of the  
above directives including, but not be limited to, metrics showing how  
many school administrators, educators, parents, and caregivers were  
engaged around extreme heat and steps to take to protect children,  
metrics on presentation attendees, the number of times heat alerts are  
sent to schools, and the reach of health education tools; and  
Instruct the Director of Public Health to collaborate with the Superintendent of  
Schools of the Los Angeles County Office of Education, the Chief Sustainability  
Officer, and Director of the Office of Emergency Management, Chief Executive  
Office, to identify and report back to the Board in writing in 180 days on the  
feasibility of developing a best practices fact sheet applicable to infants and  
young children, and establishing a contact list of private childcare and  
preschool facilities in the County that can be reached with a heat alert.  
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Chip Readiness: Preparing and  
Planning for Los Angeles County’s Transition to EBT Chip/Tap  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Director of  
Public Social Services to report back to the Board in writing within 45 days on  
how it is preparing for the State implementation of Electronic Benefits Transfer  
(EBT) chip/tap cards, including addressing, at minimum:  
What will happen to the old EBT cards once new EBT chip/tap cards are  
issued? Will the old cards automatically be deactivated once a new EBT  
chip card is issued, or will there be a grace period before deactivation?  
How will the EBT chip/tap cards be provided to current benefit  
recipients? How can unhoused benefit recipients, or recipients without a  
fixed mailing address, receive the new EBT chip/tap cards? Who can  
benefit recipients contact if they did not receive the new EBT chip/tap  
card and their old EBT card has been deactivated? What has the  
Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) done to ensure that all  
benefit recipients’ mailing addresses are current?  
How will DPSS engage with the following populations about the transition  
to EBT chip/tap card?  
Current benefit recipients who utilize an EBT card, including  
recipients who are unhoused or do not have a fixed mailing  
address; and how are current benefit recipients being informed of  
the impending change? How will unhoused benefit recipients, or  
those without a fixed mailing address, be notified?  
Approved vendors and businesses that accept EBT payments for  
food benefits and cash aid; has DPSS notified (and reminded)  
EBT vendors and retailers about this transition? Has DPSS  
informed EBT vendors and retailers where to go, what to do, or  
who to contact for assistance upgrading or modernizing their EBT  
point-of-sale (POS) devices using the United States Department of  
Agriculture’s guidance?  
What has the DPSS done to inform the stakeholders, in a  
language-inclusive manner, about the upcoming transition to EBT  
chip/tap technology?  
Instruct the Director of Public Social Services, in collaboration with County  
Departments Heads that are part of the EBT Fraud Task Force Workgroup and  
other relevant County Department Heads, to include a language-inclusive,  
culturally competent outreach plan in the aforementioned written report back,  
including engagement with ethnic and hyperlocal media to, at minimum:  
Inform benefit recipients who utilize EBT cards about the upcoming  
transition to EBT chip/tap technology, including Frequently Asked  
Questions responding to inquiries, such as, how and when will I receive  
the new EBT chip/tap card? What if I don’t have a mailing address? Who  
can I contact with questions about my new EBT chip/tap card? What will  
happen to my old EBT card? Will my benefits be interrupted? Other  
foreseeable questions;  
Ensure that benefit recipients’ current mailing addresses, if they have  
one, are updated and accurate; and  
Inform vendors/businesses that accept EBT cards as payment about the  
upcoming transition to EBT chip/tap technology and the guidelines issued  
in the USDA Retailer Notice for the type of POS device that is needed,  
including answers to sample inquiries, such as, what can I do if my  
current POS machine does not accept EBT chip/tap technology? Who  
can I call for technical assistance? Why do I need to upgrade my POS  
machine? Other foreseeable questions; and  
Instruct the Director of Economic Opportunity, in collaboration with the  
Directors of Consumer and Business Affairs and Public Social Services, the  
Agricultural Commissioner/Director of Weights and Measures, and other  
relevant County Department Heads, in drafting the language-inclusive outreach  
plan in the aforementioned report back, at a minimum:  
Engage with business and retailer associations, local chambers of  
commerce, and other relevant stakeholders that serve EBT customers,  
and come up with a plan on how to best encourage, incentivize, and  
educate local vendors and businesses that accept EBT cards as  
payment, about the importance of participating in the transition to EBT  
chip/tap technology with the end-goal of increasing the number of  
vendors that choose to modernize and update their POS devices to be  
compatible with California’s upgraded EBT chip/tap card technology, as  
laid out in the USDA Retailer Notice;  
Instruct the Director of Employment Opportunity, in consultation with other  
County Department Heads as appropriate, to research and create an  
implementation plan, and include as part of the aforementioned report back, to  
address the following concerns related to the EBT chip/tap rollout:  
Potential barriers preventing or deterring local businesses from  
upgrading their POS machines;  
Existing resources and incentives that can help businesses offset any  
costs to upgrading their POS systems (e.g., small business grants, tax  
write-offs, etc.), should there be a cost associated with upgrading; and  
Potential avenues for the engagement and collaboration of reputable  
major third-party processors that furnish EBT chip/tap POS systems to  
EBT retailers in Los Angeles County for the purpose of easing the EBT  
chip/tap rollout effort; and  
Instruct the Director of Public Social Services, in collaboration with the Chief  
Executive Office, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations  
Branch, to continue to advocate at the State and Federal levels for support to  
better inform benefit recipients and the general public about the status of EBT  
chip/tap rollout and expected timelines and changes to EBT consumer  
experiences; and increase EBT vendor participation in upgrading and  
modernizing their EBT POS devices through creative solutions and incentives.  
