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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2024, 9:30 A.M.  
Lindsey P. Horvath  
Third District  
Hilda L. Solis  
Holly J. Mitchell  
First District  
Second District  
Janice Hahn  
Fourth District  
Kathryn Barger  
Chair Pro Tem  
Fifth District  
Executive Officer  
Edward Yen  
AGENDA POSTED: October 17, 2024  
MEETING TELEVISED: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 11:00 P.M. on KLCS  
Assistive listening devices, agenda in Braille and/or alternate formats are available upon request.  
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, other auxiliary aids and services, or reasonable  
modifications to Board meeting policies and/or procedures, such as to assist members of the  
disability community who would like to request a disability-related accommodation in addressing  
the Board, are available if requested at least three business days prior to the Board meeting.  
Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Please telephone the Executive  
Office of the Board at (213) 974-1426 (voice) or (213) 974-1707 (TTY), from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00  
p.m., Monday through Friday.  
Supporting documentation is available at the Executive Office of the Board located at the Kenneth  
Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Room 383, Los Angeles, California 90012,  
Máquinas de traducción disponibles a petición. Si necesita intérprete para las juntas de los  
Supervisores del Condado de Los Angeles, por favor llame (213) 974-1426 entre las horas de  
8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., lunes a viernes, con tres días de anticipación.  
Invocation led by Pastor Sonja R. Dawson, New Mount Calvary Baptist Church, Los Angeles (2).  
Pledge of Allegiance led by Mr. James LeLand DeBacco, former E2 - Private First Class, United  
States Marine Corps, Los Angeles (3).  
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I. SET MATTER 11:00 AM  
Report on the County’s Implementation of the People Experiencing  
Matter- Homelessness Missions  
Report by the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative on the  
implementation of the people experiencing homelessness missions,  
including each Department’s utilization of the Emergency Proclamation’s  
tools and delegated authorities, as requested at the Board meeting of  
October 3, 2023. RECEIVE AND FILE (23-3603)  
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All matters are approved by one motion unless held.  
Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts  
Recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for  
Commissions/ Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments):  
Documents on file in the Executive Office.  
Supervisor Janice Hahn  
Robert Gill+, Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission  
Wendy Kessman (Alternate), Gender Responsive Advisory  
Deaka McClain+, Los Angeles County Commission on Disabilities  
Mayra Catalán-Orozco+, Los Angeles County Youth Climate  
Board of Supervisors  
Brooke Harris, Los Angeles Probation Oversight Commission  
In lieu of Election  
Drew Mercy (Division 1), George M. Lane+ (Division 4), Audrey T.  
Miller+ (Division 6), and Gary L. Van Dam+ (Division 7), Antelope  
Valley-East Kern Water Agency  
Los Angeles County Division of the League of California Cities  
Ana Maria Quintana, Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs  
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Modernizing the Los Angeles County Code by Using Gender-Inclusive  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Instruct County  
Counsel to use gender-inclusive language, wherever possible, in all future  
additions to the County Code; develop a plan that is more expedited than  
the current practice for modernizing the County Code, excluding the County  
Charter, by replacing existing gender-specific language with appropriate  
gender-inclusive language, including timelines for a comprehensive review  
of the County Code, phases of implementation, and recommendations for  
gender-inclusive language standards; and report back to the Board in  
writing in 120 days on this plan. (24-4749)  
November 2024 Board Meeting Calendar  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Cancel the  
November 19, 2024 Regular Board Meeting; and change the November 26,  
2024, Policy Presentations and Public Hearing Board Meeting to a Regular  
Board Meeting. (24-4746)  
Proclaiming October 2024 as “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  
(ADHD) Awareness Month” in Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Proclaim the month  
of October 2024 as “ADHD Awareness Month” throughout Los Angeles  
County; encourage all County residents to visit  
resources and support, and locate ADHD Awareness Month events during  
the month of October; and encourage County Department Heads,  
supervisors, and human resources staff to increase their awareness and  
understanding of ADHD’s impact in the workplace so current and  
prospective employees can be fully supported. (24-4747)  
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Malibu Moves 5K, Half Marathon, and Kids Run Fee Waiver 2024  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Waive the $38,250  
gross receipts fee, contingent upon submission of any and all documents  
requested by the Department of Beaches and Harbors in order to conduct  
an audit of the organization, with the Director of Beaches and Harbors to  
consult with the Auditor-Controller, as necessary; and reduce the parking  
fees to $5, excluding the cost of liability insurance, for the Malibu Moves 5K,  
Half Marathon, and Kids Run event, as follows:  
Approximately 662 vehicles for set up at Zuma Beach from October  
25 through 27, 2024; and  
Approximately 1,371 vehicles at the Zuma Beach and Point Dume  
parking lots on October 27, 2024. (24-4750)  
Countywide Signature DIAlogue Series Parking Fee Waiver  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Waive the $20 per  
vehicle parking fee for up to 300 vehicles, excluding the cost of liability  
insurance, at The Music Center Garage, for attendees of the Countywide  
Signature DIAlogue Series event, co-hosted by the Department of Human  
Resources and the Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiative, to be  
held on October 30, 2024. (24-4745)  
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County Employee Appreciation Event Parking Fee Waiver 2024  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Waive the $20 per  
vehicle parking fee for approximately 500 vehicles, excluding the cost of  
liability insurance, at The Music Center Garage and Lot 10, if necessary, for  
the County Employee Appreciation Event at Gloria Molina Grand Park, to  
be held on November 13, 2024. (24-4744)  
Authorize the Department of Public Works to Begin Abatement on  
Future Los Angeles County Care Community Buildings  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Find that, pursuant to  
Government Code Section 26227, the use of funds in the amount of  
$3,900,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus Local Fiscal  
Recovery Funds (CLFRF) and $1,100,000 CLFRF via ARPA’s revenue loss  
provisions (e.g., ARPA-enabled) is deemed by the Board to be necessary to  
meet the social needs of the population of the County and serves a public  
purpose; approve an appropriation adjustment that reflects the transfer of  
$3,900,000 in ARPA CLFRF funds from the Internal Services  
Department-administered Accelerate Digital Equity - Community Broadband  
Network 3 Program and the transfer of $1,100,000 of ARPA CLFRF funds  
via ARPA’s revenue loss provision from the Chief Executive Office -  
Homeless Initiative administered Safe Parking program to increase the  
appropriation in the amount of $5,000,000 in the Project and Facility  
Development budget unit, to fully fund the make-ready and abatement  
activities for the future Los Angeles County Care Community; authorize the  
Director of Public Works to perform make-ready and abatement activities on  
the future Los Angeles County Care Community buildings using  
Board-approved Job Order Contracts; and find that the proposed Los  
Angeles County Care Community at Metropolitan State Hospital Project and  
related actions are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.  
