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(213) 974-1411 - FAX (213) 620-0636  
September 20, 2024  
Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath, Chair  
Supervisor Hilda L. Solis  
Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell  
Supervisor Janice Hahn  
Supervisor Kathryn Barger  
Fesia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer  
Dawyn Harrison, County Counsel  
Press Room  
Edward Yen  
Executive Officer  
September 20, 2024  
Additions and/or revisions to the agenda for the Board meeting of  
Tuesday, September 24, 2024.  
Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts  
Revised recommendations for appointment/reappointment or  
removal for the following Commissions/Committees/Special  
Districts (+ denotes reappointments): Documents on file in the  
Executive Office  
Supervisor Hilda L. Solis  
Samuel Prater, Los Angeles Probation Oversight  
Commission (24-0107)  
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Promoting Social Media Safety Among Children and Youth  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and  
Mitchell: Instruct the Directors of Public Health, Mental Health, and  
Youth Development, to collaborate with as well as the  
Superintendent of Schools of the Los Angeles County Office of  
Education, to report back to the Board in writing in 180 days with  
the following: …  
Consistent Countywide messaging and a public information  
campaign on social media safety and digital wellbeing; …  
Best practices on social media safety, including smartphone  
use in the TK-12 population to expand on existing curricula,  
identified via engagement of community stakeholders and  
subject matter experts.;  
Feasibility of implementing a cell-phone-free classroom policy  
for appropriate schools;  
A template for school districts Countywide to consider when  
implementing comprehensive cell phone policies to promote  
digital wellbeing in learning spaces during classroom hours;  
A plan to work closely with school administrators, teacher  
unions, and parent groups to ensure effective implementation  
and enforcement of any policies; and  
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs  
and Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to advocate in support of  
State and Federal legislation including, but not limited to, Assembly  
Bill 3216 (Hoover), legislation limiting the use of smartphones at  
school sites and legislation that limits the use of social media  
platforms that disrupt learning and contribute to declining student  
mental health. (24-4173)  
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Addressing Extreme Heat for Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Transit  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and  
Hahn: Instruct the Director of Public Works, in collaboration with the  
Director of Public Health, the Chief Sustainability Officer, and the  
Executive Director of Racial Equity, to analyze commonly used  
crosswalks, intersections, and bus stops in unincorporated Los  
Angeles County, and develop actionable recommendations to  
mitigate the impacts of extreme heat on the comfort and safety of  
pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users, including providing shade  
and reducing wait times; incorporate opportunities to restructure the  
County’s bus shelter funding, delivery, and maintenance model to  
better serve high-needs communities; and report back to the Board  
in writing in 180 days on the above. (24-4171)  
Incorporating NACTO Bikeway Design Guideline Updates  
within the County’s Bicycle Master Plan Update  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Solis and  
Horvath: Instruct the Director of Public Works, in collaboration with  
the Chief Sustainability Officer and the Executive Director of Racial  
Equity, to assess the potential impacts of integrating National  
Association of City Transportation Officials' working papers into the  
County's 2012 Bicycle Master Plan (Plan)… (24-4172)  
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Enabling County Libraries to Better Serve Their Unhoused  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and  
Hahn: Instruct the County Librarian, in consultation with the Director  
of Mental Health, the Executive Directors of Racial Equity and the  
Homeless Initiative, Chief Executive Office, to report back to the  
Board in writing within 90 days; … (24-4137)  
Oppose Proposition 36 on the November 2024 General  
Election Ballot  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Mitchell and  
Solis: Take an official position to oppose Proposition 36, which  
would roll back 2014’s Proposition 47 and add new penalties for  
drug use and a broad range of theft offenses, … (24-4143)  
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Deplatforming Unlicensed Cannabis Dispensaries  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath  