Safeguarding Older Adults from Scamming Practices and Financial Abuse  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Directors of  
Aging and Disabilities and Consumer and Business Affairs to host a community  
engagement campaign to educate residents on scamming practices and elder  
abuse, with the engagement campaign to include the following:  
A series of informational workshops in multiple languages located at  
senior centers and community centers across the County informing older  
adults of best practices to detect and protect themselves against financial  
abuse and fraud, prioritizing areas with high incidence of elder abuse  
should be prioritized, with at least one event in each Supervisorial District  
within 210 days of passage of this motion;  
An awareness campaign including elder education programs, caregiver  
training, and promotion of fraud hotlines and County resources;  
Collaboration on the creation of elder advocacy groups, dedicated to  
elder rights and protection against financial abuse;  
Outreach to local municipal entities, including neighborhood watch  
groups, to inform them of how neighbors and local businesses can  
safeguard elderly residents in their communities; and  
Instruct the Director of Aging and Disabilities, in partnership with the Director of  
Consumer and Business Affairs, to collaborate with managed care plans to  
advocate for and develop enhanced screening processes for Medi-Cal  
providers to prevent fraudulent entities from participating; and instruct the  
Directors of Aging and Disabilities and Consumer and Business Affairs to  
report back to the Board in writing in 60 days on the results of the above  
directives. (24-2952)  
Ballot Transparency and Consistency: Providing Voters with a Fiscal and  
Programmatic Analysis on County Ballot Measures  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and Barger: Instruct the  
Auditor-Controller, in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer, County  
Counsel, and all appropriate County Department Heads, and no later than 88  
days before an election that includes a Countywide ballot measure, to review  
the measure and determine if the substance of the County ballot measure, if  
adopted, where the affect the revenues or expenditures of the County, and  
prepare a fiscal impact statement which estimates the amount of any increase  
or decrease in revenues or costs to the County if the proposed measure is  
adopted, the fiscal impact statement is “official matter” within the meaning of  
Section 13303 of the California Elections Code and shall be printed preceding  
the arguments for and against the measure on the sample ballot, and may not  
exceed 500 words in length, this directive applies to the November 2024  
General Election and all elections thereafter, and if needed, those Department  
Heads may use their existing delegated authorities and budget to engage a  
contractor to assist with this work; and take the following actions:  
Consistent with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to elections,  
instruct the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to create a process and  
format for dissemination of the information to the public in all threshold  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk,  
Auditor-Controller, and County Counsel, for elections following the  
November 2024 General Election, in addition to the directions spelled out  
above, to also include in the sample ballot, the fiscal analysis and  
programmatic analysis/impact, a Yes/No vote summary, and other  
relevant programmatic and fiscal impact information, as permitted by  
State law, if needed, those Department Heads may use their existing,  
relevant delegated authorities and budget to engage a contractor (or work  
with existing contractors) to assist with this work; and  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with the  
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, Auditor-Controller, and County  
Counsel, to conduct an analysis informed by stakeholder engagement  
(including other County Departments, community organizations, and  
relevant non-partisan experts) to improve the process for the 2026 and  
future election cycles, including identifying which other measure types  
qualify for this process. (24-2960)  
Support for Assembly Bill 2319 (Bonta): California Dignity in Pregnancy  
and Childbirth Act  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Direct the Chief  
Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental  
Relations Branch, to support Assembly Bill 2319 (Bonta), legislation which  
would strengthen the California Dignity in Pregnancy Act. (24-2948)  
Chief Executive Office  
Department of Public Social Services Lease Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a proposed  
nine-year lease with Sonnenblick Del Rio Norwalk LLC, a Delaware limited  
liability company (Landlord), for approximately 68,840 sq ft of office space, and  
275 on-site parking spaces, located at 12440 Imperial Highway, Suites 115 and  
300, in the City of Norwalk (4), to be occupied by the Department of Public  
Social Services (DPSS), the estimated maximum first year base rental amount  
is $1,529,000, but with a one-month rent abatement of $127,354 and an  
additional rent credit of $142,470, will be approximately $1,259,000, the  
estimated total proposed lease cost, including costs for parking, tenant  
improvements (TI) and acquisition and installation of telephone, data, and  
low-voltage systems and vendor installation (Low-Voltage Items) is $22,460,000  
over the nine-year term, the rental costs will be funded by 80.11% State and  
Federal funds and 19.89% Net County Cost that is already included in DPSS’  
existing budget; authorize the Chief Executive Officer to reimburse the Landlord  
up to $2,410,000 for the County’s TI contribution, to be paid in a lump sum;  
authorize the Director of Public Social Services to contract with the Director of  
Internal Services, in coordination with the Chief Executive Officer, for the  
Low-Voltage Items at a total amount not to exceed $5,367,000 paid in a lump  
sum, the cost for the Low-Voltage Items is in addition to the rental costs and the  
County’s TI contribution payable to the Landlord; authorize the Chief Executive  
Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation necessary to effectuate  
the terms of the proposed lease, and take actions necessary and appropriate to  
implement the proposed lease including, without limitation, exercising any early  
