(213) 974-1411 - FAX (213) 620-0636  
July 19, 2024  
Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath, Chair  
Supervisor Hilda L. Solis  
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell  
Supervisor Janice Hahn  
Supervisor Kathryn Barger  
Fesia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer  
Dawyn Harrison, County Counsel  
Press Room  
Edward Yen  
Executive Officer  
July 19, 2024  
Additions and/or revisions to the agenda for the Board meeting of  
Tuesday, July 23, 2024.  
Speeding Up Youth Movement Out of Los Padrinos  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and  
Solis: Instruct the Chief Probation Officer, in consultation with the  
Directors of Youth Development, Health Services and Mental  
Health, the Public Defender, and the Alternate Public Defender, to  
report back to the Board in writing in 60 days with the following: …  
Accountability for Programming at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and  
Horvath: Instruct the Auditor-Controller, in collaboration with the  
Chief Probation Officer, the Director of Youth Development, and  
other relevant County Departments and partners, to evaluate the  
Probation Department’s processes and controls for overseeing,  
monitoring, and reporting on calendared youth programs and  
activities at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall … (24-2959)  
Supporting Breast/Chestfeeding in Los Angeles County  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and  
Horvath: Proclaim the month of August 2024 as “National  
Breastfeeding Month,” the week of August 1 through 7, 2024 as  
“World Breastfeeding Week,” the week of August 8 through 14,  
2024 as “Indigenous Milk Medicine Week,” the week of August 15  
through 21, 2024 as “Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific  
Islander (AANHPI) Breastfeeding Week,” …; and take the following  
Instruct the Directors of Public Health, Health Services, and  
other relevant County Department Heads, to implement  
feasible County and public continue existing educational  
activities, in collaboration with community partners that  
promote the value and importance of breast/chestfeeding,  
including for those with developmental and physical  
disabilities, as well as recommended strategies for those who  
require medications to manage conditions; … (24-2836)  
Supervisor Solis requests that the following item be continued  
one week to July 30, 2024:  
Developing a Countywide Strategy for Addressing  
Encampments After Grants Pass  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath:  
Instruct the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief  
Executive Office, in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer of  
the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority and the Sheriff, to  
take the following actions: … (24-2835)  
Moving Forward: Removal of Barriers to Family Reunification  
in Los Angeles County and Providing Family Reunification and  
Maintenance Services and Programs in the Los Angeles  
County Jails for Incarcerated Parents  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and  
Hahn: Instruct the Director of Children and Family Services to move  
forward with the recommendations listed in the Director of Children  
and Family Services’ April 25, 2024 report entitled, “Report Back to  
the September 26, 2023 Board Motion (Item No. 63-G) Regarding  
Mitigating Financial Barriers to Family Reunification in Los Angeles  
County,” … (24-2966)  
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Chip Readiness: Preparing  
and Planning for Los Angeles County’s Transition to EBT  
Chip/Tap Technology  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and  
Hahn: Instruct the Director of Public Social Services to report back  
to the Board in writing within 45 days on how it is preparing for the  
State implementation of Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) chip/tap  
cards … (24-2949)  
Ballot Transparency and Consistency: Providing Voters with a  
Fiscal and Programmatic Analysis on County Ballot Measures  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and  
Barger: Instruct the Auditor-Controller, in collaboration with the  
Chief Executive Officer, County Counsel, and all appropriate  
County Department Heads, and no later than 88 days before an  
election that includes a Countywide ballot measure to prepare a  
fiscal impact statement for all Countywide ballot measures in  
accordance with Elections Code Section 9160(c) including to  
review the measure and determine if the substance of the County  
ballot measure, if adopted, where the affect the revenues or  
expenditures of the County, and prepare a fiscal impact statement  
which estimates the amount of any increase or decrease in  
revenues or costs to the County if the proposed measure is  
adopted, the fiscal impact statement is “official matter” within the  
meaning of Section 13303 of the California Elections Code and  
shall be printed preceding the arguments for and against the  
measure on the sample ballot, and may not exceed 500 words in  
length, this directive applies to the November 2024 General  
Election and all elections thereafter, with the Chief Executive  
Officer, County Counsel, and all appropriate County Department  
Heads to consult with the Auditor-Controller in its preparation of the  
fiscal impact statement, and if needed, those Department Heads  
may use their existing delegated authorities and budget to engage  
a contractor to assist with this work; and take the following actions:  
Consistent with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining  
to elections, instruct the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk to  
create a process and format for dissemination of disseminate  
the information to the public in all threshold languages;  
Direct Instruct the Chief Executive Officer,  
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, Auditor-Controller, and  
County Counsel, for elections following the November 2024  