and Barger: Instruct County Counsel to report back to the Board in  
writing in 120 days on the feasibility of “deplatforming” illegal,  
unlicensed cannabis dispensaries;  (24-4153)  
Supervisor Hahn requests that the following item be referred  
back to her office:  
“Silver RV Park” - A Proposed Recreational Vehicle Park to be  
Located on Nine Plugged Oil Wells  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Instruct the  
Director of Regional Planning to consult with the Directors of Public  
Works and Public Health, and the Fire Chief, to conduct an  
assessment … (24-4163)  
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Proclaiming "Filipino American History Month” in Los Angeles  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Hahn and  
Solis: Proclaim October 2024 as “Filipino American History Month”  
throughout Los Angeles County, recognizing the rich history of  
Filipino Americans and their many contributions that have made our  
country and County stronger. (24-4160)  
Establishing Emergency Climate Shelters in Response to the  
Inclement Weather Crisis  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Barger and  
Horvath: Direct the Chief Executive Officer to report back to the  
Board in writing in 90 days to identify funding for the construction,  
rehabilitation, or acquisition and operation of at least one  
emergency shelter in each Service Planning Area (SPA) in Los  
Angeles County, … (24-4164)  
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Foster Family Agency Insurance Crisis Analysis  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Barger and  
Horvath: Instruct County Counsel, in consultation with the Chief  
Executive Officer and the Director of Children and Family Services,  
to report back to the Board in writing in 15 days on possible  
solutions to the Foster Family Agencies insurance crisis; …  
Proclaiming October as “Residents’ Rights Month”  
Revised recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Barger and  
Horvath: Proclaim October 2024 as “Residents’ Rights Month;” …  
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On-Call Water Quality Operation Maintenance, Monitoring, and  
Related Services  
Recommendation: Award and authorize the Director of Public  
Works to execute four consultant services agreements with the  
following firms: Black & Veatch Corporation, CWE (County  
Community Business Enterprise), NV5, Inc., and Tetra Tech, Inc.,  
… and authorize the Director to take the following actions:  
(Department of Public Works) APPROVE (NOTE: The Chief  
Information Officer recommends approval of this item.) …  
Supplement the initial not-to-exceed program amount of  
$10,000,000 $10,000 by up to 25% which is an additional  
aggregate amount of $10,000,000 of the original program  
amount, based on workload requirements; and … (24-4096)  
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Item 1-D is being moved:  
To: SEPARATE MATTER (on the Board of Supervisors' Agenda)  
Multifamily Housing Mortgage Revenue Notes for Multifamily  
Housing in the City of Los Angeles  
Recommendation: Adopt and instruct the Chair to sign a resolution,  
as required under Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of  
1986, approving the reissuance of Multifamily Housing Mortgage  
Revenue Notes and related actions in an aggregate amount not to  
exceed $36,193,000 to finance the acquisition, construction and  
rehabilitation of Corazon del Valle (CDV) I, a 90-unit multifamily  
rental housing development located at 1454 Lanark Street in the  
City of Los Angeles (3), owned and operated by CDV, LP; and find  
that adoption of the resolution is not subject to the California  
Environmental Quality Act. (Los Angeles County Development  
Authority) ADOPT (24-4101)  
(Paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section  
Significant exposure to litigation (one case two cases). (24-4175)  
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Proclaiming “Indigenous Peoples Day” 2024  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Solis: Proclaim  
Monday, October 14, 2024, as “Indigenous Peoples Day;”  
encourage all County residents to participate in Indigenous Peoples  
Day events and educational activities, including the Indigenous  
Peoples Day party events by The Music Center and The Chapter  
House, that honor the rich heritage and contributions of Indigenous  
peoples; waive $4,000 in parking fees for 400 vehicles, excluding  
the cost of liability insurance, at the Music Center Garage, for  
community members attending the first Indigenous Peoples Day  
Party, to be held on October 12, 2024; and instruct County  
Departments to continue to support Indigenous communities, work  
towards justice and equity, and advance initiatives that respect and  
celebrate the diverse cultures and histories of Indigenous peoples.  