termination rights; and find that the proposed lease is exempt from the  
California Environmental Quality Act. (24-2802)  
Department of Aging and Disabilities Lease Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a proposed  
ten-year lease with Tung’s Investment Group, Inc., a California corporation  
(Landlord), for approximately 5,680 sq ft of office space, and 15 on-site parking  
spaces, located at 441 East Carson Street, Suites J, K, and L, in the City of  
Carson (2), to be occupied by the Department of Aging and Disabilities (AD),  
the estimated maximum first year base rental amount is $229,000, but with a  
one-month rent abatement of about $19,000, which will equal $210,000, with an  
estimated total proposed lease amount of $4,986,000 over the ten-year term,  
the rental costs will be funded 100% by Net County Cost (NCC) that is already  
included in AD’s existing budget, and AD will not be requesting additional NCC  
for this action; authorize the Chief Executive Officer to reimburse the Landlord  
up to $767,000 for the County’s tenant improvement (TI) contribution, if paid in  
lump sum or $922,000 if amortized over five years at 7.5% interest per annum;  
authorize the Director of Aging and Disabilities to contract with the Director of  
Internal Services, in coordination with the Chief Executive Officer, for the  
acquisition and installation of telephone, data, and low-voltage systems and  
vendor installation (Low-Voltage Items), at a total amount not to exceed  
$1,466,000 paid in a lump sum, the cost for the Low-Voltage Items is in addition  
to the rental costs and the County’s TI contribution payable to the Landlord;  
authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary  
documentation necessary to effectuate the terms of the proposed lease, and  
take actions necessary and appropriate to implement the proposed lease  
including, without limitation, exercising any early termination rights; and find that  
the proposed lease is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
Recommendation to Continue Proclaimed Local Emergencies  
Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign six resolutions to  
continue the proclaimed local emergencies for the Fruit Fly Infestation  
proclaimed May 10, 1990; Homelessness proclaimed January 10, 2023; Severe  
Winter Storms proclaimed January 10, 2023; Frigid Winter Storms proclaimed  
March 1, 2023; Tropical Storm Hilary proclaimed August 20, 2023; and Winter  
Storms proclaimed February 4, 2024. (24-2797)  
Implementation of Additional Sick Leave Accruals for Temporary and  
Recurrent Employees and Technical Corrections  
Recommendation: Approve an ordinance for introduction amending County  
Codes, Title 5 - Personnel, to make a technical correction to an existing  
provision related to life insurance for Retirement Plan E members, and Title 6 -  
Salaries, to update the accrual and usage limitations for sick personal leave  
hours in compliance with Senate Bill 616, and update obsolete terminology  
within the definitions listed in the “Leave of Absence” section. (Relates to  
Agenda No. 78) (24-2855)  
Countywide Classification/Compensation Actions  
Recommendation: Approve an ordinance for introduction amending County  
Code, Title 6 - Salaries, to change the title of two represented classifications;  
change the salary range of two non-represented classifications in the  
Department of Mental Health; delete one represented classification; reclassify  
seven positions in the Department of Health Services following a Finance  
Department - Fiscal Strategies Section Reorganization Study; reclassify 102  
positions in the Departments of Child Support Services, Children and Family  
Services, Health Services, Internal Services, Parks and Recreation, and Public  
Social Services; and extend bonuses to certain non-represented employees in  
the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association. (Relates to Agenda  
No. 79) (24-2859)  
County Operations  
Board Policy 3.205 - Pay Transparency Policy  
Recommendation: Approve Board Policy 3.205 - Pay Transparency Policy,  
requiring publication of the aggregate existing salary and demographic data of  
current County employees as well as the existing comparable information for  
County contractors. (On March 19, 2024, the Board indicated its intent to  
approve this policy.) (County Counsel) APPROVE (24-2896)  
Various LA County Library Restroom Refurbishment Projects  
Recommendation: Establish and approve five proposed Capital Projects (CPs)  
(1, 2 and 4) as follows: Angelo M. Iacaboni Library Restroom Refurbishment  
Project, CP No. 89281 with a total project budget of $703,000; Anthony Quinn  
Library Restroom Refurbishment Project, CP No. 89282 with a total project  
budget of $762,000; City Terrace Library Restroom Refurbishment Project, CP  
No. 89283 with a total project budget of $686,000; Hawthorne Library Restroom  
Refurbishment Project, CP No. 89284 with a total project budget of $592,000;  
Hermosa Beach Library Restroom Refurbishment Project, CP No. 89285 with a  
total project budget of $728,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to  
transfer a total of $3,471,000 from the Library’s Operating budget to the various  
proposed CPs; authorize the Director of Internal Services to deliver the  
proposed projects using Board-approved Job Order Contracts; and find that the  
proposed CPs are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Internal Services Department) APPROVE 4-VOTES (24-2841)  
Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Tech Center Remodeling Project  
Recommendation: Establish and approve the proposed Franklin D. Roosevelt  
Park Tech Center Remodeling Project, Capital Project No. 8A060 (Project) (2),  
with a total budget of $506,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to  
increase $506,000 in appropriation for the Project offset with one-time revenue  
from the California Budget Act of 2022, which has been deposited in the  
Internal Services Department's (ISD’s) Trust Fund Account (XA6 - Delete the  
Divide), to fully fund the proposed Project; find that the proposed Project is  
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the  
Director of Internal Services to take the following actions: (Internal Services  
Department) APPROVE 4-VOTES  
Accept grant funds, conduct all negotiations, and execute and submit all  
documents including, but not limited to, agreements and amendments  
which may be necessary for the completion of the Project, one-time  
revenue in the amount of $2,000,000 from the California Budget Act of  