4-VOTES (24-4761)  
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Implementing a New Process to Require Firearms Dealers to Certify  
Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations when Contracting  
with Los Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and Solis: Instruct the  
Director of Internal Services to adopt and implement the process outlined in  
the October 4, 2024, report back entitled, “Report Back on Requiring  
Firearms Vendors to be in Compliance with Applicable Laws and  
Regulations” for all firearm dealers/vendors seeking to sell firearms to  
County Departments. (24-4739)  
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Appointing a Compliance Officer to Oversee Probation’s Board of  
State and Community Corrections and California Department of  
Justice Compliance at Probation’s Juvenile Hall  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Direct the Chief  
Executive Officer, in consultation with County Counsel and the Chief  
Probation Officer, to identify and appoint an internal Compliance Officer to  
oversee the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) and  
California Department of Justice (DOJ) compliance at the County Probation  
Department’s juvenile hall(s), the Compliance Officer should be appointed  
within 30 days and will be responsible for overseeing and monitoring efforts  
related to obtaining and maintaining compliance with the BSCC regulations  
and the California DOJ settlement agreement in the County’s juvenile halls,  
under the Chief Executive Officer’s supervision and authority, the  
Compliance Officer shall have the powers delegated to the Chief Executive  
Office under the County Code to coordinate the administration of the  
involved Departments, including the Departments of Probation, Health  
Services, Mental Health and Youth Development, and the Los Angeles  
County Office of Education, with respect to those involved Departments’  
operations at the County’s juvenile halls; instruct the Chief Probation Officer  
to submit all current and future corrective action plan (CAP) drafts and any  
related documents supporting the CAP to the Compliance Officer and  
County Counsel sufficiently in advance of the CAP’s due date, no later than  
20 days prior to the due date for future CAPs, to allow them to provide  
meaningful input, and to work collaboratively with them to obtain and  
maintain compliance; and the Chief Compliance Officer position will sunset  
when the County reaches full compliance with the California DOJ  
Settlement Agreement. (24-4760)  
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Extend the Reward Offer in the Investigation of the Murder of  
Huntington Park Police Officer Robert Keller  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Extend the $20,000  
reward offered in exchange for information leading to the apprehension and  
conviction of the person or persons responsible for the heinous murder of  
Officer Robert Keller, who exchanged gunfire with a suspect, suffered  
gunshot wounds, and succumbed to his injuries, while investigating a  
“silent” burglar alarm call at 6509 Pacific Boulevard in Huntington Park on  
October 5, 1967. (23-1537)  
Extend the Reward Offer in the Investigation of the Murder of Carlos  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Extend the $20,000  
reward offered in exchange for information leading to the apprehension and  
conviction of the person or persons responsible for the heinous murder of  
40-year-old Carlos Alvarez-Diaz, who was fatally shot while he drove north  
on Norwalk Boulevard at 226th Street in the City of Hawaiian Gardens on  
October 8, 2022, at approximately 1:09 a.m. (23-1503)  
Proclaiming October 2024 as “Italian American Heritage Month” in Los  
Angeles County  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Proclaim October  
2024 as “Italian American Heritage Month” throughout Los Angeles County,  
honoring the achievements and contributions of Italian Americans and  
recognizing their ongoing role in shaping the social, economic, and cultural  
life of our County and our nation. (24-4741)  
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Uplifting Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander  
(AANHPI) Heart Health  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Instruct the Director of  
Public Health, in collaboration with the Executive Director of Racial Equity,  
the Director of Health Services, through the Emergency Medical Services  
Division, the Director of Aging and Disabilities, and other relevant County  
Department Heads and partners, to report back to the Board in writing in  
120 days with the following:  
Identified existing heart health promotion resources and materials,  
including nutrition information, and exercise programs and  
recommendations, that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for  
Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI)  
groups disproportionately impacted by heart disease, and report back  
to the Board on gaps and any needs to translate or develop these  
resources and materials;  
A targeted, user-friendly toolkit that includes social media messaging  
and sample graphics in multiple languages to raise awareness on the  
prevalence of heart disease among communities and  
subcommunities disproportionately impacted, including South Asians,  
that can be shared or disseminated by partners, including County  
Departments, community-based organizations, health providers, and  
other trusted entities from the targeted communities that share public  
service announcements; and  
Identified funding and resources, including existing grants that allow  
the use of administrative funds, to support a public awareness  
campaign in multiple languages, utilizing traditional, ethnic,  
hyperlocal, and/or social media channels, when feasible, to raise  
awareness among communities and subcommunities  
disproportionately impacted by heart disease, including during  
AANHPI Heritage Month, American Heart Month, and other months,  
as appropriate; and  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and  
Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to advocate in support of State and  
Federal legislation that raise awareness on heart health among  
communities and subcommunities disproportionately impacted by heart  
disease, including H.R. 4914 (Jayapal). (24-4763)  
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Proclaiming November 2024 as “Native American Heritage Month”  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Proclaim November  
2024 as “Native American Heritage Month” throughout Los Angeles County,  
and encourage County Departments and residents to participate in Native  
American Heritage Month events and programming; acknowledge and  
celebrate Kenny Ramos - Spirit of Creativity, Cynthia Ruiz - Spirit of  
Community, and Chief Anthony Morales - Spirit of Tradition, as this year’s  
Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission (LANAIC)  
honorees; and take the following actions:  
Adopt the findings from LANAIC “WE ARE STILL HERE”: A Report  
on Past, Present, and Ongoing Harms Against Local Tribes and  
further find that extending access to American Indian and Alaska  
Native community members to key County assets, such as museums  
and beaches, from which they historically have been excluded, as a  
small token of the County's commitment to addressing discrimination  
against the  
American Indian and Alaska Native community by the government,  
serves a direct and substantial public purpose;  
Instruct the Directors of the Natural History Museum, the Los Angeles  
County Museum of Art, Beaches and Harbors, and other relevant  
Department Heads, in coordination with the Director of Racial Equity,  
to provide free access for one day on or about, and in celebration of,  
Native American Heritage Month, to appropriate facilities (such as  
museums and beach parking) for American Indian and Alaska Native  
community members; and  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer and the Director of Arts and Culture  
to determine the feasibility of funding a new Office of Tribal Affairs  
and include funding in the Fiscal Year 2025-26 Budget; and  
Instruct the Director of Arts and Culture to work with the Chief  
Executive Officer and County Counsel to initiate renegotiation of the  
Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Los Angeles and  
the County, establishing the LANAIC with the goals of increasing  