Reestablish and Increase the Reward Offer in the Investigation  
of the Murder of Corey Pickett  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Reestablish  
and increase the reward previously offered from $20,000 to $25,000  
in exchange for information leading to the apprehension and  
conviction of the person or persons responsible for the heinous  
murder of 42-year-old Corey Pickett, who was fatally shot while  
visiting a friend on the south side of the 1000 block of West 94th  
Street in the unincorporated community of Westmont on July 12,  
2019, at approximately 11:35 p.m. (19-5698)  
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2024 “Pan African Beach Day” Parking Fee Waiver  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell:  
Retroactively waive $390 in parking fees for 30 vehicles on  
September 21, 2024, and $240 in parking fees for 30 vehicles on  
October 12, 2024, excluding the cost of liability insurance, at the  
Dockweiler State Beach for the “Pan African Beach Day.”  
Establishing a Regional Emergency Centralized Response  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Barger:  
Direct the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief  
Executive Office, to establish an Emergency Centralized Response  
Center (ECRC) to coordinate region wide unsheltered strategy  
operations (e.g., encampment resolutions, CARE operations, other  
engagements), with the primary goal of serving the needs of  
unsheltered people experiencing homelessness, leveraging and  
fully utilizing all resources, finding the most appropriate intervention  
for each person, and working toward a unified regional solution, and  
direct the immediate implementation of the ECRC and report back  
to the Board in writing in 30 days, and each 30 days thereafter, with  
a progress update on identifying office space, creating a staffing  
plan, an operation plan for the ECRC, and a list of recommended  
actions the Board can take to empower Department Heads to stand  
up the ECRC with urgency including, but not limited to, the  
Coordinate with the Directors of Health Services, Mental  
Health, Public Health, Military and Veterans Affairs, Public  
Works, and Personnel, the Sheriff, and the Chief Executive  
Officer of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, and  
other relevant Department Heads, to identify the number,  
type, and cost of staff that can be embedded at the ECRC,  
and prioritize positions that can be leveraged to advance the  
work to end homelessness in the County without significantly  
shifting their role;  
Develop a matrix of roles and responsibilities which will  
facilitate the operations of the ECRC and short- and  
long-term goals to expand the ECRC’s role in other system  
components (e.g., interim housing throughput, and  
connections to permanent housing), in coordination with the  
relevant Department Heads and the Chief Executive Officer  
of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority; and assess  
the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief  
Executive Office, funded outreach coordination resources to  
determine how those resources could be deployed to support  
the ECRC, including adjustments to the current outreach  
coordination structure that would more fully integrate the  
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Department of Mental Health’s HOME teams and the  
Department of Health Services’ Multi-Disciplinary Teams  
who, with increases over time, now make up the largest  
number of outreach workers;  
Engage the City of Los Angeles (City) to discuss the City’s  
participation in the ECRC and the City Departments that  
would be represented at the ECRC;  
Engage with other jurisdictions in the County whose  
participation in the ECRC will be critical for its success, in  
partnership with the Chief Executive Officer of the Los  
Angeles Homeless Services Authority, and leveraging the  
leadership of the Executive Committee on Regional  
Homeless Alignment, gather all operational information on  
encampment level operations in the County from government  
Coordinate with the Chief Executive Officer, through the  
Asset Management Office, to identify space for the ECRC  
that can accommodate internal and external staff during  
operational hours and have the capacity to support easy  
access to multiple, cross-jurisdictional databases;  
Coordinate with the Chief Information Officer, the Chief  
Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Homeless Services  
Authority, and relevant County Department Heads, to identify  
the data requirements for the ECRC and any potential  
barriers to the ECRC’s success, including barriers related to  
data access, availability, and integration; and  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive  
Officer of the Board to execute any agreements necessary to  
support the foregoing efforts. (24-4211)  
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Pacific Coast Highway Parking Restrictions  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Adopt a  
resolution adopting and rescinding traffic regulations regarding  
parking along Pacific Coast Highway; instruct the Director of Public  
Works, in coordination with the Director of Regional Planning, and  