2022, which was deposited in ISD’s Trust Fund Account (XA6 - Delete  
the Divide); and  
Complete the Project using both ISD personnel and an outside contractor  
obtained through a Board-approved Job Order Contract. (24-2840)  
Family and Social Services  
Bob Hope Patriotic Hall Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Military and Veterans Affairs to  
enter into a retroactive agreement with JVS SoCal, a non-profit corporation, to  
utilize space at Bob Hope Patriotic Hall (BHPH) (1), and for the Department of  
Military and Veterans Affairs (MVA) to collect costs in the amount of  
approximately $263,993 for Fiscal Year 2023-24, and subsequent annual  
modifications based on MVA’s established annual budget for utilities, telephone  
systems, internet infrastructure, custodial, security, landscaping, pest control,  
waste management, maintenance services, and building repairs of BHPH, for a  
term of five-years, with a five-year extension option, provided a 10-day notice is  
provided to the Board via Board memo for each extension; and amend, extend,  
or terminate the agreement. (Department of Military and Veterans Affairs)  
APPROVE (24-2865)  
Refugee Employment and Acculturation Services Master Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Social Services to execute a  
Master Agreement (MA) with Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, International  
Institute of Los Angeles, and JVS SoCal for the provision of Refugee  
Employment and Acculturation Services (REAS), effective November 1, 2024  
through October 31, 2027, the Director will notify the Board within 10 business  
days after execution; extend the MA for two additional one-year periods, and  
the Director will notify the Board within 10 business days after executing such  
amendments; and authorize the Director to take the following actions:  
(Department of Public Social Services) APPROVE  
Award a REAS MA to additional agencies during the three-year period,  
and any extension periods, provided that such agencies meet all  
minimum qualifications outlined in the initial Request for Statement of  
Qualifications dated December 20, 2023, there is an additional need for  
REAS, and the Director notifies the Board in writing within 10 business  
days after each execution;  
Award Service Requisitions (SRs) for REAS to agencies with an MA as  
needed, the Director will notify the Board within 10 business days after  
each execution, the total cost for services under the SRs is to be  
determined based on annual REAS allocations, and estimated annual  
cost for subsequent fiscal years will be included in the Department of  
Public Social Services’ budget requests;  
Execute amendments to the MA and/or SRs to increase the maximum  
contract amount to include additional funds as appropriated by the Board  
and as appropriated by Federal and State allocations during the  
three-year period and any extension periods, and the Director will notify  
the Board within 10 business days after executing such amendments;  
Execute amendments to the MA and/or SRs for instances which affect  
the scope of work, contract term, contract amount, payment terms, or  
any other term or condition, additions and/or changes required by the  
Board, changes to be in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and  
County regulations, increases or decreases of no more than 10% of the  
total SR amounts based on contractor’s performance, County needs,  
and/or funding availability, and the Director will notify the Board within 10  
business days of executing such amendments; and  
Suspend or terminate the REAS MA and/or SRs on behalf of the County  
in accordance with the applicable provisions in the respective  
agreements, and the Director will notify the Board at least 10 days in  
advance of executing terminations. (24-2800)  
Health and Mental Health Services  
Donation of Surplus Properties to the Cities of Long Beach and Los  
Recommendation: Find that the following properties are surplus to the  
Department of Health Services; and authorize the Director of Health Services to  
execute separate donation agreements with the Cities of Long Beach and Los  
Angeles, effective upon execution by the Board: (Department of Health  
Services) APPROVE  
Restroom Trailer Vehicle, Vehicle Identification No. (VIN)  
1A9VHG33XB1247315, License Plate No. 1379430, County Tag No.  
63002 and approve the donation of this item to the City of Long Beach;  
Treatment Trailer Vehicle, VIN 4FGE8532X6C093071, License Plate No.  
1263131, and Support Trailer Vehicle, VIN 4FGE853306C093072,  
License Plate No. 1263132, and approve the donation of these items to  
the City of Los Angeles. (24-2869)  
Community Engagement and Related Services to Support the Healthy  
Brain Initiative Master Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Health to execute a  
competitively solicited Master Agreement Work Order (MAWO), with Los  
Angeles County - University of Southern California Medical Center Foundation,  
Inc., for the provision of community engagement and related services to support  
the Department of Public Health’s Division of Chronic Disease and Injury  
Prevention Healthy Brain Initiative: Los Angeles, effective upon execution  
through June 30, 2025, at a total maximum obligation not to exceed $597,000,  
funded by the California Department of Public Health; and authorize the  
Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health)  
Execute future amendments to the MAWO that extend the term for two  
additional one-year periods through June 30, 2027, at amounts to be  
determined by the Director, contingent upon the availability of funds and  
contractor performance, allow the rollover of unspent MAWO funds,  
and/or provide an increase or decrease in funding up to 10% above or  
below the annual base maximum obligation, effective upon amendment  
execution, update the statement of work and/or scope of work, as  
necessary, and/or correct errors in the MAWO’s terms and conditions;  
Execute change notices to the MAWO that authorize modifications to the  
budget with corresponding modifications to the statement of and/or scope  
of work, that are within the same scope of services, as necessary,  
and/or changes to hours of operation and/or service locations; and  
Immediately suspend or terminate the MAWO upon issuing a written  
notice to the contractor if the contractor fails to fully comply with  
requirements of the MAWO, or terminate the MAWO for convenience by  
providing a 30-calendar day advance written notice to the contractor.  