parity of committed resources by the City of Los Angeles and the  
County, and updating and clarifying roles and responsibilities of the  
City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles in the operations  
of LANAIC. (24-4762)  
Encouraging Public Participation and Deliberation at the Board of  
Supervisors to Deliver a More Accessible and Community-Driven  
Approach to Policymaking  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and Barger: Instruct  
the Executive Officer of the Board, in consultation with County Counsel, to  
return to the Board within 45 days with revisions to the Rules of the Board  
for adoption by the Board, to require that all motions be agendized and  
introduced at the appropriate cluster meeting before consideration by the  
Board, except for urgency motions, including declarations of emergency  
and all recovery and related actions, fee waivers, proclamations without  
policy instruction, and reward motions, the revised Rules of the Board will  
have an effective date of January 1, 2025, and at a minimum, should  
articulate the following:  
Motions must be agendized and introduced at the appropriate subject  
matter policy cluster before consideration by the Board, except for  
urgency motions, including declarations and ratifications of  
emergency and all recovery and related actions, fee waivers,  
proclamations without substantive policy direction, reward motions,  
and motions to adjourn in a deceased person’s memory;  
Once submitted for introduction at the appropriate policy cluster  
meeting, the motion will appear on the next regular meeting of the  
Board after the policy cluster meeting, with any revisions to the  
motion from its original form shall also appear on the Board agenda;  
Each policy motion must be presented and discussed at the  
designated policy cluster meeting where the responsible County  
Department(s) or stakeholders can provide input, an initial analysis of  
the proposed motion's fiscal, operational, and/or community impacts,  
and offer recommendations for potential revisions, with any written  
public comment or recordings/transcripts of oral public comment must  
be included as an attachment to the agenda item when the motion is  
submitted for consideration by the Board, and any revisions to the  
originally introduced motion must be clearly reflected and resubmitted  
as “REVISED” for the agenda to the Executive Office, similar to the  
current practice for revised motions;  
Policy Cluster schedules shall be at the discretion of the chair of each  
cluster, but shall meet no less than twice per month, or as necessary  
to ensure review and discussion of relevant motions in a timely  
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If substantial revisions or additional information is required, the  
motion may be continued by its author for further discussion before  
advancing to the Board; and  
Emergency matters permitted by Subdivisions (a)(3) and (b)(1)-(4) of  
Section 54954.2 of the Ralph M. Brown Act, including where the  
Board finds there is a need to take immediate action and that the  
need for action came to the attention of the Board subsequent to the  
agenda, may bypass the policy cluster review process, and motions  
that are not policy related, such as fee waivers, rewards for unsolved  
crimes, adjourn-in-memory declarations, and non-policy  
proclamations, may bypass the policy cluster review process.  
Proclaiming October 24, 2024 as “National Food Day” in Los Angeles  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Proclaim October  
24, 2024 as “National Food Day” throughout Los Angeles County; instruct  
the Director of Public Health to encourage community members to  
participate in Food Day events hosted by the Department of Public Health  
instruct the Director of Public Social Services to report back to the Board in  
writing within 90 days on the following:  
Lessons learned from the American Rescue Plan funding expended  
to increase public awareness of food assistance programs, especially  
on how to best target outreach materials for underserved populations  
including, but not limited to, Latin American indigenous communities;  
Zip codes experiencing high food insecurity, but low food assistance  
program enrollment rates, as well as implementation steps taken to  
expand CalFresh enrollment access in high need areas. (24-4758)  
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Evelyn’s Breast Friends Forever Foundation’s 5K and 13K Run and  
Walk Fee Waiver  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Retroactively waive  
the $4,852.50 gross receipts fee, excluding the cost of liability insurance, at  
Dockweiler State Beach in Playa del Rey, for Evelyn’s Breast Friends  
Forever Foundation’s 5K and 13K Run and Walk event, held August 25,  
2024. (24-4752)  
2024 “Cal Tri LA” Fee Waiver  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Retroactively waive  
the $5,000 gross receipts fee, excluding the cost of liability insurance, at  
Dockweiler State Beach in Playa del Rey, for the “Cal Tri LA” event, held  
October 20, 2024. (24-4754)  
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Chief Executive Office  
Bouquet Canyon Residential and Roadway Realignment Project  
Recommendation: Acting as a responsible agency for the City of Santa  
Clarita (City) (5)-proposed and City-approved Bouquet Canyon Residential  
and Roadway Realignment Project (Project), consider the Final  
Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Project and Addendum No. 2 to  
the Bouquet Canyon Residential and Roadway Realignment Project FEIR  
(Addendum No. 2) prepared and certified by the City as lead agency, which  
describes the sale of approximately 9.93 acres of County-owned real  
Property (Property) to the City, and the site improvements to Probation  
Camp Joseph Scott (Camp Scott) site consisting of a sewer relocation,  
security perimeter fencing and lighting, and an access road along said  
perimeter fencing (Improvements) to be provided by the City, which will be  
constructed and installed by the Project’s residential developer, Lennar  
Homes of California, Inc. (Developer) as part of the sale agreement, certify  
that the Board, on behalf of the County, has independently reviewed and  
considered the information contained in the FEIR and Addendum No. 2 and  
reached its own conclusions regarding the environmental effects of the  
County's approvals related to the Project as shown in the FEIR and  
Addendum No. 2, review and adopt the City’s Mitigation Monitoring and  
Reporting Program (MMRP) as applicable to the Project, find that the City’s  
MMRP is adequately designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation  
measures related to the County's approvals during Project implementation,  
determine that the significant adverse effects of the Project have been  
reduced to an acceptable level, as outlined in the Environmental Findings of  
Fact, which findings are adopted and incorporated herein by reference, as  
applicable, find that the sale and related recommendations herein and  
construction and installation of the Improvements to Camp Scott are within  
the scope of the City's FEIR and Addendum No 2; and take the following  
actions: 4-VOTES  
Find that the Property proposed to be conveyed to the City for use by  
the City for roadway, highway, and drainage purposes is exempt  
surplus land, and, therefore, not subject to the requirements for the  
disposition of surplus land pursuant to the California Surplus Land  
Approve the sale and transfer of the County's right, title, and interest  
in the Property to the City, for the amount of $180,000 and authorize  
the Chief Executive Officer to execute the Purchase and Sale  
Agreement, Quitclaim Deed, and any other documents, including  
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escrow documents and amendments, which are necessary to  
complete the conveyance, including the Covenant and Agreement  
with the City to use the Property for roadway, highway, and drainage  
purposes only; and  
Approve the construction of the Improvements to be constructed and  
installed by the City’s Developer at Camp Scott, and to be accepted  
by the County upon completion and approval of the Improvements by  
the County. (24-4698)  
Department of Mental Health Lease Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed lease with PALMDALE CA I SGF, LLC, a Delaware limited liability  
