Establishing an Executive Committee of the Countywide Criminal Justice
Coordination Committee
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Barger: Direct the Executive
Director of the Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee, in
consultation with County Counsel, to maintain the current Countywide Criminal
Justice Coordination Committee (CCJCC) general membership to preserve and
advance the broad-based, inclusive nature of CCJCC that is central to its
collaborative work; add the Director of the Justice, Care, and Opportunities
Department to the general membership; and establish an Executive Committee
of the CCJCC within 30 days, with the following structure:
Executive Committee members shall include the Chair of the Board of
Supervisors, who shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee,
Alternate Public Defender, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Probation
Officer, the Directors of Mental Health, Public Health, Justice, Care, and
Opportunities, the District Attorney, Los Angeles City Attorney, Los
Angeles Police Chief, Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, President of the
County Prosecutors Association, President of the Los Angeles County
Police Chiefs Association, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court or his
or her appointed judicial representative, the Public Defender, and the
Members shall not be permitted to designate proxies/alternates for the
Executive Committee; the Executive Committee should meet, at minimum,
every other month until and unless the Executive Committee establishes
an alternative schedule of meetings; the Executive Committee shall have
the authority to act on behalf of the full CCJCC general membership,
including addressing membership issues, establishing and organizing
subcommittees, amending the committee’s bylaws and organizational
rules, and making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors or any
other agency as appropriate; CCJCC’s Executive Director and staff shall
provide administrative, and staff support to the Executive Committee as
they do for the CCJCC general membership; and
Review and amend the Committee’s bylaws within 60 days, including to reflect
the establishment of the Executive Committee and other updates, as needed;
and develop a meeting format and structure for convening meetings of both the
Executive Committee and General Membership that supports collaboration and
alignment throughout CCJCC’s overall operation. (24-6028)