Local Child Care and Development Planning Council Award  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Director of Public Health to accept  
and implement an award from the California Department of Social Services  
(CDSS) for the ongoing implementation of Local Child Care and Development  
Planning Council, also known as Local Planning Council (LPC), in the amount  
of $499,089 which includes a Maintenance of Effort (Net County Cost) of  
$64,000, for a total maximum reimbursable amount of $435,089 for the period  
of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, funded by State General Funds and  
United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Child Care and  
Development Block Grant Assistance Listing Number 93.575; and authorize the  
Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Health)  
Accept and implement future awards and/or amendments that are  
consistent with the requirements of the award to extend the funding term  
at amounts to be determined by CDSS, and/or provide an increase or  
decrease in funding;  
Accept and implement future amendments that are consistent with the  
requirements of the award that reflect non-material and/or ministerial  
revisions to the award’s terms and conditions and allow for the rollover of  
unspent funds and/or redirection of funds; and  
Endorse LPC membership rosters as identified in future Certification  
Statement(s) Regarding Composition of the LPC, with two-week advance  
written notice to the Board, and unless otherwise instructed, sign the  
Certification Statement Regarding Composition of LPC membership  
roster annually. (24-2804)  
Community Services  
Tahiti Substation Southern California Edison Company Lease Amendment  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Director of Beaches and Harbors  
to execute an amendment to an existing lease for Parcel 200, as amended, with  
Southern California Edison (SCE), located in Marina del Rey (2), to adjust  
SCE’s annual rent and the insurance requirements; authorize the Director to  
execute any other ancillary documentation necessary to effectuate the terms of  
the amendment and take actions necessary and appropriate to implement the  
proposed amendment; and find that the proposed actions are either not a  
project, or areexempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Beaches and Harbors) APPROVE 4-VOTES (24-2875)  
Park Maintenance and Park Mowing Services Sole Source Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute  
the following three sole source contract amendments: one with Conejo Crest  
Landscape, Inc. with an expiration date of July 31, 2024, at a total amount not  
to exceed $81,908, and two with Mariposa Landscapes, Inc., each with an  
expiration date of September 30, 2024, for total amounts not to exceed $9,360,  
and $83,573, respectively, to further extend the contracts up to four months, for  
the sole purpose of completing the Request for Proposals solicitation for the  
Landscape, Park Maintenance, and Mowing Services at various County parks  
(1 and 5), released November 2023; authorize the Director to increase the  
contract amount by/up to 10% in any year, for any additional or unforeseen  
services within the scope of the contract; and find that the proposed contract  
amendments are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Parks and Recreation) APPROVE (24-2879)  
Aquatic Safety Program at the Boating Instruction and Safety Center  
Agreement Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute an  
amendment to an agreement with the California State University of Northridge to  
extend the agreement for 12 additional month-to-month periods, for the  
continued operations of the Aquatic Safety Program at the Boating Instruction  
and Safety Center at the Castaic Lake Recreation Area (5) beginning August 1,  
2024; authorize the Director to amend, suspend, terminate, or assign the  
license agreement, if deemed necessary, in accordance with the approved  
items and conditions of the license agreement; and find that the proposed  
approval of the extension of the current agreement is not a project under the  
California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Parks and Recreation)  
APPROVE (24-2878)  
Fixed-Route Shuttle Services in the Communities of Avocado Heights,  
Bassett, West Valinda, East Valinda, Florence-Firestone/Walnut Park, and  
Baldwin Hills Services Contracts  
Recommendation: Find that fixed-route shuttle services can be more  
economically performed by an independent contractor; award and instruct the  
Chair to execute two contracts to MV Transportation, Inc., for fixed-route shuttle  
services, for a period of one-year with four one-year and six month-to-month  
extension options, for a maximum potential contract term of 66 months and a  
maximum potential contract amount of $6,539,051 for Avocado Heights,  
Bassett, West Valinda, and East Valinda routes and $6,380,034 for  
Florence-Firestone/Walnut Park and Baldwin Hills routes (1, 2 and 4); authorize  
the Director of Public Works to exercise the extension options if, in the opinion  
of the Director, MV Transportation, Inc., has successfully performed during the  
previous contract period, and the services are still required, approve and  
execute amendments to incorporate necessary changes within the scope of  
work, suspend and/or terminate the contracts for convenience if it is in the best  
interest of the County, and annually increase the contract amount up to an  
additional 10% of the annual contract amount, which is included in the  
maximum potential contract amount for unforeseen additional work within the  
scope of the contract, if required; and find that the contract work is exempt from  
the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works)  
APPROVE (24-2886)  
Rowland Street Rehabilitation Project Cooperative Agreement  
Recommendation: Approve the pavement rehabilitation project on Rowland  
Street from Citrus Avenue to Grand Avenue (Project) (1), and instruct the Chair  
to sign the cooperative agreement between the City of Covina and the County  
for the project; find that the proposed Project is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take  
the following actions: (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
Approve the County's estimated jurisdictional share up to an amount of  
$500,000 for the Project;  
Approve up to 10% of the County's estimated jurisdictional share equal to  
$50,000 for any unforeseen expenses that may occur, thereby  
increasing the maximum contribution from $500,000 to $550,000 for the  
Project; and  
Execute amendments and modifications of a nonmaterial nature to the  
cooperative agreement to incorporate necessary nonmaterial  
programmatic and administrative changes. (24-2877)  
On-Call Engineering Design and Support Services Agreements  
Recommendation: Award and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute  
consultant services agreements with the following firms: one small-sized firm,  
VCA Engineers, Inc.; three medium-sized firms, CASC Engineering and  
Consulting, Inc., CWE, and DRP Engineering, Inc.; and three large-sized  
firms, KPFF, Inc., Michael Baker International, and T.Y. Lin International, for  
the provision of on-call engineering design and support services, for an initial  
three-year term with two one-year extension options for a total maximum  
contract term of five years, and a total aggregate not-to-exceed program  
amount of $30,000,000 across all seven agreements for the maximum five-year  
term, these consultant services agreements will be subject to the additional  
extension provisions; find that the proposed actions are not a project under the  
California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director to take the  
following actions: (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
Authorize additional services and extend the contract expiration date for  
each of the seven agreements, as necessary, to complete those  
additional services when they are previously unforeseen, related to a  
previously assigned scope of work on a given project, and are necessary  
for the completion of that given project.  
Supplement the initial not-to exceed program amount by up to 10% of the  
original program amount based on workload requirements, the aggregate  
program amount of such amendments shall not exceed 25% of the  
original program amount; and  
Administer each of the agreements and, at the discretion of the Director,  
exercise the extension options based upon project demands and the level  
of satisfaction with the services provided with no change to the initial  
not-to-exceed program amount, and suspend and/or terminate the  
contracts for convenience, if it is in the best interest of the County.  