company (Landlord), for the Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) use of  
approximately 8,781 sq ft of office space and 35 on-site parking spaces  
located at 39115 Trade Center Drive, in the City of Palmdale (5)  
(Premises), for a term of nine years, with an estimated maximum first-year  
base rental amount of $283,000, with a two-month rent abatement of  
$48,000, which will equal $235,000, and an estimated total proposed lease  
amount, including rent abatement, tenant improvement (TI), and  
low-voltage costs of $4,784,000 over the nine-year term, with electric costs  
to be funded by DMH, and rental costs to be 100% funded by State and  
Federal funds that are already included in DMH’s budget, and additional  
Net County Cost will not be requested for this action; find that the proposed  
lease is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and take the  
following actions:  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to reimburse the Landlord  
$1,281,000, for the County’s TI contribution, if amortized over seven  
years at 7% interest per annum;  
Authorize the Director of Mental Health, to contract with and direct a  
Telecommunications Services Master Agreement vendor, in  
coordination with the Chief Executive Officer, for the acquisition and  
installation of telephone, data, and low-voltage systems and vendor  
installation (Low-Voltage Items) at a total amount not to exceed  
$656,000, paid in a lump sum, with the cost for the Low-Voltage  
Items to be in addition to the rental costs and the County’s TI  
contribution payable to the Landlord; and  
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Authorize and direct the Chief Executive Officer to execute any other  
ancillary documentation necessary to effectuate the terms of the  
proposed lease and take actions necessary and appropriate to  
implement the proposed lease, including, without limitation,  
exercising an early termination right. (24-4709)  
Department of Mental Health Lease Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed lease amendment with Studebaker-Cerritos Project, LLC, for the  
Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) continued use of approximately  
27,924 sq ft of office space and 117 on-site parking spaces, located at  
17707 Studebaker Road, in the City of Cerritos (4), for a term of five years,  
with the estimated maximum first-year base rental amount of $735,000, and  
the estimated total proposed lease amount of $3,902,000 over the five-year  
term, where the County is responsible for the costs for utility and janitorial  
paid directly to each respective service provider, with the rental costs to be  
funded by the Mental Health Services Act and other State and Federal  
funds that are already included in DMH’s existing budget and DMH will not  
be requesting additional Net County Cost for this action; authorize the Chief  
Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation necessary to  
effectuate the proposed lease amendment, and to take actions necessary  
and appropriate to implement the proposed lease amendment, including,  
without limitation, exercising any early termination rights; and find that the  
proposed lease amendment is exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act. (24-4701)  
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Sheriff’s Department Lease  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a  
proposed lease with Universal Studios, LLC, a Delaware limited liability  
company (Landlord), for approximately 12,992 sq ft of space and 42 on-site  
parking spaces for the Sheriff’s Department Universal City Substation,  
located at 100 Universal City Plaza, in Universal City (5), for a term of more  
than ten years, to wit, for a term of 13 years and six months, this is a gratis  
lease throughout the lease term, with an estimated total proposed lease  
cost, including low-voltage cost, of $320,000 over the 13-year and  
six-month term, 100% funded by Net County Cost (NCC), which is already  
included in Sheriff’s Department’s existing budget, and the Department will  
not be requesting additional NCC for this action; and determine that the  
impacts of the recommended actions are within the scope of the project  
impacts analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report that was certified by  
the City of Los Angeles for the NBC Universal Evolution Plan, previously  
considered by the Board as responsible agency under the California  
Environmental Quality Act; and take the following actions:  
Authorize the Sheriff to acquire and install telephone, data, and  
low-voltage systems and vendor installation (Low-Voltage Items) at a  
total cost not to exceed $320,000 if paid in a lump sum; and  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary  
documentation necessary to effectuate the terms of the proposed  
lease, and to take actions necessary and appropriate to implement  
the proposed lease. (24-4699)  
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County Operations  
Voter Information Management System License and Support Services  
Sole Source Amendment  
Recommendation: Authorize the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to  
execute a sole source amendment with Runbeck Election Services, Inc., to  
extend Voter Information Management System license and support services  
at a reduced cost until the go-live of the new modern Election Management  
System replacement solution during the 2026 Election cycle, effective  
January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026 for the amount of $1,336,498;  
execute future amendments to extend the contract for up to two additional  
six-month option terms, from January 1, 2027 to December 31, 2027 for  
$668,248, increasing the overall total contract amount to $5,153,898  
including the extension and optional renewals; negotiate and execute  
amendments to exercise option terms, make changes to the Statement of  
Work as operationally necessary, make any other necessary changes  
which do not materially alter any term or condition of the contract, increase  
the total contract amount by no more than 10% for any unforeseen  
circumstances; and terminate the contract as necessary.  
(Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk) APPROVE (NOTE: The Chief  
Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) (24-4724)  
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Investment Custody Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Treasurer and Tax Collector to execute  
and administer a contract with State Street Bank and Trust Company (State  
Street) for the provision of Investment Custody Services to the Department  
of Treasurer and Tax Collector, commencing upon execution of the contract  
by the Treasurer and Tax Collector, for a three-year term, with three  
one-year and six month-to-month extensions options, with a maximum  
contract amount not to exceed $1,752,086, composed of $1,592,805 for  
service costs, and $159,281 for Pool Dollars for additional work, with costs  
offset from Treasury Management Expense; and authorize the Treasurer  
and Tax Collector to execute change notices or amendments to the contract  
to exercise the optional three one-year extensions and six month-to-month  
extensions, add, delete, and/or revise certain terms and conditions as  
mandated by Federal, or State, or local law or regulation, or as required by  
the Board, internally reallocate funds between budget pools within the  
contract; approve assignment or transfer of the contract or of State Street's  
rights or obligations thereunder, make changes to the Statement of Work as  
operationally necessary, and increase the contract amount by no more than  
10% of the maximum contract amount for a particular year based on an  
increase in work volume. (Treasurer and Tax Collector) APPROVE  
Cloud-Based Call Center System  
Recommendation: Approve an appropriation adjustment and authorize the  
use of $187,000 from obligated fund balance Committed for Information  
Technology Enhancements, commonly known as the County’s IT Legacy  
Modernization Fund, to implement a cloud-based call center system, which  
includes the cost of implementation and customization, where Treasurer  
and Tax Collector (TTC) will centrally manage the new system that will  
serve the Assessment Appeals Board, Department of Auditor-Controller,  
and TTC. (Treasurer and Tax Collector) APPROVE 4-VOTES (NOTE:  
The Chief Information Officer recommends approval of this item.)  
