Establishing a Regional Emergency Centralized Response
Recommendation as submitted by Supervisors Horvath and Barger:
Direct the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief
Executive Office, to establish an Emergency Centralized Response
Center (ECRC) to coordinate region wide unsheltered strategy
operations (e.g., encampment resolutions, CARE operations, other
engagements), with the primary goal of serving the needs of
unsheltered people experiencing homelessness, leveraging and
fully utilizing all resources, finding the most appropriate intervention
for each person, and working toward a unified regional solution, and
direct the immediate implementation of the ECRC and report back
to the Board in writing in 30 days, and each 30 days thereafter, with
a progress update on identifying office space, creating a staffing
plan, an operation plan for the ECRC, and a list of recommended
actions the Board can take to empower Department Heads to stand
up the ECRC with urgency including, but not limited to, the
Coordinate with the Directors of Health Services, Mental
Health, Public Health, Military and Veterans Affairs, Public
Works, and Personnel, the Sheriff, and the Chief Executive
Officer of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, and
other relevant Department Heads, to identify the number,
type, and cost of staff that can be embedded at the ECRC,
and prioritize positions that can be leveraged to advance the
work to end homelessness in the County without significantly
shifting their role;
Develop a matrix of roles and responsibilities which will
facilitate the operations of the ECRC and short- and
long-term goals to expand the ECRC’s role in other system
components (e.g., interim housing throughput, and
connections to permanent housing), in coordination with the
relevant Department Heads and the Chief Executive Officer
of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority; and assess
the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative, Chief
Executive Office, funded outreach coordination resources to
determine how those resources could be deployed to support
the ECRC, including adjustments to the current outreach
coordination structure that would more fully integrate the