On-Call Building and Safety Inspection, Permit Technician, and Related  
Services Consultant Services Agreements  
Recommendation: Award and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute  
14 consultant services agreements with the following firms: six small-sized firms,  
Gateway Science & Engineering, Inc.; Hayer Consultants, Inc.; J. Lee  
Engineering, Inc.; SuperbTech, Inc.; The "G" Crew; and True North  
Compliance Services, Inc.; three medium-sized firms, BPR Consulting Group  
LLC; Jason Addison Smith Consulting Services, Inc.; and TRB and Associates;  
and five large-sized firms Bureau Veritas North America, Inc.; CSG  
Consultants, Inc.; Interwest Consulting Group, Inc.; West Coast Code  
Consultants, Inc.; and Willdan Engineering, the firms will provide specialized  
on-call building and safety inspection, permit technician, and related services  
for construction projects within the County's jurisdictional area for an aggregate  
not-to-exceed program amount of $20,000,000 across all 14 agreements for the  
entire three-year term plus two one-year extension options if exercised, subject  
to the additional extension provisions specified below; find that the proposed  
actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize  
the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works)  
Authorize additional services and extend the contract expiration date for  
each of the 14 agreements as necessary to complete those services  
when those additional services are previously unforeseen, related to a  
previously assigned scope of work on a given project, and are necessary  
for the completion of that given project;  
Supplement the initial not-to-exceed program amount by up to 25% of the  
original program amount based on workload requirements; and  
Administer the agreements and at the discretion of the Director, exercise  
the extension options based upon project demands and the level of  
satisfaction with the services provided with no change to the initial  
not-to-exceed program amount, and suspend/terminate the agreements  
for convenience, if necessary and appropriate to do so in the discretion  
of the Director. (24-2873)  
Los Angeles River Grant of Easements Parcels  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County Flood Control  
District (District), find that the grant of easements for highway, temporary  
access, and construction purposes affecting Parcels 1637, 2249, 2250, 2255,  
2270, 2271, and 2282 (Parcels) related to the Los Angeles River in the City of  
Long Beach (4), and the subsequent use of said easements will not interfere or  
be inconsistent with the primary use and purposes of the affected parcels by  
the District; approve the grant of easements for highway, temporary access,  
and construction purposes affecting the Parcels related to the Los Angeles  
River in the City of Long Beach, from the District to the State for the Los  
Angeles River Seismic Retrofit project; authorize the Chief Engineer of the  
District to negotiate and execute the necessary documents and authorize  
delivery to the State; and find that the Los Angeles River Seismic Retrofit project  
is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public  
Works) APPROVE (24-2884)  
Information Technology Infrastructure Fund for Governance Support and  
Enhancements to Electronic Permitting and Inspections - Los Angeles  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the use of a total of $350,000 in  
one-time funding from the Information Technology Infrastructure Fund (ITF) for  
an Enterprise Services Master Agreement (ESMA) Work Order/Change Order  
with Gartner Consulting Incorporated (Gartner) for $290,000 to support ongoing  
implementation of the 2023 Gartner study recommendations, and $60,000 for  
the development of an interface between Accela and Electronic Permitting and  
Inspections - Los Angeles for the Fire Department to improve data sharing;  
approve a Fiscal Year 2024-25 appropriation adjustment in the ITF to reallocate  
$350,000 from Services and Supplies to Other Financing Uses, and increase  
the Department of Regional Planning’s Services and Supplies appropriation and  
revenue; and authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County’s  
Purchasing Agent, to execute an ESMA Change Order with Gartner, in  
compliance with Board required ESMA guidelines, for $290,000 that will  
increase the work order total from $550,000 to $840,000. (Department of  
Regional Planning) APPROVE 4-VOTES (Note: The Chief Information Officer  
recommends approval of this item.) (24-2876)  
Public Safety  
Dispatch Console System Maintenance and Support Services Sole Source  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), approve and instruct the Fire Chief to execute a  
sole source contract between the District and Zetron Inc. (Zetron), for the  
continued provision of maintenance and support services for the District’s  
dispatch console and console switch interface systems, for an initial term of five  
years, and two one-year extension options, for a maximum contract term of  
seven years, effective August 1, 2024; authorize the maximum contract amount  
of $5,582,559.50, including the initial contract term of five-years and extension  
options, with a maximum contract amount comprised of a base contract  
aggregate amount of $3,690,754.19, Pool Dollars with an aggregate amount of  
$369,075.42, and a hardware refresh in the amount of $1,522,729.89;  
authorize the Fire Chief to execute amendments and change notices,  
suspensions, or termination if deemed necessary, and in accordance with the  
approved contract terms and conditions in order to effectuate modifications,  
exercise extension options, add new or revised standard County contract  
provisions adopted by the Board, as periodically required, effectuate the  
assignment and delegation/mergers or acquisitions provision, engage Zetron to  
provide optional work (e.g., programming modifications, professional services,  
and acquire relevant additional hardware and software), as required by the  
County, using available Pool Dollars, with concurrence of the Chief Information  
Officer, and terminate the contract, either in whole or in part, by the provision of  
a 30-day written notice; and find that this contract is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE (Note: The Chief  
Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) (24-2850)  
Testing, Review, and Inspection Services of Emergency Responder Radio  
Coverage Systems Contract  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), approve and instruct the Fire Chief to execute a  
contract between the District and Comsec Associates, Inc. (Comsec), for the  
provision of testing, review, and inspection services of emergency responder  
radio coverage systems; authorize a maximum contract amount of $1,750,000  
for a five-year term, the contract shall be effective August 1, 2024; authorize  
the Fire Chief to execute amendments, suspensions, or termination if deemed  
necessary, and in accordance with the approved contract terms and conditions,  
provided the amounts payable under such amendments do not exceed the  
$1,750,000 maximum contract amount; and find that the contract is exempt from  
the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE  
Report on the Implementation of the California Public Safety Realignment  
Report by the Public Safety Realignment Team on the status of implementation  
of the California Public Safety Realignment Act (AB 109), as requested at the  
Board meeting of December 11, 2012, and updated on May 31, 2016.  