County Counsel, to, while continuing to follow the Chief Executive  
Officer’s Homeless Initiative protocols, proceed with applying for an  
encroachment permit from Caltrans to allow the Department of  
Public Works to install, replace, modify, and/or remove permitted  
signage related to the updated parking restrictions, including  
tow-away and no camping signs, on Pacific Coast Highway;  
proceed with applying for Coastal Commission approval of the  
installation and removal of related signage on Pacific Coast  
Highway; install and maintain modified signage to reflect the Board  
motion and resolution; maintain the permitted signs in Caltrans’  
right of way; collaborate with Caltrans and the Coastal Commission  
to address long-term parking issues on both sides of Pacific Coast  
Highway; and instruct the Executive Director of the Homeless  
Initiative, Chief Executive Office, to provide homeless and safe  
parking service, also requesting the Los Angeles Homeless  
Services Authority to assist in these efforts. (24-4228)  
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Revisiting Critical Indigent Defense Needs in a Changing  
Justice Landscape  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Direct the  
Chief Executive Officer to report back the Board in writing during  
the Supplemental Budget Phase on October 8, 2024, with a plan to  
meet the needs of the Departments of the Public Defender and the  
Alternate Public Defender, specifically regarding increasing the  
number of budgeted Public Defender IV and Psychiatric Social  
Worker II positions. (24-4214)  
Reducing Field Intervention Team Dispatch Times to Enhance  
Los Angeles County’s Alternative Crisis Response System  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Instruct the  
Director of Mental Health to report back to the Board in writing in 60  
days with a description of the dispatch process for Field Intervention  
Teams (FIT), including a step-by-step breakdown of what happens  
between someone calling the Help Line or 9-8-8 to request a FIT,  
and the moment that a FIT begins driving to the client’s location; an  
analysis of parts of the FIT dispatch process that can be shortened  
or expedited; and a short-term and long-term plan to reduce the  
average FIT dispatch time to less than 20 minutes. (24-4208)  
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Proclaiming October 2024 as “Domestic Violence Awareness  
Month” and October 16, 2024, as “Domestic Violence  
Providers Appreciation Day”  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Proclaim  
October 2024 as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month” and  
October 16th, 2024, as “Domestic Violence Providers Appreciation  
Day” throughout Los Angeles County; instruct the Executive  
Director of the Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Council to  
establish an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee within the Domestic  
Violence Council to engage with Los Angeles County domestic  
violence survivors, and work in collaboration with the Office of  
Violence Prevention to provide recommendations on how the  
County may improve policies, protocols, training, and other efforts  
to improve response, access, services, and support for survivors of  
domestic/intimate partner violence, with the Ad Hoc Committee to:  
Be comprised of and led by domestic violence survivors, and  
will recruit domestic violence survivors and gender-based  
violence survivors to be a part of its membership; and  
Engage the community of survivors and the Office of  
Violence Prevention on issues of access, response, and  
supportive services for domestic violence survivors, and  
provide a report back to the Board in writing in 180 days with  
recommendations on how the County may improve its  
response, services, and support for survivors and their  
families; and  
Encourage all County employees and residents to reach out  
and support agencies throughout the Los Angeles County  
that provide services to survivors of domestic violence and  
their families, and to reach out and support their friends,  
neighbors, colleagues, and co-workers who are impacted by  
domestic violence. (24-4210)  
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Proclaiming September 25, 2024 as “National Day of  
Remembrance for Murder Victims”  
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Proclaim  
September 25, 2024 as the “National Day of Remembrance for  
Murder Victims” throughout Los Angeles County, recognizing the  
ongoing fight for justice and safety within our communities and  
promoting awareness and support to those who are suffering from  
loss. (24-4209)  
(Government Code Section 54957.6)  
Agency designated representatives: Fesia Davenport, Chief  
Executive Officer and designated staff.  
Employee Organization(s) for represented employees: All individual  
member unions of the Coalition of County Unions, AFL CIO; Local  
721, SEIU; All affiliated member unions of AFSCME Council 36;  
Association of Deputy District Attorneys; Los Angeles County  
Association of Environmental Health Specialists; and Los Angeles  
County Public Defenders. (24-4227)  
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