General Election, in addition to the directions spelled out  
above, to also include in the sample ballot, the fiscal analysis  
and programmatic analysis/impact, a Yes/No vote summary,  
and other relevant programmatic and fiscal impact  
information, as permitted by State law, if needed, those  
Department Heads may use their existing, relevant delegated  
authorities and budget to engage a contractor (or work with  
existing contractors) to assist with this work; … (24-2960)  
Support for Assembly Bill 2319 (Bonta) (Wilson): California  
Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell:  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs  
and Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to support Assembly Bill  
2319 (Bonta) (Wilson), legislation which would strengthen the  
California Dignity in Pregnancy Act. (24-2948)  
The Chief Probation Officer requests that the following item be  
continued two weeks to August 6, 2024:  
Report on the Implementation of the California Public Safety  
Realignment Act  
Report by the Public Safety Realignment Team on the status of  
implementation of the California Public Safety Realignment Act (AB  
109), as requested at the Board meeting of December 11, 2012,  
and updated on May 31, 2016. RECEIVE AND FILE (13-0268)  
Supplemental Agenda  
Adopting the National Association of Counties’ Commission  
on Mental Health and Wellbeing Report  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Barger: Direct the  
Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative and  
Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to adopt the four policy pillars  
in the National Association of Counties’ Commission on Mental  
Health and Wellbeing’s (Commission) final report as part of the  
County’s Federal Legislative priorities; distribute the Commission’s  
final report to members of the Los Angeles County Congressional  
Delegation and relevant Federal Administration leaders, including  
the Department of Health and Human Services; and reinforce the  
County’s advocacy efforts at the State and Federal level to elevate  
the growing mental health needs of our residents. (24-2981)  
Data Capture and Clinical Documentation Improvement System  
and Related Services Agreement  
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Health Services to  
execute an agreement with Accenture, LLP, for the provision of the  
Data Capture and Clinical Documentation Improvement System  
and Related Services (DCCDIS) at the Department of Health  
Services (DHS), effective August 13, 2024 through August 12,  
2034, with five one-year extension options, with a maximum  
contract amount not to exceed $140,720,483, including the  
extension periods, which includes $22,138,947 in general Pool  
Dollars for the purchase of optional work and $21,118,272 for the  
purchase of optional work in the form of specific DCCDIS  
capabilities and services as described below, with the option to  
reallocate any unspent amounts to general Pool Dollars; and  
authorize the Director to take the following actions: (Department of  
Health Services) APPROVE (Note: The Chief Information Officer  
recommends approval of this item.)  
Execute amendments to the agreement to exercise the  
extension options, add, delete and/or change terms and  
conditions as mandated by Federal or State law or regulation,  
County policy, and the Board, reduce scope of services and  
the maximum contract amount, consent to any assignments  
of the agreement as provided in the agreement, and to  
provide for rate adjustments for the fixed hourly rates for  
professional services, starting with the sixth contract year, in  
accordance with the terms of the agreement;  
Approve and execute change notices to the agreement for  
modifications to the project schedule and changes that do not  
incur additional costs or expenses or that do not otherwise  
materially affect any term or condition of the agreement, and  
change orders or amendments using Pool Dollars included  
as part of the maximum contract amount to acquire optional  
work, including the specific DCCDIS capabilities as described  
below, provided the amounts payable under such change  
orders do not exceed the available amount of designated or  
general Pool Dollars, as applicable;  
Issue written notice(s) of partial or full termination to suspend  
and/or terminate the agreement in accordance with the  
termination provisions in the agreement without further action  
by the Board, if necessary, and modify or waive certain  
requirements of the County's standard subcontracting,  
sub-processing, and third-party license provisions to address  
changes to subcontractors, sub-processors, and third-party  
licensors, on condition that the contractor and its  
subcontractors’ and licensors' obligations and accountability  
to the County are not significantly diminished and the DHS, in  
consultation with County Counsel and outside counsel,  
determines the risk of such modifications are outweighed by  
the objectives to be achieved; and  
Amend equipment maintenance and information technology  
agreements to facilitate successful and timely deployment of  
the DCCDIS including, but not limited to, acquisition of  
interfaces and systems required to facilitate the  
implementation of DCCDIS and related services, migration or  
archiving of data and related professional services, extension  
of the term of agreements or purchase orders to allow for  
orderly transition to DCCDIS including, but not limited to, the  
extension of the agreement with 3M Health Information  
Systems, Inc. on a sole source basis without providing a  
further sole source notice, to prevent a disruption of the  
services and software currently provided to DHS, increase of  
maximum contract amounts to effectuate the required  
aforementioned changes at a total estimated cost not to  
exceed $2,750,000, and termination of such agreements, in  
whole or in part in, accordance with terms of each  
agreement. (24-2977)