RECEIVE AND FILE (13-0268)  
Acom Dispatch Console System Maintenance and Support Services Sole  
Source Contract  
Recommendation: Approve and instruct the Chair to sign a sole source contract  
with Zetron, Inc. (Zetron), for the continued provision of maintenance and  
support services for the Sheriffs Department's Acom Dispatch Console System,  
effective August 1, 2024 through and including July 31, 2029, with two one-year  
extension options at the sole discretion of the County; authorize the Sheriff to  
execute amendments and change notices to the contract, as set forth  
throughout the contract, in order to effectuate modifications, which do not  
materially affect the term of the contract, exercise extension options, add new  
or revised standard County contract provisions adopted by the Board, as  
periodically required, effectuate the assignment and delegation/mergers or  
acquisitions provision, engage Zetron to provide optional work (e.g.,  
programming modifications, professional services, and acquire relevant  
additional hardware and software), as required by the County, using available  
Pool Dollars, with the concurrence of the Chief Information Officer, the  
Department's Office of Technology Planning, and terminate the contract, either  
in whole or in part, by the provision of a 30-day written notice. (Sheriff’s  
Department) APPROVE (Note: The Chief Information Officer recommends  
approval of this item.) (24-2864)  
School Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Approve a boilerplate school supplemental agreement by and  
between the County and various school districts, for the continued provision of  
as-needed supplemental law enforcement services during special events on or  
near school campuses, for the period from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026,  
unless sooner terminated or extended, with a one-year extension option from  
July 1, 2026, through June 30, 2027, subject to prior approval by the Board;  
authorize the Sheriff to execute agreements, substantially similar, with the  
schools and school districts in the County requesting such as-needed  
supplemental law enforcement services, effective July 1, 2024, or upon  
execution by the Sheriff, whichever is later, through June 30, 2026, unless  
sooner terminated or extended; and execute any and all amendments to the  
agreements, ensuring any negative fiscal impact to the County is avoided.  
(Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE (24-2866)  
Law Enforcement Dispatching and Communications Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Sheriff, as an agent for the County, to execute  
an agreement with Compton Community College District for the provision of  
dispatching and communications services to the Compton College Police  
Department, commencing upon execution by the Sheriff through June 30,  
2029; execute agreements, substantially similar, with other public agencies  
requesting such services, commencing upon execution by the Sheriff through  
June 30, 2029; publish the annual billing rates and execute supplemental  
agreements and amendments as set forth by the agreement; and terminate the  
agreements, if it is in the best interest of the County. (Sheriff’s Department)  
APPROVE (24-2867)  
Special Appropriation Fund Transfer  
Recommendation: Approve the transfer of funds from services and supplies to  
reimburse the Sheriff’s Special Appropriation Fund in the amount of $22,000.  
(Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE (24-1982)  
County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business and Wage  
Regulations Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection,  
Business and Wage Regulations, by adding Chapter 8.60 - Tenant Right to  
Counsel, to establish a program to provide legal counsel for covered individuals  
in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County during eviction  
proceedings, subject to available funding. ADOPT (24-2777)  
Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Juan Ponce, et al. v. County of Los  
Angeles, et al.  
Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of  
the matter entitled, Juan Ponce, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los  
Angeles Superior Court Case No. 21STCV16028, in the amount of $1,400,000,  
and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement  
from the Sheriff's Department's budget.  
This lawsuit arises from alleged injuries sustained when a Sheriff's Department  
vehicle struck Plaintiff who was walking within a marked crosswalk. (24-2853)  
Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Natalie Reusch v. County of Los Angeles  
Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of  
the matter entitled, Natalie Reusch v. County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles  
Superior Court Case No. 22STCV05287, in the amount of $150,000, and  
instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement  
from the Department of Parks and Recreation's budget.  
This dangerous condition of public property lawsuit arises from alleged injuries  
sustained from a slip accident that occurred at Kenneth Hahn State Recreation  
Park. (24-2856)  
Cerritos Community College District Election  
Request from the Cerritos Community College District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
Compton Community College District Election  
Request from the Compton Community College District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
Covina-Valley Unified School District Election  
Request from the Covina-Valley Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
City of Cudahy Election  
Request from the City of Cudahy: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS. (24-2826)  
Culver City Unified School District Election  
Request from the Culver City Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
East Whittier City School District Election  
Request from the East Whittier City School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member and General Obligation  
Bond Election and consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held  
El Monte City School District Election  
Request from the El Monte City School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
El Rancho Unified School District Election  
Request from the El Rancho Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of Glendora Election  
Request from the City of Glendora: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS. (24-2830)  
Gorman Joint School District Election  
Request from the Gorman Joint School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Hermosa Beach City School District Election  
Request from the Hermosa Beach City School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024.  