Auto-generated element 19
Family and Social Services  
Temporary Shelter Care Facility Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Children and Family Services to  
execute an amendment with Penny Lane Centers, to extend the current  
Department of Children and Family Services-Temporary Shelter Care  
Facility contract, effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025,  
with two one-year extension options through December 31, 2027, for a  
maximum annual contract amount of $548,271 and the total maximum  
contract amount of $1,644,813 for a three-year term, to be financed using  
100% State Realignment funds, with sufficient funding included in the  
Department’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget and to be included in  
future Budget Requests; execute contract extension options and further  
extend the contract upon the California Department of Social Services’  
approval, provided that applicable Federal, State and County contracting  
regulations are observed, funding is available, and the Director of Children  
and Family Services notifies the Board in writing within 10 business days of  
executing such extension. (Department of Children and Family Services)  
APPROVE (24-4697)  
Economic Impact Analysis and Land Use Study  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Economic Opportunity to  
execute a contract amendment with Trifiletti Consulting to increase the  
compensation from $600,000 previously awarded for other projects, to  
$1,900,000 to conduct an economic impact analysis and land use study for  
the potential repurposing of the County-owned Whiteman Airport, located in  
the City of Los Angeles (3), with no impact to new County General Funds;  
and find that the approval of the proposed contract amendment is not  
subject to California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Economic  
Opportunity) APPROVE (24-4683)  
Auto-generated element 20
Health and Mental Health Services  
No-Cost, Stand-Alone Business Associate, and Data Use Agreements  
and Amendments  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Health Services to execute the  
following no-cost agreements: a form Memorandum of Understanding  
(MOU) with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), for  
participation in the High School Internship Program, effective following  
Board approval through June 30, 2029, and a form MOU with LAUSD, for  
the deployment of the County’s mobile asthma clinic (breath mobile) at  
identified LAUSD campuses, effective following Board approval through  
June 30, 2029; execute amendments to the agreements to extend the  
terms of the agreements, make changes for operational efficiencies, and  
changes to program objectives or terminate the agreements in accordance  
with the applicable terms and conditions; execute future no-cost  
agreements with public entities including, but not limited to Federal, State,  
and local governments, school districts, other educational institutions, and  
private entities, such as for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and other  
community partners that seek to support the mission of the Department of  
Health Services (DHS), where these agreements may include form MOUs,  
and in the case of the County form agreements and MOUs, on a  
case-by-case basis, may require revisions to the County’s standard  
indemnification and insurance provisions and other standard County  
provisions; and authorize the Director to take the following actions:  
(Department of Health Services) APPROVE  
Negotiate and execute no-cost Data Use Agreements with public  
entities including, but not limited to, Federal, State, and local  
governments, school districts, other educational institutions, and  
private entities, such as for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and  
other community partners including, but not limited to, data sharing,  
effective upon execution through the end of the receiving party’s  
project period, and may include revisions to the County’s standard  
provisions for indemnification;  
Negotiate and execute no-cost stand-alone Business Associate  
Agreements, with public entities including, but not limited to, Federal,  
State, and local governments, school districts, other educational  
institutions, and private entities, such as for-profit and not-for-profit  
organizations, and other community partners, that are necessary for  
collaboration and partnerships with DHS; and  
Auto-generated element 21
Execute amendments to DHS agreements for a contractor  
assignment and delegation of an agreement resulting from  
acquisitions, corporate mergers, business decisions or possible  
changes in ownership, and for contractors’ name changes. (24-4720)  
Administration of Local Public Health Services Contracts  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Health to execute  
contracts with 85 contracted cities, for public health services across the  
County to reflect updated laws and revise outdated contract language,  
effective upon date of execution through June 30, 2029, automatically  
renewed for consecutive five year terms, for an indefinite period, at no Net  
County Cost; and execute amendments to the contracts to correct errors,  
update exhibits, or revise the contract's terms and conditions. (Department  
of Public Health) APPROVE (Continued from the meeting of 10-8-24)  
Auto-generated element 22
HIV/Aids Surveillance Activities Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Health to accept and  
sign a grant agreement received from the California Department of Public  
Health (CDPH) on July 8, 2024, to support Core HIV/AIDS Surveillance  
Activities within Los Angeles County received from CDPH, in the amount of  
$10,443,740, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029, the  
general terms and conditions that are incorporated into the grant including  
provisions requiring the County to indemnify the State for all claims and  
losses related to the grant; and authorize the Director to take the following  
actions: (Department of Public Health) APPROVE  
Accept future grants, agreements, and/or amendment(s), consistent  
with the requirements of the CDPH grant that extend the term at  
amounts to be determined by CDPH, and/or provide an increase or  
decrease in funding; and  
Accept future amendments that are consistent with the requirements  
of the CDPH grant that reflect non-material and/or ministerial  
revisions to the terms and conditions and allow for the rollover of  
unspent funds and/or redirection of funds. (24-4685)  
Auto-generated element 23
Community Services  
Adoption Partners to Facilitate Positive Outcomes for Adoptable  
Animals Agreements  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Animal Care and Control to  
execute Adoption Partner Agreements with nonprofit animal rescue or  
adoption organizations to facilitate positive outcomes for adoptable animals  
that come into the care of the Department of Animal Care and Control.  
(Department of Animal Care and Control) APPROVE (24-4723)  
Groundwater Monitoring Agreement  
Recommendation: Find that continued access to the existing monitoring  
wells provided by Regency Center, LLC are necessary to meet monitoring  
requirements as mandated by the California Regional Water Quality Control  
Board, Los Angeles, to conduct groundwater sampling as part of an  
investigation to evaluate whether the contaminants of concern have  
migrated to adjacent properties; authorize the Director of Parks and  
Recreation to renew, execute and amend a non-exclusive, gratis license  
agreement with Regency Center, LLC for a three-year term and renew,  
execute, and amend a non-exclusive tolling agreement with Regency  
Center, LLC for a five-year term, to allow for continued site access and  
rental payments at Lakewood Golf Course (5); and find that the  
recommended actions are within the scope of a previously approved  
exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of  
Parks and Recreation) APPROVE (24-4686)  
Auto-generated element 24
Martin Luther King, Jr. Medical Campus Clinical Laboratory and  
Red-Bag Storage Project Construction Contract  
Recommendation: Find that the recommended actions are within the scope  
of the Board’s previous finding of exemption from the California  
Environmental Quality Act for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Medical Campus  
Clinical Laboratory and Red-Bag Storage Project, Capital Project No. 69857  
(Project) (2); approve the revised Project budget of $17,350,000, an  
increase of $375,000 from the previous Board-approved amount of  
$16,975,000, for the Project; approve the Fiscal Year 2024-25 appropriation  
adjustment to allocate $375,000 from the Department of Health Services’  
Enterprise Fund Committed for the Department of Health Services to fund  
the remaining projected expenditures for the Project; and authorize the  
Director of Public Works to finalize negotiations and execute change orders  
with AWI Builders, Inc., for not-to-exceed amounts as detailed below:  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES  
$130,000 for building infrastructure and exterior site work changes;  
$80,000 for west exterior gate foundation changes; and  
$50,000 for laboratory workstation infrastructure changes. (24-4684)  
Auto-generated element 25
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Replacement Program, Approve  
Construction Change Orders  
Recommendation: Find that the scope of work to be carried out by the  
proposed change orders are within the scope of the environmental impacts  
analyzed in the previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report and  
subsequent Addenda Nos. 1, 2 and 3 for the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center  
Campus Master Plan (2); approve and authorize the Director of Public  
Works to finalize negotiations and execute four change orders with Hensel  
Phelps Construction Company for the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center  
Replacement Program, for not-to-exceed amounts as detailed below:  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES  
$1,990,000, to provide double-ended electrical substation  
configuration for distribution of 480-volt power in a redundant fashion  
at the Outpatient/Support Building;  
$1,110,000, to provide a redundant source of electrical power to  
Intermediate Distribution Frame Rooms at the Outpatient/Support  
$1,250,000, to remove and dispose of contaminated soil encountered  
during excavation for the Inpatient Tower; and  
$890,000, to provide the Campus Network Integrator services and  
infrastructure for the programwide Building Automation System.  
