Forward March: Moving Forward with Improved Coordination of
Services for Justice-Involved Veterans in Los Angeles County
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and Horvath:
Instruct the Director of Military and Veterans Affairs, in consultation
with the Sheriff, the Executive Director of the Countywide Criminal
Justice Coordinating Council, the Chief Information Officer, the
Directors of Justice, Care, and Opportunities, Health Services, Mental
Health and Public Health, and other relevant Department Heads, to
move forward on implementing the recommendations in the June 17,
2024 report entitled, “Report Back on Expanding and Improving
Coordination of Los Angeles County’s Service Delivery to
Justice-Involved Veterans,” in writing, semi-annually, on its progress to
implement a standardized training in military and veteran culture,
trauma informed care, and gender informed care for all service
providers, County Departments and entities, and law enforcement
agencies, create and maintain a comprehensive data collection
process on Justice Involved Veterans (JIVs) to tailor services
effectively, develop a coordinated referral system to link JIVs to
necessary services and programs, foster stronger partnerships
between veteran service providers and law enforcement through regular
meetings, proactive engagement, and joint programs, establish
memoranda of understandings between the Department of Military and
Veterans Affairs (MVA) and relevant Departments, including Veteran
Treatment Courts, to ensure coordinated support and streamlined
services for JIVs, and MVA to be the centralized connector for JIVs,
coordinating services across various touchpoints, including initial
contact with law enforcement, incarceration, and reentry; and take the
following actions:
Direct the Chief Executive Officer to support the anticipated
Public Safety Realignment Team’s Assembly Bill (AB) 109
recommendation to fund the implementation of the JIV Division
within MVA, including one-time funding to hire an evaluator to
collect and analyze data on program outcomes, monitor
performance metrics, and pinpoint gaps in service delivery;
Direct the Chief Executive Officer to strategically identify and