City of Irwindale Election  
Request from the City of Irwindale: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS. (24-2832)  
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District Election  
Request from the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a General District Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Mountain View School District Election  
Request from the Mountain View School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
North Orange County Community College District Election  
Request from the North Orange County Community College District: Render  
specified services relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member  
Election, to be consolidated with the November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
San Marino Unified School District Election  
Request from the San Marino Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election, to be held  
City of Santa Monica Election  
Request from the City of Santa Monica: Render specified services relating to  
the conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate this election with  
the Statewide General Election, to be held on November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
Saugus Union School District Election  
Request from the Saugus Union School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Governing Board Member Election and consolidate  
with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of Signal Hill Election  
Request from the City of Signal Hill: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT  
TO PAY ALL COSTS (24-2837)  
ABC Unified School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the ABC Unified School District (District): Adopt a resolution  
authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal  
of, and interest on, the District’s General Obligation Bonds, 2018 Election,  
Series C (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $64,500,000;  
and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2024-25 tax roll, and all  
subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt  
service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by  
the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT (24-2820)  
Castaic Union School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Castaic Union School District (District): Adopt a resolution  
authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal  
of, and interest on, the District’s General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series  
2024 (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $10,000,000;  
and direct the Auditor-Controller to maintain on the 2024-25 tax roll, and all  
subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt  
service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by  
the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT (24-2818)  
Mt. San Antonio Community College District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Mt. San Antonio Community College District (District): Adopt  
a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay  
the principal of, and interest on, the District’s Election of 2018 General  
Obligation Bonds, Series 2024D (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not  
to exceed $189,600,084.90; and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the  
2024-25 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the  
requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to  
the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT  
Pomona Unified School District Levying of Taxes  
Request from the Pomona Unified School District (District): Adopt a resolution  
authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal  
of, and interest on, the District’s General Obligation Bonds, 2016 Election,  
Series H (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $13,400,000;  
and direct the Auditor-Controller to place on the 2024-25 tax roll, and all  
subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt  
service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by  
the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT (24-2819)  
Miscellaneous Additions  
Items not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred to  
staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board, or  
matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or  
where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board  
subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (3) (12-9996)  
Recommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or otherwise  
modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes, consistent with the Los  
Angeles County Code. (12-9997)  
County Codes, Title 5 - Personnel, and Title 6 - Salaries Ordinance  
Ordinance for introduction amending County Codes, Title 5 - Personnel and  
Title 6 - Salaries, by amending Sections 5.36.075 to make a technical  
correction related to life insurance for Retirement Plan E members, 6.12.070 to  
update the accrual and usage limitations for sick personal leave, and 6.18.020,  
6.18.080, 6.20.010, 6.20.020, 6.20.025, and 6.20.030 to update obsolete  
terminology related to leave accruals. INTRODUCE, WAIVE READING, AND  
PLACE ON AGENDA FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 23) (24-2858)  
County Code, Title 6 - Salaries Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries, by  
changing the salary of two employee classifications; amending Section  
6.127.030 to extend bonuses to certain employee classifications assigned to the  
Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association; and adding, deleting,  
and/or changing certain employee classifications and number of ordinance  
positions in the Departments of Child Support Services, Children and Family  
Services, Health Services, Internal Services, Parks and Recreation, and Public  
FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 24) (24-2863)  
County Code, Charter Amendment  
Ordinance for introduction calling for a special election to be held on November  
5, 2024, for the purpose of voting upon an amendment to the Charter of the  
County that would by 2026, require all items of business of the Board be on the  
posted agenda at least 120 hours before a regular meeting; by 2026, establish  
an independent Los Angeles County Ethics Commission, an Office of Ethics  
Compliance and the position of Ethics Compliance Officer; by 2028, establish  
the office of an elected County Executive, the position of Director of Budget  
and Management, and the position of County Legislative Analyst; expand the  
membership of the Board of Supervisors from five to nine following the 2030  
redistricting process; establish a Governance Reform Task Force and Charter  
Review Commission; authorize the suspension, with or without pay, of an  
elective County officer who has been criminally charged with a felony related to  
a violation of official duties; prohibit former County officials for a minimum of  
two years after leaving County service from lobbying the County; require the  
presentation of Department budgets during a public meeting; be funded with  
existing County funding sources and result in no additional costs to, or taxes  
imposed on taxpayers, with any implementation costs to be offset by cost  
savings, as determined through the annual County budgeting process; and  
directs the consolidation of the Special Election with the Statewide General  
Election, to be held on the same day. (County Counsel) INTRODUCE, WAIVE  
Employ a Retired County Employee on a Temporary Basis  
Recommendation: Employ retired County employee Christopher Anderson,  
without reinstatement, as a 120-day temporary employee, in the Chief Executive  
Office to maintain continuity in the management of critical functions, and grant  
an exception to the 180-day waiting period required under the California Public  
Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, as Mr. Anderson is uniquely qualified  
to perform these critical duties on a temporary basis; and approve the Chief  
Executive Officer’s request to allow Mr. Anderson to return as a Special  
Services Assistant IV, at a rate of $110.05 per hour, for up to 960 total hours  
per fiscal year. (Chief Executive Office) (24-2805)  
Continue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an  
infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of  
extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and  
pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified by  
the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of  
persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms beginning  
January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed  
on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January 17, 2023; (d)  
Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property on  
the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23, 2023 affecting the  
areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on March 1, 2023 and  
ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the arrival, presence, and  
impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los Angeles County beginning  
August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20, 2023 and ratified by the Board  
on August 22, 2023; and (f) Conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property exist on the basis of winter storms in the County  
beginning February 1, 2024, as proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by  
the Board on February 6, 2024. (A-1)  
(Government Code Section 54957)  
Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency  
services representatives. (A-2)  
Discussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and any  
other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County  
associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to  
coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at the  
meeting of January 12, 2016. (A-10)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s  
homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and  
proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023. (A-11)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of issues  
related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016. (A-12)  
Discussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal and/or  
State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the meeting of January  
17, 2017. (A-13)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action taken  
by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as requested by  
Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17, 2017 and revised  
by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017. (A-14)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board meeting of  
February 21, 2017. (A-15)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and  
Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017. (A-16)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared  
outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los Angeles  
County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board meeting of  
April 30, 2019. (A-18)  
(Paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9)  
Significant exposure to litigation (one case.)  
No reportable action was taken. (24-2897)