Auto-generated element 26
Joint Community Facilities Agreement  
Recommendation: Acting as a responsible agency for the Bouquet Canyon  
Project (Project), consider the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR),  
prepared and certified by the City of Santa Clarita (5) as lead agency for the  
Project; certify that the Board has independently reviewed and considered  
the information contained in the FEIR and reached its own conclusions  
regarding the environmental effects of the County's approvals related to the  
Project as shown in the FEIR; determine that the significant adverse effects  
of the Project have been reduced to an acceptable level, or are outweighed  
by the specific considerations of the Project, as outlined in the  
Environmental Findings of Fact, which findings are adopted and  
incorporated herein by reference as applicable; adopt a resolution  
approving the Joint Community Facilities Agreement between the William S.  
Hart Union High School District, the County Flood Control District (District),  
and Bouquet Canyon, LLC, to allow certain storm drain improvements to be  
financed by a Community Facilities District; and instruct the Chair to sign  
the Joint Community Facilities Agreement on behalf of the District.  
(Department of Public Works) ADOPT (24-4690)  
Auto-generated element 27
On-Call Emergency Debris Removal Services Program Contracts  
Recommendation: Award and authorize the Director of Public Works to  
execute seven service contracts with AshBritt, Inc., Environmental &  
Demolition Services Group; DRC Pacific, Inc., ECC Constructors, LLC,  
Odin Environmental Solutions, LLC, T.F.R. Enterprises, Inc., and Clarke  
Contracting Corporation, a Local Small Business Enterprise (collectively,  
Contractors), for the on-call emergency debris removal services program  
throughout the County of Los Angeles public rights of way in the event of an  
emergency or major disaster, each for a term of one-year with four one-year  
and up to six month-to-month extension options for a maximum potential  
program term of 66 months and an estimated maximum potential program  
amount of $453,750,000; find that the award of these contracts is either not  
a project or is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and  
authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of Public  
Works) APPROVE  
Execute each renewal and/or extension option if, in the opinion of the  
Director, the Contractors have successfully performed during the  
previous contract period and the services are still required, approve  
and execute amendments to incorporate necessary changes within  
the scope of work, and suspend and/or terminate the contract for  
convenience if it is in the best interest of the County to do so;  
Annually increase the program amount up to an additional 10% of the  
annual program amount, which is included in the maximum potential  
program amount, for unforeseen additional work within the scope of  
the contracts, if required, and to adjust the annual program amount  
for each option year over the term of the contracts to allow for an  
annual Cost-of-Living adjustments in accordance with County policy  
and the terms of the contracts. (24-4691)  
Auto-generated element 28
Hollywood Bowl Park-and-Ride and Shuttle Program Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize funding for the continuation of the Hollywood  
Bowl Park-and-Ride and Shuttle Program (Program) for the provision of  
transportation services for the 2024 Hollywood Bowl performance season at  
an estimated total amount of $3,000,000; find that the Program is exempt  
from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Director of  
Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works)  
Execute a funding agreement with the Los Angeles Philharmonic  
Association for the 2024 performance season;  
Contribute County's share estimated to be $830,000 for the 2024  
Hollywood Bowl transportation services from the park-and-ride and  
shuttle lots; and  
Approve and execute any necessary amendments within the scope of  
work to the agreement. (24-4687)  
Auto-generated element 29
Annexation and Levying of Assessments for County Lighting Districts  
in the Unincorporated Area of Castaic  
Recommendation: Adopt a resolution of intention to Annex Single-lot  
Territory to County Lighting Maintenance District (CLMD) 1687 and County  
Lighting District Landscaping and Lighting Act-1 (CLD LLA-1),  
Unincorporated Zone and order the levying of assessments within the  
annexed territory for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-26; advertise and set December  
10, 2024, for a public hearing regarding the proposed annexation of the  
single-lot project known as L 038-2020 located in the unincorporated area  
of Castaic (5), levying of annual assessments based on the FY 2025-26  
Annual Engineer's Report, which establishes assessments based on land  
use type for all zones within CLD LLA-1 for street lighting purposes with an  
annual base assessment rate for a single-family residence of $5 for the  
Unincorporated Zone; and find that the proposed project is exempt from the  
California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works)  
ADOPT (24-4689)  
Pavement Preservation, Resurfacing, and Pavement Reconstruction  
Construction Contract  
Recommendation: Adopt the Job Order Contract (JOC) Unit Price Books  
and Specifications that are on file for work involving pavement preservation,  
resurfacing, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of streets, highways, alleys,  
and access roads; approve each of the ten pavement preservation,  
resurfacing, and roadway improvement projects for an aggregate total  
amount estimate not to exceed $26,090,000, including an aggregate  
construction amount estimate not to exceed $20,050,000; find that the 10  
pavement preservation and roadway improvement projects to be approved  
through work orders are exempt from the California Environmental Quality  
Act (CEQA) and that the award of JOC Nos. 6784 through 6788 and related  
actions and the adoption of the JOC Unit Price Books and Specifications  
recommended for approval do not constitute projects under CEQA; and  
authorize the Director of Public Works, acting as the Road Commissioner,  
to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT  
Advertise for bids when ready to advertise the five separate JOC  
Nos. 6784 through 6788;  
Auto-generated element 30
Determine that a bidder is nonresponsive and reject a bid on that  
basis, award to the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder,  
waive inconsequential and nonmaterial deficiencies in bids submitted,  
determine, in accordance with the applicable contract and bid  
documents, whether the apparent lowest responsive and responsible  
bidder has satisfied all conditions for contract award, and award and  
execute five separate JOCs, each for an amount not to exceed  
$5,250,000, for a total aggregate amount not to exceed $26,250,000,  
and establish the effective date following receipt of approved Faithful  
Performance and Labor and Material Bonds and insurance certificate  
filed by the contractors;  
Extend the date and time for the receipt of bids, allow substitution of  
subcontractors and relief of bidders, accept any project assigned by  
work order under the contracts upon the project’s final completion,  
and release retention money withheld;  
Deliver the proposed projects using JOCs; and  
Issue work orders to the selected contractors in an aggregate per  
JOC amount not to exceed the maximum amount of each JOC for  
each of the ten proposed pavement preservation, resurfacing,  
rehabilitation, and reconstruction of streets, highways, alleys, and  
access roads projects. (24-4696)  
Auto-generated element 31
Final Map Tract in the Unincorporated Community of West  
Whittier-Los Nietos  
Recommendation: Approve the final map for Tract No. 83666 in the  
unincorporated community of West Whittier-Los Nietos (4); accept grants  
and dedications as indicated on the final map for Tract No. 83666; and find  
that the approval of the final map is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
Final Map Tract in Unincorporated Community of La  
Recommendation: Approve the final map for Tract No. 73310 in the  
unincorporated community of La Crescenta-Montrose (5); and find that the  
approval of the final map is exempt from the California Environmental  
Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-4692)  
Auto-generated element 32
Final Map Tract in Unincorporated Community of Stevenson Ranch  
Recommendation: Approve the final map for Tract No. 61105-38A in the  
unincorporated community of Stevenson Ranch (5); accept grants and  
dedications as indicated on the final map for Tract No. 61105-38A; and find  
that the approval of the final map is exempt from the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE  
Safe, Clean Water Program  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County Flood  
Control District, approve the recommended Stormwater Investment Plans  
for Fiscal Year 2024-25 for the Safe, Clean Water Program's Regional  
Program in the total amount of $147,520,876.20; and find that the proposed  
actions are not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act.  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE (24-4695)  
Auto-generated element 33
Public Safety  
Land Mobile Radio System User Agreement  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), authorize the Fire Chief to finalize and execute  
a User Agreement for subscribers use of the Land Mobile Radio (LMR)  
System with the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications  
System (LA-RICS) Authority, at a monthly rate of $20 per device; approve a  
Fiscal Year 2024-25 appropriation adjustment to reallocate $1,790,000 from  
the District’s Appropriation for Contingencies to the District’s Special  
Services Budget Unit’s Services & Supplies appropriation to pay the  
monthly subscription fee; authorize the Fire Chief to execute amendments  
to the User Agreement for subscribers in order to effectuate any needed  
changes, modifications, or amendments to this agreement, including to  
update the exhibits, effectuate any increases or decreases to the monthly  
rate per device, provided the District has funding in its budget to cover any  
changes in cost, add or revise agreement provisions, and terminate the  
agreement, either in whole or in part, by the provision of a 90-day written  
notice. (Fire Department) APPROVE 4-VOTES (NOTE: The Chief  
Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) (24-4671)  
24-Hour Security Services Contract  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), approve an increase in the amount of $297,665  
to the maximum annual contract amount for the District’s contract with  
Absolute International Security (AIS) for Fiscal Year 2024-25, to allow for  
24-hour security services at temporary Fire Station 164, located at Raul R.  
Perez Memorial Park in Huntington Park (4); and find that the contract is  
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department)  
APPROVE (24-4674)  
Auto-generated element 34
Acquisition of 240 ZOLL X Series Advanced Cardiac  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), approve the District's request and authorize the  
Director of Internal Services, as the County's Purchasing Agent, to proceed  
with the sole source acquisition of 240 ZOLL X Series Advanced cardiac  
monitors/defibrillators, accompanying software subscriptions, service plans,  
batteries, peripherals, and accessories, at an approximate amount of  
$9,800,000, including sales tax; and find that this purchase is exempt from  
the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE  
Acquisition of One Heavy Haul Transport and One Freightliner  
Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire  
Protection District (District), approve the District's request and authorize the  
Director of Internal Services, as the County's Purchasing Agent, to proceed  
with the solicitation and acquisition of one 2024 Western Star 49X Heavy  
Haul Transport, at an amount of approximately $290,000, and one  
Freightliner Helitender at an amount of $500,000; and find that this  
purchase is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire  
Department) APPROVE (24-4673)  
Auto-generated element 35
System Navigation Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to execute  
standardized contracts with four community-based organizations for an  
estimated contract amount of $200,000 each, for an estimated total annual  
amount of $1,400,000, for the provision of system navigation services to  
adult probationers in seven Probation area offices, for the period  
commencing November 1, 2024 through October 31, 2025; and authorize  
the Chief Probation Officer to take the following actions: (Probation  
Department) APPROVE  
Execute contract amendments to extend the term for up to six  
additional 12-month periods, beyond the initial term;  
Execute modifications to extend the contract periods by 180 days in  
order to extend the period of performance pursuant to the terms of  
the contract; and  
Approve non-material, technical, and administrative changes to the  
contracts, necessary changes to the scope of services and, if  
necessary, termination of, in whole or in part, of the recommended  
contracts. (24-4682)  
Auto-generated element 36
Program Evaluation Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to execute a  
contract with Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. for the provision of  
program evaluation services under the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention  
Act (JJCPA) at an estimated annual contract amount of $450,000, for a  
one-year period commencing upon execution by the Chief Probation  
Officer; execute contract modifications to extend the term for up to six  
one-year periods at an estimated annual amount of $450,000; execute  
amendments to extend the contract period by an additional six months to  
the period of performance, pursuant to the terms of the contract; and  
approve non-material, technical, and administrative changes to the contract,  
approve necessary changes to the scope of service and the contract sum  
and, if necessary, authorize termination of, in whole or in part, the contract  
with Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. (Probation Department)  
APPROVE (24-4677)  
Canine Contraband Detection Services Contract  
Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to execute a  
contract with Interquest Detection Canines for the provision of canine  
contraband detection services at an estimated annual amount of $300,000,  
for a one-year period commencing upon execution by the Chief Probation  
Officer; execute contract modifications to extend the term for up to six  
one-year periods beyond the initial term for an estimated annual amount of  
$300,000; execute modifications to the contract for any decrease or  
increase not to exceed 25% of the rates and 180 days to the period of  
performance pursuant to the terms of the contract; and approve  
non-material, technical, and administrative changes to the contract,  
necessary changes to the scope of service, contract sum and, if necessary,  
any termination of, in whole or in part, the contract with Interquest Detection  
Canines. (Probation Department) APPROVE (24-4676)  
Auto-generated element 37
Land Mobile Radio System User Agreement  
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Sheriff to finalize and execute  
a User Agreement for Subscribers (Agreement) for use of the Land Mobile  
Radio (LMR) System with the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable  
Communications System (LA-RICS) Authority; authorize the Sheriff to  
execute amendments to the Agreement in order to effectuate any needed  
changes, modifications, or amendments to this Agreement, including to  
update the exhibits, effectuate any increases or decreases to the monthly  
rate per device, provided the Sheriff’s Department has funding in its budget  
to cover any changes in cost, add or revise Agreement provisions, and  
terminate the Agreement, either in whole or in part, by the provision of a  
90-day written notice; and take the following actions: (Sheriff’s  
Department) APPROVE 4-VOTES (NOTE: The Chief Information Officer  
recommends approval of this item.)  
Approve and authorize other County Department Heads to finalize  
and execute the Agreement for use of the LMR System;  
Approve and authorize other County Department Heads to execute  
amendments to the Agreement in order to effectuate any needed  
changes, modifications, or amendments to the Agreement, including  
to update the exhibits, effectuate any increases or decreases to the  
monthly rate per device, provided the County Departments have  
funding in their budgets to cover any changes in cost, add or revise  
Agreement provisions, terminate the Agreement, either in whole or in  
part, by the provision of a 90 day written notice; and  
Approve an appropriation adjustment to increase the Department's  
Services and Supplies in the amount of $4,658,000, offset by the  
increase in revenue of $978,000 from Contract Cities Services and  
$3,680,000 from Provisional Financing Uses. (24-4592)  
Special Appropriation Fund Transfer  
Recommendation: Approve the transfer of funds from services and supplies  
to reimburse the Sheriff’s Special Appropriation Fund in the amount of  
$13,970.34. (Sheriff’s Department) APPROVE (24-4591)  
Auto-generated element 38
Ordinances for Adoption  
County Code, Title 3 - Advisory Commissions and Committees  
Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 3 - Advisory  
Commissions and Committees relating to the Probation Oversight  
Commission (Commission), by amending Chapter 3.80 to authorize the  
Commission to receive and refer to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s  
Department’s (Department’s) complaints related to school law enforcement  
services provided by the Department, including services provided by School  
Resources Deputies, and report on concerns and trends related to the  
complaints. ADOPT (24-4400)  
County Code, Title 3 - Advisory Commissions and Committees  
Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 3 - Advisory  
Commissions and Committees, Section 3.20.040, relating to the Emergency  
Medical Services Commission, to require certain commission members to  
practice and/or work in the County of Los Angeles, and to update other  
organization and nomination requirements. ADOPT (24-4336)  
County Code, Title 6 - Salaries Ordinance Amendment  
Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries, by  
adding and establishing the salaries for three employee classifications;  
amending Section 6.28.060, Table of positions without compensation and  
positions paid in accordance with special provisions in Chapters 6.02 - 6.24  
and Division 3, to add and establish one classification with a special pay  
provision; changing the salary of one employee classification; and adding,  
deleting, and/or changing certain employee classifications and number of  
ordinance positions in the Departments of Agricultural  
Commissioner/Weights and Measures, Children and Family Services, Fire,  
Health Services, and Human Resources. ADOPT (24-4398)  
Auto-generated element 39
Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Gabrielle Bynum v. County of Los  
Angeles, et al.  
Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement  
of the matter entitled, Gabrielle Bynum v. County of Los Angeles, et al.,  
United States District Court Case No. 2:21-cv-04453, in the amount of  
$485,000, and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to  
implement this settlement from the Sheriff's Department's budget.  
This Federal civil rights lawsuit arises from Plaintiff's participation in a  
protest that took place on September 7, 2020, near South Los Angeles  
Sheriff's Department Station. (24-4678)  
Arcadia Unified School District Election  
Request from the Arcadia Unified School District: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a School Bond Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
City of Irwindale Election  
Request from the City of Irwindale: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
Auto-generated element 40
City of Long Beach Election  
Request from the City of Long Beach: Render specified services relating to  
the conduct of a General Municipal Election and Ballot Measure Election  
and consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November  
City of Redondo Beach Election  
Request from the City of Redondo Beach: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Special Municipal Election and consolidate with  
the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE  
City of South El Monte Election  
Request from the City of South El Monte: Render specified services relating  
to the conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
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City of Torrance Election  
Request from the City of Torrance: Render specified services relating to the  
conduct of a Special Municipal Election and consolidate with the Statewide  
General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
City of West Covina Election  
Request from the City of West Covina: Render specified services relating to  
the conduct of a General Municipal Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
City of West Hollywood Election  
Request from the City of West Hollywood: Render specified services  
relating to the conduct of a Ballot Measure Election and consolidate with the  
Statewide General Election, to be held November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND  
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Culver City Unified School District Election  
Request from the Culver City Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Ballot Measure Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
Long Beach Community College District Election  
Request from the Long Beach Community College District: Render  
specified services relating to the conduct of a Bond Measure Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
Los Angeles Unified School District Election  
Request from the Los Angeles Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a General Obligation Bond Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
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Manhattan Beach Unified School District Election  
Request from the Manhattan Beach Unified School District: Render  
specified services relating to the conduct of a Bond Measure Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
Mt. San Antonio Community College District Election  
Request from the Mt. San Antonio Community College District: Render  
specified services relating to the conduct of a General Obligation Bond  
Election and consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held  
November 5, 2024. APPROVE AND INSTRUCT THE  
Pasadena Unified School District Election  
Request from the Pasadena Unified School District: Render specified  
services relating to the conduct of a Ballot Measure Election and  
consolidate with the Statewide General Election, to be held November 5,  
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Miscellaneous Additions  
Additions to the agenda which were posted more than 72 hours in advance  
of the meeting, as indicated on the supplemental agenda. (12-9995)  
Items not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred  
to staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board,  
or matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or  
where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board  
subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (3)  
Recommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or  
otherwise modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes,  
consistent with the Los Angeles County Code. (12-9997)  
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NOTE: Closed Session will be taken up at the beginning of the meeting for  
approximately three hours.  
(Government Code Section 54957(b)(1))  
All Department Heads. (23-3640)  
(Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9)  
LA Alliance for Human Rights, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, et al., U.S.  
District Court, Central District of California, Case Number:  
20-cv-02291-DOC-KES. (20-2724)  
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Continue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an  
infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of  
extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and  
pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified  
by the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the  
safety of persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms  
beginning January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County,  
as proclaimed on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January  
17, 2023; (d) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons  
and property on the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23,  
2023 affecting the areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on  
March 1, 2023 and ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of  
extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the  
arrival, presence, and impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los  
Angeles County beginning August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20,  
2023 and ratified by the Board on August 22, 2023; (f) Conditions of  
disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on  
the basis of winter storms in the County beginning February 1, 2024, as  
proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by the Board on February 6,  
2024; and (g) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and  
property exist as a result of the Bridge Fire in the County beginning on  
September 8, 2024, as proclaimed on September 10, 2024 and ratified by  
the Board on September 17, 2024. (A-1)  
(Government Code Section 54957)  
Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency  
services representatives. (A-2)  
Discussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and  
any other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County  
associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to  
coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at  
the meeting of January 12, 2016. (A-10)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s  
homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and  
proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023. (A-11)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of  
issues related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016.  
Discussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal  
and/or State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on  
Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the  
meeting of January 17, 2017. (A-13)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action  
taken by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as  
requested by Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17,  
2017 and revised by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017.  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los  
Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board  
meeting of February 21, 2017. (A-15)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the  
implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas  
and Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017. (A-16)  
Discussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared  
outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los  
Angeles County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board  
meeting of April 30, 2019. (A-18)  
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(Government Code Section 54957(b)(1))  
All Department Heads.  
No reportable action was taken. (23-3640)  
E N D  
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